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Revenge: Absolution

"When I choose to react, you'll know it."

This hour did an excellent job of pushing Emily's path of vengeance forward through a number of interesting developments.

First off, I was quite taken aback by the introduction of Nolan's Aunt Carol. While it seemed to come out of nowhere, it gave Nolan some excellent backstory and much-needed depth. In fact, his lifelong quest to protect his aunt from the Graysons made me like the character so much more. His relationship with Emily has really grown on me and I really hope it never transcends its current platonic status.

I'm also intrigued that Emily has now found herself with another adversary: the mysterious white-haired man who murdered her father. While it feels a bit late in the season for the writers to introduce yet another target, I'm curious to see if the man in question will be making an appearance before the season is over.

This was also a compelling episode for Daniel, who found himself confused for the majority of the hour only to finally (and unknowingly) take a side against Emily. His TV interview was suitably well handled as we reached the climax and he decided to defend his father (and in a nice visual touch, subsequently take his place in his office). Oh Daniel, how things are going to get interesting for you.

I think what I most loved about this hour was Victoria getting proactive in her fight against Conrad. I absolutely adored her asking for immunity and practically bringing Grayson Global to its knees. As far as I'm concerned, the show doesn't really need Conrad because Victoria fills the archenemy quota perfectly and with likeability to match.

In other news, could Ashley and Conrad's partnership be more perfect? I've found the former to be pretty useless all year long, so it's nice to see that the writers recognize her as dead weight and plan on integrating her more efficiently with the rest of the cast. The devious possibilities of this duplicitous partnership practically write themselves.

Vengeful Bits:

- Gorgeous opening shot of Emily in the falling snow.

- Nolan hiding the journal from Emily: not the brightest move.

- Awesome flashback of David Clarke's murder.

- It reminded me of Supernatural with just how easily Emily went undercover as the Department of Homeland Security.

- As evil as Victoria was by having her son beaten to a pulp, I wanted to punch Conrad when he revealed the truth to Daniel.

- Nolan paying for Declan's education was a very sweet move.

- I found myself surprisingly touched by Victoria and Charlotte in this episode.

- Emily's more intent than ever after Daniel chooses his side. I can't wait.

Devious Delights:

- Victoria: (To Ashley) The Hamptons are filthy with ambitious young girls like yourself.

- Emily: If the people I've come to bring to justice cannot be bound by the quest for absolution, then neither will I.

All in all, this was compelling hour that capably moved things along and effectively set the stage for a killer finale.

3 out of 4 hidden journals.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised by Daniel in this episode. A while ago, Takeda accused Daniel of being weak. At the time, I thought it was a bit harsh. Now, I think he was right on the money.

    I don't know how many more times Daniel is going to hear these absolutely horrible confessions from his parents and manage to forgive them. A lot of people I know would have left home (trust fund or not) ages ago, yet he cannot cut the apron strings. And, although he doesn't know it yet, he's just made the biggest mistake of his life so far.

    Too bad for him; great for us -- it's going to be fun to watch!


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