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Alcatraz: Kit Nelson

We're not officially covering Alcatraz here at Doux Reviews. We've got lots of shows to watch and to write about, and we're not fully convinced that Alcatraz has the staying power of some of our current faves. But we are watching it, and we suspect at least some of you are, too.

So now's your chance to chime in on the third episode of this popular newbie. Here are some talking points to get you started:

• Calling off the Amber Alert was a bit too much.

• Foolishly, I don’t want Doc to be in “arrested development,” because I like Doc. Grown-ups can like pie, comic books, and saving little kids, without it being a psychological condition. What did you think of Doc’s implied origin story?

• Dr. Beauregard is back, eh?

• Hard to believe Rebecca can get cell reception under Alcatraz, in the middle of the bay.

What did you think? Did the third episode of Alcatraz leave you tapping your feet to “Jailhouse Rock” or mumbling the lyrics to “Folsom Prison Blues”?

Josie Kafka is a full-time cat servant and part-time rogue demon hunter. (What's a rogue demon?)


  1. I actually fell asleep and missed the whole pie connection. But I'll keep watching...maybe I was just tired.

  2. I wasn't real thrilled with it. It had a few interesting moments here and there, and Jorge did a nice job with his closing moments. But I was incredibly put off by watching Nelson torment that kid for an hour. And even though I didn't find him sympathetic in the slightest, I also didn't enjoy watching Nelson get tormented in prison. It was a difficult hour to get through, and the little mythology tidbits hardly seemed worth it. If this is how it is going to shake out each week, then I may be out sooner rather than later.

  3. I thought Jorge Garcia was brilliant. He had me near tears. I will keep watching. It took 3 episodes for Lost to hook me, and it looks like 3 is the magic number here too. I am ignoring the plot holes. :-)

  4. I didn't like seeing the child in danger so long. But I agree with Amy Ennis -- Jorge Garcia was awesome. He made the episode worth while, and I'm curious about his origin story.

  5. I felt the other way about the kid-in-peril plot: I was certain it wouldn't end in tragedy, so it felt like too much wasted information.

    On another site, someone noticed how weird it is that these returnees are all serial killers with very specific patterns, and that the first thing they do is re-enact their patterns. A bit more variety might make the show more peppy. The previews might indicate that'll happen next week.

    I hope so. If not, maybe Jorge Garcia could join The Vampire Diaries as a vampire-hunting college professor next year.

  6. You really shouldn't tease us with awesome ideas like that, Josie. I will now consider season four of The Vampire Diaries a failure if it doesn't have Jorge Garcia as a vampire-hunting college professor.

  7. He and Caroline would make an interesting couple.

  8. Just watched this. It hasn't grabbed me by the neck yet, but I may give it another week or two before giving up on it.

    I hate, hate, hate kids in perils stories as I find them horribly upsetting. But, I loved watching Dylan hurl his shoe at the light. I was cheering.

    I know I should never admit this on this site, but I tried 'Lost' on three separate occasions and never got into it. But, I have been impressed with Jorge Garcia. The final scene with the Dylan in the bedroom moved me.


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