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Suggestion box

Got a suggestion for us? Is there a show you think we should review, or possibly just one you think we should be watching? Do you have a general question for any of us? Do you want to give us some feedback?

This is the place. Post your comment, and we'll read it. We can't promise to take on every show that's suggested, but we'll definitely consider it.


  1. Have to rave about Being Human for a second. Simply one of the best shows around at the moment.

    Also Justified has quickly turned into one of my favourites. It’s really refreshing to have a crime show on TV that isn’t 90% forensic mumbo jumbo.

    Plus it’s great to have Timothy Olyphant back in a cowboy hat (yeah, still missing Deadwood).

    Keep up the great work everyone.

  2. I'll have to give "Being Human" a try. And oooh. Love Timothy Olyphant. We're watching Justified, too and liking it, even though he's basically playing the same character he played in Deadwood. Strike "even though" -- make that "because."

  3. I second that!

    Plus, although it's set in modern days, Justified has a lot of the atmosphere of Deadwood. I miss it so much too.

    Human Target has become a surprisingly good series too. Moreover, there's Amy Acker, which promptly makes me like a series.

  4. Putting in a vote for Leverage.

    OK, it's not going to win any Emmys but it's good, solid entertainment.
    Especially love the numerous genre-geek references and in-jokes scattered throughout.

  5. Seconding the vote for Being Human. Think I mentioned it a while back but to reiterate, it really is the best thing on British TV at the moment

  6. I would love to see reviews of Dr. Who. I am new to this series and am enjoying it so far.

  7. Hi, Patti:

    We've done reviews of all of the new Who. http://www.billiedoux.com/doctorwho.html So I assume you mean the older Doctor Who? It's unlikely that we'll ever get to those, but our friends at Androzani have.


  8. Thanks Billie - yes I mean the current ones "the Eleventh Hour" that played the other night. Thanks. I've bookmarked the review page.

  9. I'd love to see you review Diaries. I watched the first two episodes when it started, and have the rest sitting on my Tivo just waiting for my spare time to appear.

    If you're looking for something not on your current "under consideration" list, how about Eureka?

  10. I strongly recommend everyone watch Hamlet (Wed, 8 on PBS) with David Tennant and Sir Patrick Stewart. It’s simply a brilliant production with two amazing performances by the former Doctor and Captain Picard.

  11. Hi Billie, I hope I'm not too late with my suggestion - I'd like to recommend the BBC mini series Jekyll. It's a sort of a modern sequel/reimagining of the classic Jekyll & Hyde story (which I haven't read). It's by Steven Moffat of Doctor Who fame and it might just be the best thing I've ever seen on TV. Great story, excellent performances, plus it's only six episodes, so even if you don't like it, it will be over quickly :-)

    Oh, and I'd also like to cast another vote for Being Human. I've enjoyed both seasons so far. It's not perfect but it's pretty good. (It could do with a bigger budget, though. When you have a show about a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost, you'd think you'd see a special effect at least occasionally.)

  12. Billie, any chance you can put all your Lost reviews into a book? I followed you "religiously" for the first 2 seasons, then dropped out until the finale. I have a lot of catching up to do!

    Dave B

  13. Hey, Dave:

    I only wish! No one has volunteered to publish my reviews yet -- go figure. They're all available and pretty easy to read on my main site, though. Or I hope they are. http://www.billiedoux.com/lost.html

  14. Not really a comment, but just wanted to share the news that it looks like we will be getting another season of Torchwood!


  15. I know it ended a few years ago but I would love to see reviews of The Wire. It's an amazing show that should at least be watched

  16. Have you considered The Dresden Files? Since it's just the one season, there's no big commitment and it could fill in if you have a gap in your viewing schedule...

  17. What about the vampire show 'Forever Knight' that ran in the nineties with Geraint Wyn Davies and Nigel Bennett?

  18. Not sure if you're still reading these, but I'll drop my two cents anyhow.

    I'll have to agree with Valerie to check out the Wire if you haven't already though an episodic review system wouldn't be optimal. The show has been regarded as a novel each season and a write up of the entire 12 episodes each year would be best, albeit quite a hassle. So I would recommend just viewing it, not reviewing it.

    AMC has two of my favorites in Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Neither of which are genre shows, so if you don't want to write on them but have some free time, check em out.

    As for a show to review (if you don't have enough already) I would recommend Farscape. My reasoning is completely selfish since I have just found myself racing through the first season. I'm sure, however that many people on this site have seen/enjoyed the show and wouldn't mind the addition.

    And lastly, HBO is coming out with A Game of Thrones next spring I believe. It's by far my favorite book series and one that's closely involving the author, George R.R. Martin.Looking forward to that more than anything.

  19. Ha! Just moments after writing this I noticed a link to future Farscape review. Guess I missed it. =)

  20. Hi, Jay:

    We're definitely still reading this thread, and we see every comment that's posted, even if it's on something older. Yes, Jess Lynde will start posting Farscape reviews in a couple of weeks and I think it'll be a great addition to the site. Josie Kafka is a big fan of the books and is planning to review Game of Thrones, too. I love Breaking Bad and Mad Men, but at this point we don't plan to review them. Wish we had the time.

    And coincidentally, I am currently watching The Wire for the first time. Just finished season four. It's exceptional television, no doubt about it. It's possible that there will be reviews at some point, and you're right that they should probably be seasonal, not episodic.

    Thanks, Jay. You obviously have your finger on the pulse of our site. :)

  21. I don’t know if it’s available anywhere in the US right now but I strongly recommend everyone try and track down the brilliant French crime series Engrenages, also known as Spiral. So far three seasons have been aired in France and the UK with, blimey, a fourth, fifth and sixth season already on the way.

    Much like The Wire does with Baltimore Spiral takes an unflinching and often unfavourable look at inner workings of the French justice system from the cops and criminals to the judges via the prosecutors and lawyers. It’s a simply fantastic series with a great, if deliberately photogenic cast (after all, this is the French we’re talking about here).

  22. I've been searching everywhere for reviews of The Tudors and ROME. I'd love to see if you were able to review those shows.
    There is also a show called Underbelly, here in Australia, which is pretty amazing and has cult status, seeing as it was banned in Victoria, due to the Carl Williams trial. It deals with the gangland wars.

  23. Hi, Billie

    I've been watching Covet Affairs, and it has some serious Alias and Nikita vibes. I think you might like it. Besides, watching a show without coming here right after for a review isn't as satisfying.

  24. Hi, Gustavo:

    We've been watching Covert Affairs but so far, it hasn't inspired me to write anything. I mostly keep looking at Piper Whatsherface and seeing Jennifer Garner.

  25. I would love to see someone review the movie Wolf Creek. It's too terrifying for me to watch, because I'm chicken, but I think it would be a great movie to review.

  26. Hi Morgan,

    I just put Wolf Creek on my to-watch list. When I finally get round to seeing it, I'll make sure to write a review and pester Billie until she lets me post it (any excuse to review a scary movie, teehee).

  27. I looked around a bit because I'd never heard of it. Apparently, Wolf Creek is a classy, well-done, well-received scary movie, and like Morgan, I am too chicken to watch it. Go for it, Dimitri.

  28. Just to add my 2 cents:

    "Wolf Creek" is a great and intense scary movie. The concept isn't anything too unique, but it's definetely well-done.

    And just a question, is anybody planning on reviewing the latest Harry Potter film. I just got back from the midnight showing and although the past Potter films left me disenchanted this one blew me away. It has the most inspired moviemaking since the third one, and I think the decision to split the novel into two was ultimately a good one (even if it was motivated by monetary purposes), as we actually get time to spend on character development rather than just leaping from one even to the next like some of the films of the past.

    Well, I will end my delirious, sleep-deprived HP rant here. But as always, love what's been happening with the site lately. Keep up the good work everybody!

  29. At the moment, I'm (rather slooowly, I must confess!) just starting to watch through some Xena: Warrior Princess for my own blog, and I was wondering if you had any plans to do some retrospective reviews here? I'm at www.popclassicsjg.blogspot.com and I do reviews, but my blog is based around looking at how various shows/films/books use ancient Greece and Rome so I can't go into all the detail I'd like on all aspects of the show (though some shows, like Rome and Spartacus: Blood and Sand get full, massive re-caps!). I'd love to read some other opinions on Xena! The same goes for Stargate SG-1, though I've been a fan of that show for years.

  30. Hello, Juliette:

    It's hard to tell where our muses will take us, but at this point we don't have plans to review Xena or SG-1. Although I watched and loved both of them.

    Your blog is awesome. I just bookmarked it.

  31. Thank you! I'm so glad people like it. Sometimes I get way too tempted to branch out and talk about everything I love, but I think if I did that I'd never get any work done, ever... :)

  32. Hey Billie,

    You should check out Terriers. Its one of the best shows on TV. The acting is superb and the writing is sharp and terrific.I think you would enjoy it....

  33. I know you don't usually review books but I finally got around to finishing The Hunger Games trilogy and it blew my mind. It's a really fantastic series and I'm already depressed that there isn't anything more for me to read. Also I've heard that they may be making a movie out of it so that might be something interesting in the future too.

  34. Hi Billie Doux staff!

    First of all, I owe you, Billie, personal thanks. Your reviews were what first got me interested in Buffy, which is now my favorite show of all time. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that you converted someone to the Cult of Joss Whedon, where I now happily worship!

    I love your site and have been writing episode reviews of my own for some time. I enjoy the kinds of shows that you cover (sci-fi/fantasy/cult) and I check the site at least once a day.

    This season, you haven't been covering The Event, which is not really that great a series, but kind of fun nonetheless.

    I've written a sample review of last night's Event episode in a style that I think would fit your site well, which I've posted here: http://oharasamplereview.blog.com/

    I would be more than thrilled to cover The Event for your site. Actually, I'd be happy to cover any other genre shows you'd like as well (Twin Peaks, The Prisoner). Writing reviews is just fun and I would very much enjoy it.

    Anyway, thank you! You guys are great!

  35. Hi O'Hara,

    I'd like to contact you privately. Would you email me at josie.kafka at gmail dot com?

  36. How about Misfits? Its a very British tongue in cheek version of the super hero/super powers genre. It has very sharp writing and acting, think Being Human for the asbo generation, and in Robert Sheehan it has a superstar in the making.

    Lovin the Dexter reviews.... Fingers crossed for Lumen eh?

    Peace and Love...Dave Eco.

  37. How about Babylon 5? I know it's an older show and some of the specific effects were not really well done. But it's a superb story with great characters and plots.

  38. Hi, Yong Yong: I was deeply, *deeply* obsessed with Babylon 5 while it was running, and wrote brief reviews for my friends. They were my first reviews, and probably not very good. Those reviews are lost now, or there would be brief B5 reviews here on the site. I don't have plans to do it again, mostly because I already did it and it feels like too much. But maybe someday. Who knows?

  39. Thanks Billie. Great to know that you think highly of the show as well. Really enjoy all the reviews posted on this site. Keep up the good work!!!

  40. Hey Billy, love your blog. Love that you love all my favorite things. As per the usual, except for Supernatural, I may have been the only person on that bandwagon from episode 1, I am now watching the X-Files for the first time ever (fyi: I only watched, and became obsessed with, Buffy about a year ago). I was excited to see that there was a reviewer on it--but it seems that Jess abandoned that quest long ago. Any chance you could get someone else on it? I just love reading about things I just saw, and reviews help put things in perspective. Especially shows with a mythology like the X-Files.


  41. Hi, Anonymous, and thanks for your comment. Actually, The X-Files is a fairly new endeavor and it's something of a rainy day endeavor as well since it's not current and it's freaking huge. I think we'll eventually finish it. It's just not going to be soon.

  42. I haven't abandoned The X-Files, Anonymous. Reviews for that show are a summer project for me. I'm planning to start on Season 2 this summer (2011), but as Billie said, it's going to be slow going to finish the whole series! I doubt I'll even get through all of Season 2 this summer. But hopefully, I'll get better than half way. I'm sorry to keep you waiting!

  43. Sorry to revive an old thread, but I was curious if you were considering reviewing Sanctuary. I remember watching the first episode back when it first aired and remembered not being too impressed. I just recently realized that the show is still around and considered giving it a second go.

  44. I was considering it, Felipe, but ended up getting drawn into Eureka instead. I haven't completely abandoned the idea, but to be honest I'm not sure I enjoy Sanctuary as much as I need to to do reviews. I do really love some of the characters (Helen, Druitt, Henry, and Tesla are big favorites), and when I watch it, I usually enjoy the episodes (usually), but it doesn't compel me to watch. It took me months to finally watch the last five episodes of Season 3.0! So, unless someone else wants to take it on, reviews for Sanctuary could be a long time coming. Sorry!

  45. No problem. It just isn't the same watching a show without the prospect of reading a review of it here afterward. Suppose I was just looking for another reason to watch other then Amanda Tapping. Knowing that you do enjoy it is a plus. (side note: Does Tapping's accent get any better, I remember it being rather distracting)

    Eureka is also on my to do list so I'm glad you're reviewing it.

  46. Hi!

    First of all- love your page! I visit regularly to read reviews of many of my favorite shows :)

    A few weeks ago i saw the movie "I am number four", and i thought that was the sort of movie that would be reviewd here..? It's science fiction, it's been described as a mix of Twilight and Transformers and I believe it's the first in a series of four movies (?).
    I know I would love to read your thoughts about the movies(s).. :)

    I also wish you would have continued writing about Hawaii Five-O, because I really love that show..! But I understand that a cop show isn't your thing..

  47. Hi, Johanne:

    Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't seen I am Number Four yet but it's on my list. I'm also a fan of Hawaii Five-O; it's getting better all the time and the Iron Chef tie-ins make me laugh. But you're right that we probably won't be covering it any time soon. Too many shows! Too little time.

  48. Hi, my name's Alex, I'm a big fan of your blog, especially the Doctor Who reviews. I'm on blogspot as well, but I'm still new to blogging, and I wanted to set up my blog similar to yours. How did you set up the home page and all the tabs with links to other pages? I've been trying to figure it out, but I just can't seem to make it work. Do you have any tips?

  49. Hi, Pottergirl:

    Thank you so much for the good words!

    This is just a standard three column blog. The show index pages are all just regular blog posts, but I put links to each one in a simple html box on the left in order to organize the reviews. We dated the show index pages with a very early date so that they'd file before any of the other posts.

    I really can't give you that many tips on how we put the site together because I'd be writing for hours -- it took a lot of time, and I don't even remember where we found everything. Just experiment a lot, try out the different features, and when you need something specific, look around the net. There are a lot of sites with blogger advice.

  50. Billie,
    I totally understand not being to explain everything, haha. Actually, what you described is just what I need to get myself started on my blog. Thanks so much! :)

  51. Best of luck with your blog, Alex! It does take some effort to get it the way you want it, but worth it.

  52. Look who's joining Dexter! I can't believe it! It's Adams!


  53. Have you heard about the show on BBC called Merlin? It basically has Merlin as Arthur's servant having to hide his magical abilities. This show has some great humor (Clotpole? anyone) and everything about it is awesome!
    It definitely includes some of the myth/legend but it twists them like having Gwen as a servant to Morgana. I am sooooo in love with the show right now which is all due to Colin Morgan (Merlin).
    I love your blog so much!

  54. A retro review of Carnivale would be awesome...

  55. How about Falling Skies? I'm not an alien junkie but this show is really great!!

  56. Hi Billie,

    I just finished the book Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde and thought you might like it! Perhaps you've already read it, but if not it's definitely a sci-fi/dystopian wonderland! The book is about a dystopian society many years in the future where color has become a commodity. Almost everyone can only see one color (red, purple, green, etc.) and many people can't see any. Society is arranged in a hierarchy based on color perception. There's also a lot of authoritarian 1984 vibe, but with much more witty humor and much fewer spoons (you'll get it if you read the book). Fforde's other novels also might interest you, especially the Thursday Next series. Just thought I'd drop by my favorite site and hopefully make your literary day!

  57. Thanks so much for the suggestion, Emma. I haven't read Fforde but he's definitely on my "try someday" list."

  58. Huge fan of all the reviews on this site - just wanted to suggest you guys watch and/or review Lost Girl. its a canadian series that reminds me at times of Buffy which is why i thought it would be in the wheel house of you guys - would love to hear your thoughts on it!

  59. Will you be doing Grimm?


  60. Hi, Trey: We'll definitely be reviewing the pilot of Grimm. If it's wonderful, one of us might take it on. We'll have to see how it goes.

  61. I recommend the new UK series The Fades airing on BBC3. It's about ghosts a.k.a "Fades", but it's not your typical ghost story, it's from some of the creative team of the original Being Human.

    I really didn't think much of the first 2 episodes, but the third really upped the ante and the 4th, which aired in the UK last night, blew me away! So stick with it even if you don't like the pilot

  62. Hi Stephen,

    No matter where you put it, Billie and I read it.

    I haven't heard of Fades--it sounds good!

  63. Watched Jeykll recently (the 6 episode series). It was pretty darn amazing. Loved it, and would love to read about it here. I know it was suggested before, I just want to second the suggestion. Great, great show.

  64. Hey Billie! Love your reviews, especially about Buffy, which, ever since I was ten, has remained my favorite show ever. (I'm 20 by the way, so a decade strong and I'm still obsessed!)

    But my tastes are very similar to yours, so I was thinking you should give Breaking Bad a shot. It's quickly becoming one of the greatest shows of all time. Heck, people even rank it higher than The Wire, if you can believe it. It is brilliant. You should check it out.

  65. Hey, Marshall: As luck and timing would have it, about an hour ago I posted a comment that I'm going to review Breaking Bad. I've been a fan for awhile, but I just had too many other shows that I was committed to reviewing. I was waiting until I was sure that I wouldn't be taking on something this fall to announce it.

    Retro reviews of Breaking Bad will start going up in December, and I'll be covering the final season as it airs.

  66. You've got to start reviewing Michael Fassbender. He's amazing as Magneto in x-men first class. He pretty much elevates all the movies he has been in.

  67. I would really recommend Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror, a 3 episode TV series that aired a few weeks ago in the UK and I've only just caught up on. Each episode is like it's own self-contained short film, with a different cast, plot and "universe" it is set in.

    They're linked by the theme that each is set in the near future, but comments on the way we live our lives today, and the way our world is headed.

    I enjoyed the first episode, based on Twitter and social networks and how news is spread through them, but ultimately found it a bit silly, but the second "15 Million Credits", absolutely blew me away!!! It's the most futuristic of the three, but you can completely imagine it being the way the world will turn out. I don't want to say too much and give anything away, but I rate this episode as one of, if not THE, best pieces of television ever made.

    The third episode "The Entire History Of You" has a really interesting concept, but I found it felt a bit rushed, we needed more time to find out about the world the characters are living in, and the concept could have been covered more thoroughly in a longer film or mini-series.

    So WATCH IT :)

    P.S the creator of this series, Charlie Brooker, also created Dead Set, a zombie mini-series set in the Big Brother house. It sounds absolutely daft, but it makes a great zombie apocalypse story in it's own right, as well as being a parable for the reality tv age.

  68. Just a heads up, The Fades airs in the Us on BBC America tonight :)

  69. Thanks, Stephen. I have it set up on the DVR. Never heard of Black Mirror, by the way, but I'll keep it in mind.

  70. Ooooh.... a Suggestion Box, eh? Alright. I'll bite. There's more then a few shows I'd love to see reviewed here. But I'll just mention a few.

    - Big Bang Theory
    - Burn Notice
    - Psych

    .... actually, that's all of em, heh.

  71. Wait, no. I do gots one more. Deadwood!!!

  72. Funny you mention that, Greg. I'm watching it right now.


    Also... thought of another one.... Arrested Development. :)

  74. The best book i have read in couple years is, "Dr. Norrell & Jonathan Strange." An amazing read, clever witty, challenging and its written from the perspective of someone living in the 1800s. Look this book up i guarentee you will be glad you did.

  75. Ps, "Fringe" has to be the best series ever, over every category. Amazing stories, plots. hidden clues alternate universe it has everything. I only seen my first episode during season 2. It was literally that good i bought the box sets now im hooked . If you giv fringe a chance you will love it. 10/10

  76. This is something of a longshot but I would highly recommend Avatar: The Last Airbender. I watched it when I was younger and I just went back and re-watched the series and was so impressed.

    While it entertained me as a kid, as an adult I can now see the complexities within it and see that it is a very intricate and emotional tv show for a children's cartoon. Also, with the sequel, Legend of Korra, currently airing on Nickelodeon, it's perfect timing to get (back) into it.

  77. Curious to know if anyone out there has been watching Touch. I started watching because I like KS, but almost stopped watching because the shows were starting to be all the same...and although the stories were touching, and the connections kind of cool, it started to get old. But then they threw in a twist and a mystery - and it became an interesting serialized show. The season finale brought back characters from earlier episodes and reconnected them - which was great continuity. Anyway - just wondering if anyone else was watching and what you think.

  78. Wasn't sure of the place to write this so hoping this is the right spot, but I've just seen that the Firefly team will be at Comic-Con 2012 - is this true? If so please please please can one of you other-side-of-thepond-dwelling peeps go, drool, be totally geeky and come back with a full and fulsome report for us please? Thanks awfully, I love being a Brit but sometimes it totally sucks too...

  79. Hi, CatherineJ: I live about two hours away and you'd think I'd go to Comic-Con every year, but no. It sort of scares me. I *think* that there are only three of us on the writing staff who live close enough to easily attend, and I don't think any of us are planning to go. Although if we'd known there was going to be a Firefly reunion...

  80. Hi Catherine,

    I'm another one who lives close, thinks about going every year, and never does. I've never been to any convention; they all scare me. And it's so very expensive.

  81. There are usually videos of the panels on Youtube, and I'm sure there will be some for this. Maybe we could make a point of posting them. Because how many times do you get a Firefly reunion? :)

  82. Wow, that’s really interesting, can I ask – why do they scare you? Billie, I know you asked me if I’d ever been to a convention in a previous post and I have to admit I haven’t, but that’s mainly because they’ve never really been on my radar – as a mum and a (seemingly perpetual) ongoing student with a small business on the side I would claim to have no time to spare, but that may well be rhubarb, I might be forced to reflect on my own non attendance?! Anyway, I thought I’d see if anyone was willing to take one for the collective team, but the issue of cost hadn’t even crossed my mind. So, in the face of no doubt gales of laughter, I’m guessing you have to pay to go to these things huh…..? Hadn’t even considered that, so thanks for the suggestion of looking on YouTube, it will make a change from my usual use of that site which is primarily for watching Glee videos with my 4 year old before bedtime, poor thing, she doesn’t stand a chance with me as a mum does she…..

  83. This is going to sound horribly stupid, but I worry that I won't fit in at conventions. Whenever I meet someone who is into SF/fantasy/genre/etc (the stuff we all like here, that is), they never believe me when I say I like it, too. I wind up having to list my credentials.

    I don't like feeling like I have to explain myself or justify why I belong at the cool kids' table, and I worry that conventions (even mainstream ones like Comic-Con) are just one big cool kids' table. I did middle school once already. I don't want to do it again. :-)

  84. Josie, you'd definitely fit in, in my humble opinion.

    I've been to lots of conventions. The one I attended most was Shore Leave in Baltimore. It was a good-sized, fan-run convention and I went so many times that it felt like home. But for a any big con, the first time or two is confusing, and if you don't make hotel reservations many months in advance, it's definitely not as much fun. And Comic-Con is HUGE. Not to mention expensive. It's way too far away to drive there and back every day, so I'd have to get a hotel room, making it more expensive. I used to go to Shore Leave with friends and we'd share a room and/or get adjoining rooms and other friends would sometimes crash on the floor with sleeping bags, which would lessen the cost.

    And all that is just excuses. I'm getting older, too, and sharing a room with five other people and/or sleeping on the floor doesn't hold the appeal that it used to.

    Plus I keep forgetting to get my Star Fleet uniform dry cleaned and I lost my phaser.

  85. I've been following this Comic-Con exchange and became interested. I have been to far too many conventions, but always work related. They are dire and so I couldn't imagine why I would ever choose to attend one (a) on my own time and (b) on my own dime.

    I couldn't find the price this year as it is sold old (last year, they estimate that 130,000 people turned out!). But, I did find one ticket available on Craigslist for the Saturday only -- $220!

    The panels for this year have not yet been published, so I had a look at last year's. I can't get over how many shows are represented and by whom. The buzz generated by all these people, I would imagine, would make the effort worth it.

    There are some great articles on-line about the convention, my personal favourites are the "how to behave" and "guide for first time attendees" types. Hilarious.

    Bottom line. I can't imagine going in costume and I can't imagine going for four days, but it does look like fun. I might have to check it out one year.

  86. I love conventions, but they cost a fortune (especially if they'e any good and have interesting people at them) so I haven't been to many. I went to one this February for the first time in ten years and I'd forgotten how great they are! The best thing about them is that everyone is welcome. They're the friendliest, most welcoming corwds I've ever met. Everyone talks to random strangers about random things, you make friends with the people in the queue, you can dance without it turning into a meat market... they're awesome.

    The downside for me is getting too into getting autographs. I get obsessed and suddenly the success of the whole trip rests on 2 minutes with, essentially, a perfect stranger. If I could chill and let that not be important to me, life would be more fun - but I never quite manage it!

    Still, I have had Robbie McNeill and James Marsters' arms round my shoulders and got my I, Claudius DVDs signed by BLESSED himself. That's pretty awesome.

  87. Ohh, Comic-Con... Can I share my sad story...?
    We did a mega road trip in 2004 that ended up in San Diego so we could finally do Comic-Con (did I mention the part where I live in the UK?). And it really was everything I hoped it would be. There were so many 'pinch me!' moments sitting watching Keanu or Jude Law or, er, the entire cast of Firefly announce Serenity *swoon*. And Bryan Fuller talking about Dead Like Me, and Simon Pegg introducing Spaced to the US for the first time ever... Anyway, it was awesome, and we spent the next few years plotting to go back.

    ... Which finally happened in 2010, and I'm still disappointed two years on how much it had changed. You can basically sum it up as two things - Potter and Twilight had gone stratospheric since then, interest had soared and the capacity couldn't cope. There wasn't even anything Twi-related happening that year, but the damage had been done, so to speak. Bear in mind everything big happens in Hall H - in 2004 we'd wandered in and out of Hall H to see stuff among catching smaller panels in other rooms. These days you basically have to choose - the whole day in Hall H or don't get near it at all for anything big.

    Which is the sad story of how I missed Joss announce The Avengers with the entire cast there, and sulked for about a year...

    It's not that I didn't catch a lot of good things (and Joss doing another panel) -you have to be really organised to get the most out of it, and be prepared to sacrifice some panels you'd like just so you can queue for 90mins just to get in another room for something else even better (I can't believe they aren't letting Castle have a panel this year, because the one I saw was legendary).

    But that year I spent half my time being bugged by what I was missing, after travelling thousands of miles and spending all the money, and being at the actual convention, purely because the the rooms aren't getting any bigger, but there a hell of a lot more people trying to get in, and prepared to queue literally for several hours to get a decent seat. Did I mention that was the year a guy got stabbed with a pencil in Hall H over a seat..?! The queues were... Quite beyond belief, to be honest, and the weather there in July isn't exactly amenable to standing outside beyond the shaded sections.

    Sorry for rambling, but in conclusion... these days maybe aren't the time to start going to Comic-Con, sadly. It was a hell of a lot of fun back in the day, but I spent more time being stressed and worrying last time, which was such a shame :-(

  88. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. Hey guys,

    I don't know if you've seen this but there's a web show on YouTube called Husbands that started last year. It's pretty funny.
    It's probably not worth reviewing because there's so little of it but it made me think of you guys because it's created by Jane Espenson and it features cameos from Nathan Fillion, Amber Benson, Emma Caulfield, Tricia Helfer and lots of others. And Joss Whedon himself has a recurring role in the second season.

    You guys should check it out if you haven't already.


  90. The brilliant French crime series Spiral is now available in North America via Netflix. I strongly recommend everyone check it out.

  91. Hey Billie!
    Can't believe you're not already reviewing Homeland?
    Claire Danes is more awesome than awesome and all the characters have strong, solid, deep personalities.
    Four episodes into season 2 the story also takes a very unexpected turn.
    Truly worth watching!

  92. I loved your Buffy reviews! Can you continue and do Season 9?

  93. I would love to read reviews on Spartacus, Boardwalk Empire, Sons of Anarchy and Homeland.

    It´s great how diverse this site has become and to see it grow even further.

    Thank you for all your work and please keep it up.

  94. I've been looking for a suggestion section. I can't believe it's been here the whole time heh.

    For real though guys, I can't for the life of me figure out how one of you isn't reviewing The Mentalist. Sure it gets ragged on for being a "rip-off" of Psych. But I guarantee you that the show is not a carbon copy. The role of the tortured Patrick Jane is played to perfection by Simon Baker. He's morally ambiguous enough that he can keep you guessing on what he's gonna do next and charming enough that you won't get annoyed even when he appears to cross the line. The supporting characters are a blast barring a certain beautiful redhead, and the main villain is such a great mirror of Patrick. I'm serious I can't recommend this show enough.

    Another show that completely and utterly caught me off guard was Spartacus. The first two episodes start off pretty weak, sort of just being a copy of 300, but after that the show kicks into high gear and it really doesn't slow down. I know a lot of you aren't exactly fans of violence but I find the action scenes to be some of the best on TV. But truly, the main draw of the show is the machinations of the characters. Spartacus really features some of the most diabolical and clever characters around. Everyone's working an angle, and just when you think you have someone figured out, they throw a curveball. Spartacus himself is such a tragic character, and while you want him to succeed, you can't help but love most every main Roman "villain". This show has made my jaw drop on countless occasions, be it through the way a fight is staged or through the plot unfolding. So again I say, try to push through the first two or three episodes and see if you don't get hooked. I guarantee you will enjoy this show.

  95. Freeman, and Anonymous:

    We don't review Spartacus, but one of our writers, Juliette, does on her own site. Here's a link.

    I actually do watch The Mentalist; love Simon Baker's Jane. We just don't cover it. Too many shows, too little time!

  96. Ah, thanks for the heads up Billie. I still recommend Spartacus as something to check out though, on your personal time or something.

    And yeah, you guys are definitely covering a large chunk o' shows here. That's too bad though, it'd be interesting to see someone's take on The Mentalist. This crews' reviews are always so insightful *cough*suckup*cough*.

  97. Reviews of Banshee would be great.

  98. I know i'm shooting off like a million suggestions here, sorry guys.

    Are you guys still reviewing Grimm? Because that show just kicked into high gear in the most recent episode.

    Banshee's pretty good, it's got a pretty colorful cast. The main character is pretty interesting; he doesn't fit that standard stone-faced action hero and often realistically loses his cool. Super violent though. I don't mind it, but I know a lot of the reviewers on this site aren't a fan of the ultra-violence.

  99. Hey, Freeman: Don't ever hesitate -- that's what our suggestion box is for. Our Grimm reviewer is having real life issues, but hopes to get back to it soon. I haven't seen Banshee yet, but probably will at some point.

  100. Will the pilot of Hannibal be reviewed here?

  101. Anonymous -- a short review of it will be included with my next New Shows article.

  102. Hi, I love your site. You´re doing such a great job but I wondered if the Mad Men reviews will continue or not?

  103. Hi, Anonymous: Unfortunately, our Mad Men reviewer left us, and we don't have anyone else doing it right now. I just checked, and Adam is still reviewing it:


  104. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. But thank you for looking up and posting the link. Much apprechiated. Please continue with your fabulous work on this site.

  105. Any chance for reviews of Bates Motel or Hannibal?

  106. All of our current writers are fairly over-committed right now, Anonymous, but we are soliciting reviews for Hannibal. More info here:

    I love the two episodes of Hannibal that I have seen. Bates Motel, though, hasn't grabbed me yet. I've been putting off watching the most recent episode.

  107. I know you prefer TV to film - but have you ever considered the Chronicles of Narnia films?


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