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Six Feet Under: Bomb Shelter

Nate: "I mean, who the hell am I? Job?"

This was a disturbing circle-cannot-hold sort of episode. As soon as one humongous problem was resolved, another one took its place. Crazed legal insanity was a theme, too.

Brenda wanted a baby, and she wanted it now, now, now. Nate, affected by Lisa's death as well as the accident in the Opening Death, couldn't get his head around having a baby when their lives could end at any moment. Barb and Hoyt actually threatening to take Maya away from Nate certainly didn't help.

Ruth gave George the ultimate present: an old bomb shelter in the basement to play with while he obsessed about the apocalypse. I loved that George let that proselytizer into the house just so he could argue with him. Proselytizing the proselytizer. It reminded me of my favorite uncle, who sometimes did stuff like that.

The thing with Keith having sex with Pasquese in order to get him to drop the lawsuit reminded me of that old movie Indecent Proposal. I totally get why Keith did it. He loved David. He was frustrated with him, though. How will it affect David to testify against Jake? Maybe it'll be healing. Maybe it'll make it worse.

Claire's new art explored what was hidden, masks and layers. But she wouldn't even face the fact that Russell did come up with the initial idea of putting pieces of photographs on Claire's face. Be honest with yourself, Claire. It doesn't lessen us to acknowledge others. It won't lessen her weird-ass achievement.


— An entire family, distracted and not thinking about what they were doing, literally made a fatal wrong turn.

— Any parent who would believe that a game called Mortal Kombat isn't violent would believe anything. During that brief opening scene while playing Mortal Kombat, one of the kids said, "You're dead."

— Barb said Lisa loved animals. And Brenda didn't have room for chickens.

— Nate's fantasy about what the Gorodetsky kid said at his family's funeral was really creepy. You're crazy to even think of having another baby. Only bad things will happen to you from now on. Whoah.

— I hate to give Olivier any credit, but what he said to Margaret in the hospital was probably the kindest thing he could have done. She needed to feel sexy and wanted, and he made her feel sexy and wanted. In a sort of obscene and thoughtless way.

And pieces:

— "Edward Gordon Gorodetsky, 1956-2004. Coco Grimes Gorodetsky, 1962-2004. Michael Timothy Gorodetsky, 1992-2004. Amanda Lynn Gorodetsky, 1995-2004."

— The young man who lost his entire family was played by Nicholas d'Agosto, who did an outstanding job with a difficult role.

— Margaret has calmed down a lot. For that matter, so has Brenda. They were no longer ripping at each other with verbal talons. And Billy actually said Brenda would be a great mother, which was kind and non-psychotic of him. I think he was right, because she's good with Maya, natural and comfortable.

— This was the second time David escaped a lawsuit that would have bankrupted him. Major luck.


George: "Hoping to add some spice to our sex life?"
Ruth: "It's becoming very popular. Woody Harrelson, Jill Eikenberry and Sting are all practioners. I mean, not with each other, but you know..."

Lawyer: "Mr. Pasquese has also suffered recurrent nightmares, and has been unable to enter a sushi establishment, greatly lessening his enjoyment of life."

George: "This is an enormously complex world we live in, and its problems are multiplying every day. We're not going to solve those problems by going door to door and asking people to get down on their knees and pray to the sky."

Olivier: "I look at you in your hospital bed, tired and worn out from surgery, and I selfishly wonder how long must I wait before I can fuck you?"
Margaret: "Wow. Finally. Somebody said something right."
Brenda: "It would have been weird if I had said it."
Billy: "Not in this family."

Woman: "Excuse me, but you can't do that."
Anita: "It's okay. Dick Cheney is my uncle."

Billy: "I always have such ridiculously high expectations of hospital soup, and I'm always so very disappointed."

Billy: "We are the most sexually inappropriate people in the world, aren't we?"

Pasquese: "You better go find your boyfriend before he bites my cat or something."

Gallery guy: "Beautiful, Claire. Complex, alluring, and they're fucking creepy. I love 'em."

Three stars,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.

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