In this episode, set mainly in Mexico, Psych renews my faith in its worth, and, with that, my faith in all humanity. For if Psych ceases to be funny and entertaining, well, it's just like if someone took away all the ice cream or perhaps kept ice cream in existence, but made it so every flavor was brussel sprout. What would the point of living be? Let's get out of this paragraph while it still has some semblance of direction, shall we? Vamanos!
Fully embracing the Shules lovenest concept, Psych begins this episode with a house warming party at said super couple's apartment, formerly just Juliette's apartment. Or house or? Wait, did they get a new place? Remind me to check on that.
Various jokes follow, many of them involving the nerd-ness of Jules' stepdad played by the inimitable Bluth patriarch better known as Jeffrey "Boom Boom" Tambor. (Side note: I neither watched 'Arrested Development' with any real frequency when it was on nor have any evidence that Jeffrey Tambor's nickname is Boom Boom. But still... End side note.) Apparently, Jules likes Lloyd aka Nerdster McStepdad, because he's good to her mom and an adorkable accountant -- unlike her mom's past suitors, notably, Jules' awesome, con artist dad played in past episodes by none other William "Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em' Shatner.
(The sound you just heard was a thousand DouxReviews readers suddenly becoming interested in Psych. Smiley face emoticon.)
All is not what it seems, though. Quickly, Shawn's attempt to get Henry and Lloyd to bond over lunch ends up with Lloyd bringing a blindsided Henry down to Mexico under a hail of bullets on a chartered plane. Jules, knowing her stepdad, though loveable and innocuous now, was once a gambling addict, enlists Shawn and Gus to follow the trail and see what the heck hes gotten himself -- and Henry -- into.
In the process of figuring this out, we get Tony Plana, some other guy they call Mexican Lassie, and a rather nice double-back at the end. There's also a subplot about Gus getting antsy about his imagined new responsibilities as a "parent".
I rate this episode highly. Corbin Bernsen has created in Henry a slowly morphing ex-cop who, perhaps, is now more his signature role than Arnie on LA Law. I don't know. How can that be judged? So, why did I bring it up? Anyhow, it was nice to see him get to act a lot -- and with Tambor. For his part, Tambor was very funny, not surprisingly, in a role that could have been annoying as all get out, but was written "just right."
I could have done with more evidence that Mexican Lassie was Mexican Lassie, because he didn't seem all that Lassie-like. But otherwise, the Mexican setting was a nice changeup, reminiscent of the famed "Lights, Camera, Homicidio" episode for its Latin flare (and chance to let James Roday show off his Mexican-American roots with a few Shawn-mangled Spanishisms.)
I like that Jules is being filled in a bit with this stepdad biz and that the door is open for Lloyd to return. A Shatner-Tambor faceoff would be amazing, wouldn't it? I'd also like to see Lloyd talk to the crazy medical examiner.
Though, sometimes I question the continuity on her family tree; remember when she came from a big happy family who had a big traditional Christmas? I can accept that was all with her stepdad who she considered a dad. But then how do we get to Lloyd and this long line of bad boyfriends? It's a little bit of a mishmash. But, whatever, it's Psych. And hey, whatever happened to Jon Cena as her brother? Have him come back on and play with that dude who got hit by the ax in the jerky episode.
Let's not speak of that episode again...
I still like Rachel and the whole idea of she and Gus both trying to figure out the dating thing and when to tell Maximus who Gus really is, and Gus jumping the gun and all. But I can't decide if she's not in the mix enough to fit, or I'm glad she's only in the background. We'll see what happens, but she hasn't annoyed me yet.
But the complex relationship issue afoot is the still unresolved issue of Shawn and the Big Lie. A lot was said in this episode about Juliette's desire for her mom to have an honest husband, but we saw also one of the few times she was able to give a guy who proved a liar another chance. They didn't directly get into how this might make Shawn wonder when is the real time to spill the non-psychic beans, but it seemed to be a lingering question in the air.
Maximus' non-reaction to Gus' return. So realistic.
Liked the extra twist at the end and didn't see it coming.
When it got to "Who should be buried with whom?" -- didn't we all play along at home? I can't think of a combo that works, because Gus should be buried with Shawn, Shawn with Gus and Jules and his dad, and Jules with her stepdad. I think they'd have to make one big grave.
Again, amused by Shawn's confident mangling of Spanish.
So, a good outing. Mucho gusto, Psych.
Next week's 100th episode: LIVE VOTE FOR THE KILLER
Until then,
PS: Chief Vick aka Kristen Nelson played Lorraine Ross on BTVS...I'm just trying to fit in!
All credit to Jeffrey Tambor who took what could easily have gone over the top and made it work. I like the idea of Henry having a BFF; the comic potential is self-evident.
ReplyDeleteAs an aside, the title song and montage has always been one of my favorites on television, especially when they change it up as they did this week. I always start this show with a smile.
Great review, Beth. Brussel sprout ice cream? LOL
You made me laugh out loud, Beth. (The sound you just heard was a thousand DouxReviews readers suddenly becoming interested in Psych. Smiley face emoticon.)
ReplyDeleteGood episode! Jeffrey Tambor was fabulous, as he usually is.
ReplyDeleteThis week in obvious sponsorship: Coke! Though, seriously, Mexican Coca Cola is far, far superior to American. Real cane sugar. Makes all the difference.
Loved Parminder Nagra with the soccer ball. She can still Bend it Like Beckham.
Also funny was Gus and his imagined responsibilities.
The whole 'Mexican Lassie' thing didn't work for me. He was very unlike Lassiter, even before we knew he was dirty.
Great review, Beth!
Jeffrey Tambor
ReplyDeleteTwo of my favorites Bluthes seniors (don't forget the twin brother !)