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2009 Guest Book

Yes, this is my blog, not an actual guest book. But if you want to post feedback for me or for my guest writers, anonymously if you like, without having to send me an email -- this is the place.

So please feel free to post any comment you like. I always read every comment posted on my blog, and try to answer any questions.

Happy 2009!


  1. Happy new year, Billie! And thanks for the reviews.

  2. Review true Blood seriously, you won't regret it.

  3. I have just inadvertently seen a Roy Dupuis movie. We went to go see the Sneak Preview movie of the week, which turned out to be "L'instinct de mort". It's actually a pretty good movie. It's about a gangster in France, and later Canada. He's unlikable, does despicable things, but he's also funny and pretty enigmatic. Roy Dupuis plays a Canadian whom our gangster meets halfway through the movie. Them together is the most enjoyable part of the movie.

    Not the best movie ever, but I'll be watching part 2 (without Roy, unfortunately).

  4. I read your nikita reviews. Made me want to watch the show again.It really is like a guilty pleasure. I have to say I like Nikita better than alias b/c like you said, its so much darker and it gets worse.
    season one and four are my absolute favorites.

  5. Love all your reviews, I was a big Buffy fan and me and my daughter just got the full collection of Buffy and Angel and I've been reading your reviews while watching the episodes again.

    I used your smallville reviews to kind of "catch up" because I lost track of the show and just started watching again and was a bit lost.

    You did a lot of hard work, thanks.

  6. Based on the essay you wrote, along with a couple of friends liking it, I recently purchased both seasons of Carnivale. I have just started season 2 and, as you seem very often to be, are dead on about the show - Excellent. I would love to see you do a episode by episode review of it, as each episode offers so much detail and does it in a strange (good strange not bad) way. One thing that I did not know when I started it was Ron Moores involvement with the series. The similarities in the way the story is told, as well as how it progresses, between Carnivale and some of Moores other work are quite apparent even had I not ever known of his involvement.

    Keep up the good work!

  7. Hey Billie,

    I've been reading your reviews since the good old days of TvTome (where I used to read your Alias reviews), and I remember back when your site was created and Alias, Dead Zone, Angel and Buffy were the only shows you had reviewed. It's amazing to see what your site has now grown into; it seems like it expands more and more each day that passes.

    I just wanted to say good job. Your hard work is definitely paying off, and even after all these years, I still look forward to reading your reviews after each episode airs. And I also have to give a big thanks. Without you, I may never had gotten into Buffy, Angel or Battlestar, which are just about three of my favorite shows of all time.

    Thanks again, and keep up the hard work.

  8. Your Episode 5 write-up did not link properly to html
    I couldn't read it

  9. Thanks, Anonymous. But which episode 5? Could you post or send me a link to the page that doesn't work?

  10. This link maybe......


  11. Love your reviews Billie, far better than any "professional" critic ive read ,keep up the exellent work.

    Dave Walpole, UK

  12. Billie! I stumbled across your site while looking for Six Feet Under reviews. I really enjoyed your format for your reviews. I wish you'd do something like this for other HBO shows like The Sopranos, OZ or The Wire.

    You're great at what you do and enjoyable to read.

    Bill Kidney

  13. Hi Billie!
    I've been reading your reviews for years and they never fail to impress. I just watched the series premiere of Kings and thought you might like it. It stars Deadwood's Ian McShane as the king of a mythical country similar to modern day United States. It's a rethinking of the Biblical story of David and King Saul and promises to be unique and intriguing. Thought you might enjoy it...

    Keep up the good work!

  14. I love your reviews billie! i always read them right after i see an episode, its like getting to watch the episode again. Ive been reading your stuff since tvtome and its as good as ever.

  15. I got hooked on your reviews after reading your Alias' ones. Crazy series, and I pretty much followed your shows from there. Keep up the good work!

  16. I just watched Season 1 of Lost for the first time, and was searching the Internet to read reviews to gain some additional insights. I LOVE your site and loved reading your episode reviews. I can't wait to see Season 2 to read each of your reviews after each episode. The only comment I had on one review - which is incredibly silly and picky - was that I think Arnzt was complaining to the passenger - not the airline employee - complaining that he knew he should have had his computer out and ready for the security, and decided to take it out just as he was approaching the machine. But wow! I gained so many insights from reading your reviews, I couldn't believe you predicted from the beginning that Locke knocked Sayid out, and I agree with you that I love that character. He's adorable. Can't wait to read your other reviews as I watch more episodes and seasons. Thank you.

  17. In reading your review of The Incident when you mention Kate from Ames, Iowa...I just read East of Eden and the most evil person in there is Cathy Ames who changes her first name to Kate for the second half of the novel. She represents Satan in the book. Don't know that it means anything with Kate in Lost but it is interesting.

  18. I just finished watching Six Feet Under and as usual your episode reviews were not only spot on but very helpful in terms of not letting the "little details" pass me by unnoticed. This show has the most subtle, yet important details that seem to be missed by the majority that have watched it so I am thankful that your reviews have helped me not miss out.

    One other thing, I loved your review of the new Star Trek movie. Some of your concerns about the film may be answered when the deleted scenes are released since from what I have heard those are the areas of the film that were left on the cutting room floor.

    Thanks again for all of your hard work!


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