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Charmed: Out of Scythe

“I'm afraid we're in for a demonic jailbreak.”

There hasn't been much about this series that's been particularly surprising so far. Bar a few minor twists, and the sudden erasure of a supporting character, we haven’t seen anything that I wouldn't have expected to happen. 'Out of Scythe' was a standout episode in that context, featuring some genuinely surprising moments. Whether or not they'll amount to anything is still up for debate.

The Vera/Vaughn sisters spend the bulk of the hour hunting for the two remaining pieces of the Scythe of Tartarus, a magical device that can open up a demonic prison. Along the way, the ladies are thwarted by a mysterious demon whose identity is shrouded. It’s not until the struggle between the Charmed Ones and this mysterious demon are interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a mysterious woman named Jaeda, who uses her powers to steal the reconstituted scythe, that we learn about the true identity of the girls' nemesis this week; Parker.

I’ve made no secret of how uninteresting the whole Lucy/Parker saga has been. The writers managed to craft some sort of meaningful drama out of it last week when it focused on the girls’ issues with each other, rather than Parker himself. In this instance, Parker’s previously undeserved screen-time is finally given a lot more purpose. As the son of Alastair, and half-brother to Hunter, Parker is a half-demon fighting to control the pull of his demonic side, as his father uses him to get close to the Veras, and his human side, which is falling under the spell of the youngest Charmed One. Sound familiar?

I have to admit, this reveal caught me off guard. It shouldn’t have, though. The producers have hinted that they would be featuring a romance that would be very reminiscent of the original. Initially I thought it may have been Mel and Niko’s witch/detective combo that was calling back to the Prue/Andy days of OG Season One, but they nixed that by removing Niko from the picture all together.

All things considered, it makes a lot more sense for the series to borrow from the most complicated and arguably most fascinating pairing the first series ever had; Phoebe and Cole. Naturally Parker is significantly less appealing than Julian McMahon’s multi-faceted character, but I’m willing to watch this play out, especially since it's injected intrigue into one of the most boring parts of the show. Cole’s introduction into the original was a major turning point at the time, so it could be exactly what this version needs to really take off.

Jaeda, the unknown person with unknown magical abilities who stole the Scythe, is a total wild card that could also prove interesting to the show’s dynamic. Her initial appearance seemed quite routine; a flirty exchange with Mel at the Haunt. Is she a new love interest for the middle sister? There was certainly chemistry between them so I guess it’s still a possibility, but it’s her role in the theft of the Scythe that’s the real reason I’m excited to see more of her. Injecting her into the third act action sequence was a good way to turn the more predictable elements of this episode around, too. Her true purpose is at this point a total mystery and I like that. Alastair is as standard as villains get, with his hammy posturing and threats, so it’s great to have this enigma of a woman that we get to figure out as we go.


Parker is sick in some way, but I don’t know if it’s an auto immune thing as he first said.

There was a Hellquake in Hilltowne; an earthquake only magical beings can detect. How very Hellmouth.

The key Macy found in the porch a couple of episodes back was meant for use with the reconstituted Scythe.

Macy met a new boss at the lab who promoted her and got her to cut costs around the lab. Macy managed to save Galvin’s job and hold her own, too. I really like her.

Lucy has already moved on from Parker, but she gave him and Maggie permission to make a go of things via Whatsapp. LOL.

Maggie didn’t want her first date with Parker to be too “Beyonce”; i.e. extravagant.

Harry is very afraid of insects.

He Said, She Said

Maggie: “I’m a witch, I'm never gonna have a normal life.”

More Beyonce references:
Maggie: “Let’s get in Formation.”
Maggie: “This is not the Beyhive I always imagined showing up at our house.”

‘Out of Scythe’ was a nice change of pace. The surprises themselves obviously aren’t truly unique after the fact, but the Parker reveal and Jaeda’s introduction could be the right ingredients to bring all of the better elements of Charmed 2.0 together.

6 out of 10 Beyhives.

Originally posted at PandaTV.

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