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What Are You Reading? (2012)

Have you noticed that, even with the Internet of Infinite Possibilities, it's sometimes still hard to find a decent review of the book you just finished? Or maybe you just want to talk about it with someone else who's read it, but all your friends are either troglodytes or cats?

Yeah, us too.

While we do occasional book reviews, they're not our main goal. But we love to read, and we know you do too. So we can all use this thread to talk about what we're reading, and why we love it. Or why we don't.

Do you want to see a particular book reviewed? Let us know in the suggestion box!

This is the 2012 thread. If you want to hear about what we were reading, check out the 2011 thread here, and the 2010 thread here.


  1. Hello, everyone! Here's the 2012 What Are You Reading? thread.

    To get the ball rolling, I've got two questions:

    1. A.S. Byatt. I read Possession years ago, and didn't love it. Now I'm reading The Children's Book, and I'm getting bogged down in her sentences. Have I lost my ability to read finely crafted prose, or does she write her novels in Latin and use a computer to translate them?

    2. I'm re-reading Stephen King's The Shining, inspired by Paul mentioning the upcoming King book, Dr. Sleep in last year's thread.

  2. I'm currently reading Susanna Gregory's "An Unholy Alliance". It reminds me of C.J. Sansom's Shardlake series - but with fewer anachronisms, less swearing, fewer ridiculous plot contrivances, and virtually no hunchbacks. I've just finished Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go". Next on the agenda is either James Ellroy's "The Black Dahlia" or Asa Larsson's "The Savage Altar".

    I like "The Shining" reread idea, Josie. I may reread it myself prior to "Dr Sleep's" release. I also have the final four Dark Tower books to catch up on. There just aren't enough hours in the day :o(

  3. I'm re-reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels for the reviews I'm doing for True-Blood.net, and have recently discovered Robert Charles Wilson, who writes some interesting and varied science fiction. I really liked The Spin and Mysterium, but couldn't get through Julian Comstock.

  4. Following Paul's recommendation, I'm currently reading Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy (at my typically slow pace) and really enjoying it. Also looking forward to Stephen King's new Dark Tower book

  5. I'd love to hear what you think of The Black Dahlia, Paul. I was a huge Ellroy fan for years, but I tried to re-read that novel just last month and couldn't get through it. That doesn't prevent me from recommending American Tabloid, though. Might be a neat counterpoint to 11/22/63.

  6. I enjoyed "The Black Dahlia". I always want to hate Ellroy's books--mainly because he's always so full of himself--but I can't deny he knows how to write a good story. It took me a few chapters to warm to Dahlia, but once it got going, I loved it.

    Ellroy's one of those writers you can read just to admire his style. He does so much with so little. His sentences are so densely packed, even the short chapters give you information overload. He's not one of those writers who drags things out. He doesn't tease. He gets on with it and you always feel like the story's going somewhere... even when it's not.

    Thanks for the "America Tabloid" recommendation, Josie. I might take you up on it. Or I might continue with the L.A. Quartet at some point. I'm thinking a complete change of pace next. Maybe Brandon Sanderson's "Warbreaker" or back to Rankin's Rebus series. Oh, the agony of choice.

  7. Rankin's Rebus isn't too, too different from Ellroy's heroes, is he? Poor tortured souls in dark cities.

  8. Character-wise, probably not. I was thinking more stylistically. As it happens, I've started the Song of Ice and Fire series instead. I can hardly wait for it to get bloated and disappointing ;o)

  9. I'm currently reading The Fault In Our Stars... which is one of the sharpest books i've ever read. Seriously jaded but honest characters. Think Lorelai Gilmore, but with more cynicism.
    I also just finished reading the Hunger Games series... And i've honestly never been this excited about Epic Fantasy since Harry Potter. Excellent, excellent works.

  10. Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson is wonderful.


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