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Roswell: Four-Square

Michael: “Why are you so scared of being an alien?”
Max: “Why are you so scared to be human?”

This episode was all about awakening. Just as Max is finding himself touching a darker part of himself that he doesn’t want to know, Michael and Isabel are fighting their own inner selves as they both suffer dreams that bare some startling news for them both. It’s an interesting spin on this show’s thesis of identity and feeling different from everyone else. Change is a part of life, and this awakening is only a branch of that, and it’s something we all have to go through in one way or another.

Tess may be the one to spark this change, but it’s always been inside of them, it’s just been waiting for the right opportunity to manifest itself. Liz and Tess both seem to represent these opposing sides to Max that he fights to choose between. Liz is his human side, the part he knows, feels comfortable with, and Tess is his alien half, the part of him that scares him, mostly because he’s so completely unaware of what it means.

Isabel and Michael are worried that they too might have to face that undiscovered part of themselves as their dreams unearth some startling revelations. They jump to conclusions here, but one can’t overlook how strange a situation they’re in. Maybe Isabel is pregnant? Maybe Michael is the father? It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to them. Well, maybe, but only marginally.

Liz and the rest of the humans feel more like moving pieces here, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, since the show has been pretty pro-Liz and Maria since it started. Besides, they feel a little redundant next to all these big alien twists that are taking place all around them. Then again, it’s important for the show to feel grounded, which is why Liz’s role as the central piece is important for the show to retain its own identity, less it get too carried away.


I love how covert FBI agents didn’t see themselves being followed by these guys, but Tess found out after about 2 minutes.

He Said, She Said

Michael: “I’ve been thinking.”
Maria: “Oh great, this usually involves me having to get my car towed.”

Liz: “She’s an alien, Max.”
Max: “Yeah, but so am I.”

Sheriff Valenti: “The more I know, the safer you’ll be.”

Michael: “No matter what Max wants to think, we’re not human, Isabel.”

3.5 out of four sugar cubes.

Previously Posted at PandaTV.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still loving it, but the show got so weird so quickly lol. Tess in the last episode supplanting Liz (I mean, not exactly) without any real build-up, and now suggestions of quasi-incest. Damn, and here I was thinking at the beginning that it's refreshing to have 3 of the main characters being siblings to tamp down on the romantic intermingling possibilities. Oh well.


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