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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Series Review

“Hello there!”

Honestly, at the start of the series I really had no idea what to expect, and by the end I was so glad they took the time to craft the right story.

(This review includes spoilers!)

While somewhat messy with the continuity in a few places, this series did a lot to bridge the gap between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Perhaps more so than Rogue One and the Star Wars: Rebels animated series. While those two projects focused on the foundation of the Rebellion, this was all about the (second) most famous surviving Jedi and his quest to keep hope alive.

It is fitting that Obi-Wan’s arc is all about hope, and when we meet him in the first episode he has lost most of his. This is Obi-Wan pulled down by the past, reliving what he feels is his greatest failure and obsessing about Luke and the next generation of Jedi. Yet at the same time he has clearly cut himself off from the Force. He buried his lightsaber somewhere out in the dune sea, and is no longer concerning himself with the plight of other people. Literally ignoring bullies preying on downtrodden people, and the plea for help from a grown youngling on the run.

His first real awakening comes when Bail Organa comes asking for help to find Leia who has been kidnapped (more on her later). He is resistant at first, but after seeing the Inquisitor’s work first hand he realizes he has to do something. Seeing that kid who would have maybe been going for his first Knight trials had the Jedi Order not fallen, hanging in the public square in Mos Eisley, was heartbreaking and a physical manifestation of Obi-Wan’s guilt.

What unfolds after that is an odyssey spanning several worlds, and a wonderful and unexpected relationship built between Obi-Wan and Leia. To say her presence in the series was a surprise is an understatement. The fact that she was basically the second lead is wonderful. We see formative Leia as a strong willed, brilliant and occasionally obstinate child who goes through a small character arc of her own, starting off as a bit self-centered, putting her own enjoyment over her duty. By the end we see her choosing to comfort others and accept her role as a princess and leader.

We also get to see something vitally important: Alderaan before it was destroyed. We never really knew what Leia had lost, only getting her reaction to the world she has always known being destroyed. Seeing the beauty of that world first hand, the white spires and lush greenery, you can see the true horror of the Empire and their malevolent actions. In fact this entire series paints the Empire in even darker strokes than before (which is saying something).

The Inquisitors are probably the most blatant and terrifying manifestation of those horrors, as twisted abominations of Force users whose entire purpose has been crafted by Darth Vader and his Emperor. They are brutal thugs used as elite enforcers hunting down Jedi, using propaganda and fear to get the local populations to turn in runaways. We’ve seen them before in other media (Star Wars: Rebels and the game Star Wars: Fallen Order) and here they are used well (although I wish we could’ve seen Trilla, but hey, we might be getting a Fallen Order Disney+ show, so fingers crossed).

While the Grand Inquisitor is creepy and effective as a secondary villain, it is Reva that really shines as the primary antagonist of the series. Her presence from the first episode is somewhat of a mystery and that story is revealed in the last couple episodes. What I loved was that her story was one of revenge, not against Obi-Wan which is what we start the series believing, but against Vader for his actions killing Younglings during the siege on the Jedi Temple after Order 66.

Reva has twisted herself into a dark place, mixing a quest for justice into a grand vendetta, all the while her own darkness was being used by Vader and the Grand Inquisitor who knew her ultimate goal. So her ultimate inability to carry out that vengeance (by killing Luke) is an unexpected and wonderful end to her arc in this series. I wonder what they have in mind for the future of the character? Some of the highlights of her journey were her sheer presence and her creepy, almost manic smile. There was also the sword fight in episode five between Reva and Darth Vader. It was especially illuminating because it clarified the major gap in skill between the two. Vader is clearly a master, and didn’t even need to draw or use his own lightsaber to beat her.

Even stronger were the two fights between Obi-Wan and Vader. In the first, Obi-Wan isn’t in top form. He had just reconnected to the Force and was having serious doubts about his own motivations, keeping entirely on the defensive and rarely getting a leg up on Vader. The second fight started in a somewhat similar way; while he had gotten himself to a better place it was clear this was a sacrifice play, and he wasn’t expecting to survive the battle. Except he didn’t give up and die. He chose love and hope instead and reconnected entirely to the Force, beating Vader so completely that all Vader could do was scream his name in rage and frustration.

That entire final lightsaber duel was perhaps the best in the entire franchise. It was fast and brutal and showcased what a true master can do. Obi-wan rising up and pulling a Rey with all those rocks was amazing. Vader could only cower and deflect the onslaught, and it clearly weakened him. But the real meat of the confrontation was the final moments, with Vader’s mask half gone. Obi-Wan finally unloaded, apologizing and taking the blame onto himself. But the man who was once his friend and brother wasn’t having any of it, claiming once and for all that he was the one that killed Anakin Skywalker. It is a rather wonderful way to close the loop and justify Obi-Wan’s lie to Luke in A New Hope, because it was more than just a certain point of view.

There were a few flaws in the series. Most notably, the potential drama was hamstrung because almost every character had a very specific role to play in canon stories that take place after this one. So even moments like the Grand Inquisitor getting a saber through his stomach wasn’t as impactful as it could have been. There were also a couple of minor continuity errors, such as how Leia is perhaps too old to have no real memories of her adoptive mother. At that age she would have half a lifetime of memories, not the fleeting images she spoke of in Return of the Jedi. Also, Obi-Wan left Vader alive again. Obviously they couldn’t kill off Vader and there is a nice little parallel to Obi-Wan showing him mercy at the same time that Reva showed mercy to Luke.

However, none of these small inconsistencies really take away from the experience, which as a whole is really wonderful. Not every moment or even episode was perfect, but overall this was a great entry into a franchise that desperately needs great content.


What happened to Vader's mask occurred again during the animated series Star Wars: Rebels when he confronted his former Padawan, Ahsoka.

As a very dark real life note, I have to mention the attacks on actress Moses Ingram, who played Reva. These disgusting and racist messages will not be repeated here, but the support from her fellow actors and Disney made things just a little better. I personally thought Ingram was compelling and Reva a very well acted character, whom I hope to see more of in the future.

Ewan got to do all the Obi-Wan trademark things again, including saying "Hello there" and the two finger point lightsaber pose. The final costume he wears is straight out of the comics, which must've made some fans very happy.

The little plane that Obi-Wan restored and gave to Luke can be seen in A New Hope in an early scene.

This is the most screen time Jimmy Smits has to date playing Bail Organa. He has appeared three times (at least in live action) in Episode II and III, and Rogue One. For those who were wishing that Obi-Wan would get a chance to fight Darth Maul again, especially after that tease in Solo, it is established in canon that they do confront each other. If you want to see that amazing scene play out here is a clip, which is animated (Star Wars: Rebels) but no less impressive.

There is a lot more I could discuss, I could probably go on for pages with easter eggs and plot echoes from the Skywalker Saga, but I'll stop here. Obi-Wan Kenobi was very satisfying, fulfilled a specific part of the story I didn't know I wanted to see, and honestly, I loved what we got.

3.5 out of 4 Imperial Inquisitors

Samantha M. Quinn spends most of her time in front of a computer typing away at one thing or another; when she has free time, she enjoys pretty much anything science fiction or fantasy-related.


  1. "There were also a couple of minor continuity errors, such as how Leia is perhaps too old to have no real memories of her adoptive mother."

    Pretty sure the line in ROTJ was referring to her biological Mother, not her alderaanian adoptive Mother:

    LUKE: "Do you remember your mother, your real mother?"

    1. Which has its own continuity issue, since Amidala died shortly after childbirth, so Leia wouldn't have had any memories of her.

  2. I thought it was a terrific limited series. They were constrained by the existing story and did a marvelous job with it. Ewan McGregor is always terrific, but I was particularly impressed by Hayden Christensen and the talented young woman who played Reva. And little Leia gave Grogu a run for his money in the cuteness department.

  3. What did you all think about the Vader/Obi Wan fight? Imho they shouldn't have had it turn out this way. It didn't make any sense within the series to have have Obi Wan not kill him. He understands how dangerous he is, says "it will be him or me" (or something), and then just spares him..? There would have been other ways to keep them both alive without plot nonsense imho. Interested to hear what you thought about that :) It was the biggest downside to the series for me.

  4. I haven't seen this yet but I'm so excited to get to it. The way Vader tells Obi-Wan he didn't kill Anakin...you can't tell me that wasn't the little bit of Anakin that lives on trying to spare his friend from pain. I mean you could tell me that but I like my version better.

    And then Obi-Wan talking to Little Leia about her parents!! I might cry.

  5. Glad you guys liked it. For me it was an utter disaster. Offensive to the characters (both Obi-Wan and Vader), a kick in the nuts of the Lore, and just plain stupid. I only could get three positives out of it: Baby Leia, Alderaan and the new music from John Williams.

    Oh, well.. to each their own.


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