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The Dead Zone: The Siege

Conrad: "This is the day I go to Jamaica, or the day I go to hell. And I'm fine with either one of them."

This was a Johnny/Sarah episode with the basic Dead Zone plot blueprint; i.e., Johnny touches someone, sees a disaster coming, and everything he does to try and change the future makes it worse... until he finally gets it right. It's a "moving, shifting jigsaw puzzle," like a psychic "John Q," since Conrad was essentially a nice guy whose life had turned to crap. Not that that excused him for going postal.

I really enjoyed Johnny and Sarah kibbitzing throughout, like the couple they really should have been. Sarah's feelings also seemed to be changing; being in a life and death situation brought her closer to Johnny and gave Sarah second thoughts about her choices.

Dana was back, conveniently in time to babysit John junior and to angst over Johnny being in danger. She was clearly hurt when he finally emerged and said to her, "No questions," as if she were just another reporter. Johnny doesn't have a clue that Dana cares for him.

Bits and pieces:

— This episode was filmed eighth, and aired ninth.

— Nearly everyone in the cast died here... in Johnny's visions. The most eerie was Walt zipping dead Johnny into a body bag.

— Walt was in charge of the hostage situation, but he was too emotionally involved. He really should have put someone else in charge. But how could he?

— The young actor playing Johnny's son has been replaced with a new actor who looks a little older: Spencer Achtymichuk as "Little Johnny Bannerman."

— Johnny's fifth grade teacher was Mrs. Stratton, one of the hostages.


Dana: "What did you see?"
Johnny: "An undesirable outcome."

Johnny: "Yeah, that's me. John 'don't do anything foolish' Smith."

Sarah: "Honey, who is this stupid son of a bitch?"

Two out of four stars,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.

1 comment:

  1. The DVDs appear to be showing the episodes in the order in which they were filmed. This one is number eight.

    Didn't love this one as the reactions from everyone appeared off to me. Only one hostage showed any emotion at all and the others all seemed to view it as a small adventure.

    I'm thinking a love square is coming. For the first time Walt was polite to Dana. There seems to be an odd vibe there...

    Johnny and Sarah seem to be drawing closer and closer. They are spending a great deal of time together and they both obviously care about each other. I hope the producers don't go down the route of an affair. This would really lessen both of them in my eyes.


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