"Time travel sucks."
Grace is ten times as much of a problem as her father. She can destroy Team Flash, all of them at the same time, and shows no sign of being talked down, and we're about to find out just how much of a villain she's prepared to be.
Villain of the Week: Vickie. Or, Plastique II. Vickie's not a very scary name, but she didn't want her powers and is happy to get rid of them to find her old life. Season five has some of the most human villains we've ever seen in comic book adaptations.
Vickie seems underwhelming, like her name, but she forces the plot to an important point. Team Flash doesn't give up on people, and even Dwyer is ready to face his niece, powerless and vulnerable. He's acting brave. I always liked him.
It's shocking to see Thawne completely stumped. When Nora tells him about Grace, he finds himself completely lost without a map. The timeline has transformed from his plaything to a barren, unpredictable wasteland. But he's not done yet. He's ready to bring the fight to Barry.
The meat of the episode is Team Flash learning that Cicada is Grace. This isn't much fun for the viewers, because we already knew this. There's no drama, and no fun in watching investigation. We just have to wait patiently for them to catch up to what we already know.
As Cicada, Dwyer did a lot of bad things. You'll have to decide for yourself if he can be redeemed, but it felt good to see him stand up to Grace. He went out like a rightous man.
Parting Thoughts:
-Cicada's daughter tells her uncle there's noodles in the pantry if he's hungry. When she arrived on his doorstep, he tried to feed her old noodles.
-Starchives sort of came out of nowhere. I guess there's no room in the gigantic S.T.A.R. Labs site for old suits and boxes, so they drive it across town?
-Cisco and Camilla are officially dating. Boring.
-Candice runs a blog. We're supposed to pretend it's a newspaper, but it's a blog. Can she really aford to hire anyone?
-Once again, Barry's life lessons about the Problem of the Week affects Nora's decisions about Thawne.
-Not much Danielle Panabaker in this episode. Why? She was busy directing the next one!
-This episode gives us some explanation about why Nora is allowed to time travel without worrying about the tim wraiths or other problems that normally happen. Somehow, Wells worked out a way to carefully travel through time without breaking stuff. I believe he can do that.
Final Analysis: Grace is doing a great job of raising the stakes and cranking up the fear factor, but this episode was filled with things that were hard to care about. 2 out of 5 unnecessary photographers.
Adam D. Jones is a novelist, historian, and undefeated cat wrestler. He's also something of a journalism photographer himself, having photographed a battle between a dragon and a giant cat.
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