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Dexter: See-Through

Vince: "Diatoms. Eukaryotic algae."
Dexter: (to himself) "Okay, this is the first time I regret not being a bigger nerd."

What did "See-Through" mean? Maybe it was that no one seemed to be seeing what was really going on inside everyone else. The detectives and five of the victims. Deb and Lundy. Deb and Gabriel. Maria and Pascal's fiance. Even Harry and young Dexter.

Or maybe it was that Lila was starting to see through Dexter. Lila is the complete opposite of Rita. She uses her "art" as an excuse for petty theft. She creates disturbing sculpture that oddly resembles Dexter's "body of work." She was excited by Dexter's victims, not horrified or appalled. I don't like her. But Dexter does. He can reveal parts of himself to Lila... although certainly not everything. And Lila was hot for him. (The heat wave was this week's Most Obvious Symbolism.) Will Dexter cheat on Rita? I'd be oddly disappointed with him if he did.

I had a feeling the Bay Harbor Butcher would become a folk hero. Even the difficult Gail, Dexter's possible future mother-in-law, approved. In fact, I can imagine a lot of people would approve of a vigilante like the Butcher. Like Dexter. I was just doing what Dexter did; he called the Butcher "him." He probably doesn't even consciously realize that he thinks of the Butcher as someone else, his "dark passenger."

Everyone finally saw through Pascal, who literally took her dirty laundry to work and lost it in front of everyone. But the Captain didn't see through Maria, whose rather twisted sexual strategy just paid off in a big way. I had no idea Maria was that devious. And Doakes saw through a man, Curtis Barnes, who was just like him. The fact that Doakes wouldn't let a fellow ranger get away with murder said a lot about him. The fact that Doakes left his own wife so he wouldn't hurt her also said a lot. Doakes is an impressive guy. He's screwed up, but his heart is in the right place.

And then there's Deb. She had wild and crazy sex with Gabriel, the guy from the gym, but we could tell that Lundy was the one that she wanted. Does he return her interest? Hard to tell. He was certainly disconcerted by Deb confiding that she had gotten laid, big time. Deb is certainly see-through, no mysteries there. Although I bet Gabriel was pretty confused.

Bits and pieces:

-- Good casting of Jo-Beth Williams as Gail. Good actress, and she looks like Julie Benz.

-- Dexter was actually upset that Cody was afraid of the Bay Harbor Butcher. Interesting that by the end of the episode, Cody was thinking of the Butcher as a hero.

-- Maybe the title "See-Through" was also about the morgue tent. The detectives researched five of the eighteen who didn't appear to be criminals. Why wasn't Dr. Meridian one of them? His crimes were really obscure; it would have been hard to figure that one out. Maybe that's why they didn't address it: it was a problem for the writers.

-- There was a new young actor playing Dexter as a child, faking his responses on a psychological test. Harry inadvertently called young Dexter a monster, and I went, Aha! That explains why Dexter calls himself a monster.

-- Curtis Barnes, who committed suicide by cop, had a boat called the S.S. Fubar. :)

-- Round one, Lundy. Dexter may have destroyed the bodies, but the microscopic algae in the trash bags might lead the detectives to where Dexter keeps his boat.


Dexter: "At our most paranoid moments, we fear that everyone is talking about us. That's become my reality. I can't hear what they're saying, but I know it's not nice."

Dexter: "I refuse to believe that Vince Masuka is the man who singlehandedly brings me down."

Dexter: "I'm a bad person."
Lila: (laughs) "You haven't got the first idea who you are."
She was absolutely right.

Lila: "You're going to tell me all your deepest, darkest secrets."
But then he'd have to kill her.

Dexter: "I got to get back. Dead body."
Lila: "How many times have you used that one before?"

Deb: "You don't kill this many people because it's a chore. You do it because you like it." She's good.

Dexter: "There it is, like a gigantic white whale. My Moby Dick."

Newscaster: "I say put this Bay Harbor Butcher on the city payroll. Give him a corner office, a company car, and all the ammunition he needs."

Three out of four stars,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.

1 comment:

  1. This show does twists like nothing else. I did NOT see Maria as the woman Bertrand was sleeping with. In fact, when the camera panned to her in bed, I thought she was sleeping with James. Was I ever surprised!

    Unfortunately, Matthews is right. Esme did set women in the department back twenty years. It was rather interesting to watch; a lot of women that confident and that assured do not fall apart when their man cheats. They just leave. Guess Maria has what she wanted. Again I say, be careful what you wish for...


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