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Once Upon a Time: Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home

“You don’t have a home, ‘till you just miss it.”

Well, that was a crowd pleaser.

I really, really liked most of it. It felt like it could have so easily wrapped up the entire series, save a few plot details here and there. I was originally going to review these episodes separately, but they formed such a singular story in the end so I changed my mind.

It’s odd that it was so disconnected from the Wicked heavy arc that drove the last nine episodes. Though with Zelena’s death in ‘Kansas’ it was pretty much a given that the finale would explore less Oz related material. It’s a decision that gave us more time to focus on the characters; not just Snow and Charming, but Emma and Hook as well. They had so many great moments together and making them the centre of both parts of the finale gave it energy and injected fun and excitement into what could have been a half assed clip show.

We already know all about how Snow and Charming met and fell in love, but Emma seeing it firsthand, and thinking she lost them again, helped her get over silly desire to run back to New York, despite all the people she has in Storybrooke. I know we’ve seen her embrace her part in the family, then disconnect from them... and then rejoin them all over again, but something about her turn here felt more solid.

She also fell right into life in the Enchanted Forest. We’ve seen her in that world before, but not in the same way she was here, playing princess and interacting with her parents in their pre-gag-inducing-lovey-doveyness stage.

Of course, it wasn’t just about Snow and Charming. Emma and Hook were just as important to this two-parter as the former two were. I loved all their scenes together, especially Emma seducing past Hook to get him away from his ship, and even more so Hook telling Emma he sold his ship to bring her back home.

Her decision to stick by her family puts her directly in Regina’s line of fire. I really, really hope that we don’t see Regina fall apart and go back to her old ways to get back at Emma for taking Robin from her. Her blaming Emma and Snow's mistakes on lack of foresight was silly (Emma didn’t bring Robin’s dead wife back on purpose, and Snow didn’t kill Daniel), and I can only hope that with everyone now on her side Regina can see sense this time around... Please let her see sense...

‘There’s No Place Like Home’ gave the show a clean break from this past season. I’m glad to be rid of anything Neverland related, and though I enjoyed Zelena infinitely more than I did Pan, I’m happy that the series is going to try something new again. I just hope that it’s a direction that is necessary.

The Disney stamp has never been more obvious than it was in those final few seconds, and I’ve read countless outcries from fans about Elsa’s arrival, with most shouting “cash grab!” or worse. I’m not sure what to feel about it yet. I think everyone should reserve judgment for fall time when we see what the creators will actually do with her. Horowitz and Kitsis have been very outspoken about why they chose to bring her onboard, and the exploration of a wrongly accused villain does fit right in alongside a lot of the character arcs going on right now.

The direction that season four will actually take is anyone’s guess. We could see old habits re-surface (Regina going after Emma, Rumple being sneaky) or we could see these characters doing something new and more interesting. For the sake of the show I really hope it’s the latter, because it served them so well these past few weeks. A trip down memory lane was all well and good here, but a more permanent one wouldn’t go over well. I have faith in this show now, though, in way that I didn’t this time last year, so I’m hopeful that we’ll be pleasantly surprised come September.

4.5 out of 5 ice power wielding Disney princesses


Let’s just appreciate how cool this looked:

“Prince Charles” and “Princess Leia.” That was a highlight of the finale, for sure.

I also really got a kick out of all the familiar faces popping up. I assume now that Intelligence is dunzo that Meaghan Ory can come back again?

I loved how simple and sweet Rumple and Belle’s wedding was. I hope that what Rumple did doesn’t rip them apart again. It so will, though.

It was nice to see Neal again. I like that Emma’s idea of home comes from him.

The time traveling was a hoot here, but I don’t want to see it revisited, at least not for a while. It can get stale and tedious, not to mention confusing.

Emma has her powers back! I’d like to see her get more creative with them next season.

He Said, She Said

Emma: “[Neal] died to save all of us. Don’t let that be in vain.”
This scene between Emma and Rumple was actually incredible, even though it blew up out of nowhere.

Hook: “Let’s just say we bury the hatchet.”
Rumple: “Yes, but why not in your skull.”

Originally posted at PandaTV.


  1. I really enjoyed the finale (with one glaring exception). It was a lot of fun to see Emma interact with past parent and past Hook (and Hook jealousy of himself was funny). Emma's coming to terms with Storybrooke as home DID feel more "final" this time. It seems like it will stick. I'm reserving judgment on Elsa. We'll see how they handle it. Could be fun :)

    I'm really unhappy about what they've done to Regina. Partly because I like Marian. I like her an Robin Hood together. But I like Regina and Robin. So they've put Robin in an impossible situation where he'll be hated for dropping Regina (and for how unhappy it will make Regina) but what's the alternative?--abandoning his wife and the mother of his child? They're either going to have to villan-ize Marian in order to make the audience ok with Robin abandoning her, or they'll have to kill Marian. I'm not a huge fan of either option. It's frustrating and I DON'T want to see Regina lose all the ground she's gained. Please don't tell us the exact same story you just finished telling us with Regina.


  2. Anonymous, there is another possibility. Regina and Emma already share a man - OK, not in romantic way, but still - and they came to terms with that, mutually acknowledging each other as somebody significant in Henry's life. It worked the first time, it can work again.

  3. They are moving fast with the Elsa thing..we'll see how it goes.
    Also the Marian thing..another triangle..oh no. I was just starting to warm to Regina/Robin. She looked so happy. Gah.
    Emma and Hook were great fun as expected. I do truly hope Red is back to stay.
    Belle and Rumple will split up due to his manipulative nature yet again.
    That said this was a good finale.


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