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The Walking Dead: Bloodletting

“Little girl goes missing, you look for her. It's plain and simple.”

How much of our civilized selves can we hold onto? What can we give up? Or must we give up and still call ourselves human?

If last week kept me on the edge of my seat holding my breath, this week had me holding back tears on an emotional roller-coaster. The amazing acting of Andrew Lincoln and Sarah Wayne Callies had me in their shoes grieving and terrified for their son. And so it isn’t only flesh-eating zombies that can kill you in this post-apocalyptic world, it’s the stray bullet of a hunter, or blood poisoning, or one of the many things that we could easily treat today but might need a vet and a run on a zombie-infested FEMA station to treat tomorrow.

I think the flashback at the beginning of the episode made the dichotomy between our present everyday lives and what we might have to face very clear. We worry about the fight we had with our spouse this morning or the loveless marriage we are committed to -- hell, even our husband being shot -- and it really isn’t anything compared to the catastrophes that might await us. Maybe we should just enjoy and be happy for what we have. At the very least we should be kinder to those we love because we never know when we are going to lose them.

That’s what I love about this show, or one of the many things, it makes me look at my life and what it means to be human. I sat there thinking -- how far could I run with my injured grandson in my arms (not far enough)? What would I do if I had to choose between my own safety and finding a little girl? When would I cut bait? And if I decided to do the right thing, the civilized thing, would I be endangering my loved ones?

This show is also about relationships. I particularly liked the scenes with Shane and Rick. Shane wiping Carl’s blood off of Rick’s face broke my heart. It is obvious that they love and care for one another. We don’t get to see men being vulnerable (especially with each other) on TV, particularly when fighting zombies. But men stand up for each other, protect each other and care about their friends. That is what a stand-up guy does. And a stand-up guy goes to a zombie-infested high school to get medical supplies to save the life of the kid he shot accidentally. These are real action heroes. It is nice to see male characters who are more than two dimensional.

Bits and Pieces:

Loved the kick-ass Maggie on her horse running down the walker.

Daryl is growing on me more every week. T-dog goes on about his worries over racism but Daryl keeps saving his life.

Okay, if you find flares in a police car and they work to distract the walkers, isn’t it a good plan to take some with you just in case? An exit plan is always good strategy.

I like Hershel. I hope they don’t kill him off.

PS: As I said earlier. I am not a true zombie fan. I haven't read the comics so if it seems as if I don't know things it's because I don't. Please feel free to educate me.


Otis: “I never saw him until he was on the ground.”

Carol: “That’s the worst thing I ever said.”

T-dog: “Oh man, wouldn’t that be the way, world gone to hell, the dead risen up to eat the livin’ and Theodore Douglas gets done in by a cut on his arm.”

Hershel: “One down, five to go.”

Shane: “You wire yourself tight now, you hear.”

Shane: “This turned into one strange day.”
Otis: “Didn’t it, though.”

Dayrl [as he puts an arrow through a walker’s head]: “Shut up.”

Glenn: “All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like Zorro on a horse...”

Rick: “I can’t just sit here.”
Lori: “It’s exactly what you’ll do. If you have to pray or cry or tell God he’s cruel, you go right ahead. But you’re not leaving Rick.”

Lori: “You’re completely in over your head, aren’t you.”
Hershel: “Ma’am, aren’t we all?”


  1. Another outstanding episode. This show just yanks at my heartstrings. And it's mostly because I truly don't know what will happen. I don't have any feel at all for whether or not they'll actually kill off Rick's son, or whether or not they'll find the little girl.

    Wonderful review, Doc. I also thought the Rick/Shane moments were exceptional. And Daryl is becoming a favorite; I liked him last season, too. I wonder if what they're saying with his character is that people are so much more than stereotypes.

  2. I've often thought of Daryl as the Sawyer of The Walking Dead. He first appears as a no good stereotype but quickly reveals himself to be the show's most interesting character.

  3. Like an idiot, I caught the last ten minutes before I went to bed. I was very to vomit, it was terrifying.

    It takes a lot to scare me and zombies are pretty much the only things (although AMERICAN HORROR STORY has caught me off guard and gives me chills like THE SHINING continues to do every time I watch it) left that do it.

  4. Scott Wilson as Hershel was perfect casting. He's awesome. Lauren Cohen, who looks like she's trying to dethrone Emmanuelle Vaugier as queen of appearances in genre shows, is a good choice too. I think that her knowing how to ride a horse played a big part in hes casting. I remember her doing it in Chuck, too.

  5. Nice too see Lauren Cohan again. :) I wonder what gruesome death awaits her this time around. Echoing my recent comment about Julie McNiven, give her a starring role already.


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