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Castle: Private Eye Caramba!

“Where I come from, it’s rude to point a gun at a man.”

Last week was all about the new private investigator competing with his compatriots at the 12th. This week, there were two cases, worked in parallel. One was a murder; the other was a missing purse. Guess which one Castle worked on.

The case was fun enough, but felt a touch similar to last week’s episode. Castle really wanted to be with the 12th; Beckett was trying to support Castle as she did her job; Ryan was playing “Baby Castle,” Esposito was in a bad mood; Perlmutter was snarky.

While the callbacks to “The Blue Butterfly” are obvious, there were too many others. They just didn’t work. Castle taking the gun is right out of the pilot. The purse in question being a knockoff is also from the first season. The boys asking for Knicks tickets was not only old, it was insulting. Castle has been extraordinary generous with Ryan and Esposito through the years. Their demanding Knicks tickets for saving him was a step too far. If it was meant to be funny, it really wasn’t.

The scene where Beckett tells Castle that she needs to know where he is every minute of every day upset me the first time through the episode, but the second time I think I understand what the writers were going for. Although it has only been mentioned in passing recently, Castle was gone for two months. We can only imagine the hell that Beckett went through. It’s probably understandable that she needs to keep him close for a while.

I did like the scene between Martha and Beckett. Their growing relationship is lovely to see. Both want to support Castle, but what both of them really want is for him to be happy. Very sweet character beat.

I like this PI arc and I like the fact that Castle is showing the world that he’s a good investigator all on his own. But, let’s move off the old tropes and give him a real case. Two out of four autographs “for my tia.”


— The pencils in the ceiling were a direct homage to Fox Mulder. Thanks, Rob Bowman.

— The film noir asides were great in “The Blue Butterfly,” slightly amusing last week, boring this week. This is not a film noir, however much Castle may want it to be. The role play in the office was fun, but we’re done now.

— Esposito as a telenovela fan was too much fun. But, what was with him calling Castle “Richard?”


Beckett: “I think that if this is what you really want to do, then I’m behind you all the way.”
Castle: “Thanks. And, once I do become established, much like my Nikki Heat novels were inspired by you, my new series of P.I. novels will be inspired by me. I’ll be my own muse.”
Beckett: “You should have stopped at thanks.”

Castle: “Canvasing? Oh, that thing you get Espo and Ryan to do.”

Beckett: “I’ll give it to you straight. I’m just a girl, looking for a private dick.”
Castle: “Whoa, then your search is over, sweetheart.”

Beckett: “Castle, do you realize how lucky you are?”
Castle: “Extremely lucky. After all, I married you.”

ChrisB is a freelance writer who spends more time than she ought in front of a television screen or with a book in her hand.

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