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Superman & Lois: Last Sons of Krypton

"Don't ever bet against Supes."

An enjoyable finale with many battles and whizzing superhammers, followed by some effective set-up for season two.

I often feel disconnected from big, violent set pieces with lots of gorgeous CGI, but I liked what they did here. The world tour was cool and the confrontation at the edge of a live volcano was well done, although I'm not certain Jordan with his baby face and curls completely pulled off Zeta-Palpatine. Maybe a B for effort.

Divide and conquer worked this time, with Superman and Irons handling the flying and fighting while Lois and Jonathan retrieved Jordan with the memory gadget among the hay bales. I wasn't worried about the twins surviving, but I was indeed concerned that Irons might sacrifice himself to save the world. I'm glad we didn't lose him.

Family was the reason Lois and Clark moved to Smallville in the pilot episode, and that theme remained consistent all season. Lois committed entirely to Smallville by selling their house in Metropolis and buying half of the Smallville Gazette. The townspeople came together and stood up to Morgan Edge (or they stood behind Superman and Irons as they stood up to Edge).

The annoying Kyle Cushing got several hero moments saving his town in this one, and won his job back. Chrissy got a big moment, too, with an exclusive interview with Superman revealing that Morgan Edge is a Kryptonian – but not that he is Superman's half brother. I was surprised that Edge survived and even got his original mind back. He and Leslie Larr can now languish in green prison playing Kryptonian Yahtzee until a plotline needs them again.

It's been a dark first season, and I mean physically dark as well as emotionally. I couldn't help but notice that the fourth act of this episode featured bright sunlight, a cookout, and lots of hugs to the tune of "All Right Now," which was maybe a bit on the nose. There was even a lovely little funeral for Jor-El's memory crystal before Natalie Irons' surprise entrance "at a dangerously high velocity."

I'm pleased that Natalie arrived. It gives Irons a better reason to stay buddied up and fighting crime with Superman while the Irons and Kent families explore their complicated and unusual genetic relationship. Where will John Henry and Natalie live? An RV in the barn doesn't feel quite right. Will they look for a house nearby?

The best thing about this new series is its two leads: Tyler Hoechlin and Bitsie Tulloch are both terrific actors and perfect for the parts. Wolé Parks is a big yes for me, too. I'm less on board with the requisite CW teenage stuff, although I like the twins and Sarah, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they mesh with Natalie. (Do we need Tegan?)

And General Lane works for me as a villain and an ally, sometimes in the same episode. I'm a bit unhappy that he's stepping down from the DOD. Maybe something will happen that changes his mind.


— This finale was in desperate need of a crossover. I completely understand that they couldn't because of the pandemic, but it felt like cousin Kara should absolutely have been there, at the very least.

— Should Irons have kept that humming-with-power superhammer so close to his laptop?

— The AI needs a name. Why couldn't she be Gideon, somehow?

— This episode was directed by Tom Cavanagh, who played many versions of Wells on The Flash. Good job.


Irons: "So. Terrible odds."
Clark: "Sure. But better together."

Irons: "Nice timing."
Clark: "My best."

(Their monosyllabic male bonding is getting pretty good.)

Can I say how much I love Tyler Hoechlin in the suit?

Edge: "All I wanted was a family, Kal."
Clark: "You had it. We were brothers."

(Not exactly an excuse for trying to destroy humanity, Edge.)

Clark: (re: Emily) "I see you two made up."
Lana: "Yeah. She came over and we talked. Then we cried. Then we finished an entire box of white wine."
Clark: "An entire box?"
Lana: "Yeah. We cried a lot."

(Very cute. I could do with more of that, exploring their friendship. Why can't Superman have a female best friend? And oh no, now I'm flashing on Allison Mack. We can't have that.)

I'm going with three out of four boxes of white wine. What did you guys think? And I have a question. I have a lot of other reviewing commitments. Is this a show I should continue reviewing?

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.

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