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Chuck: Chuck versus the Broken Heart

“To discuss this further would be to violate protocol.”

I didn’t think it was possible to replace the sunny, sexy, curvaceous in all the right ways Yvonne Strahovski. But I guess I hadn’t thought of the stunning, gamine, superhot Tricia Helfer from Battlestar Galactica and Burn Notice. Wow.

Loved Awesome’s exuberance at the silliest bachelor party ever. He’s like a golden retriever. He even wears his ID around his neck, like some sort of collar. The neat way his face was framed when he declared his loyalty was a nice shot, too.

Loved the synchronicity between Casey and Agent Alex Forest. He likes the cut of her jib—and the cut of her stripper cop outfit. The scene with the guns must be what NRA porn looks like. But even Casey changed his mind eventually and stood up for Sarah against Alex Forest’s hardcore and unfriendly management of the asset. Way to go, Agent Casey!

Loved the nitrous-induced zaniness between Chuck and the terrorist doctor.

Didn’t love Sarah’s grief at being (temporarily) replaced. Ellie felt replaced, too, however erroneously. Her angry sadness was justified, even though she was mistaken, and awfully upsetting. Chuck’s right: living a lie really does have ripple effects, and the most dramatic of them aren’t at the level of national security, but at the level of interpersonal relationships and emotional honesty. Just as he and Sarah seem to be reaching some sort of rhythm to the craziness of their relationship, things start to go awry for the couple that seemed destined for eternity.

So Chuck has found his dad. That should be pretty interesting next week: a great chance for a few emotional strings to get tied up. We’re still waiting to hear if Chuck has been renewed, though, so with every string that gets tied, I worry that the big one will get cut.

“This is what you’ve been waiting for. This is Xanadu.”

“I guess romance is alive and well and living in Burbank.”

“Sarah... is it really you? Or am I superstoned?”

“I can’t believe how much the United States government has hurt the ones I love.”

Three out of four Sexy Cylons.

Josie Kafka is a full-time cat servant and part-time rogue demon hunter. (What's a rogue demon?)


  1. I love how there is always a parody of "fantasy scenes"... the entrance Tricia Helfer made to the Buy More was hysterical. There was another one a few months back where Sarah was crawling on the floor.

  2. Oops, I left out the best scene of the night: "I forgot why I was mad at you!"

  3. I loved the "match made in a very scary part of heaven" line so, so much. And the whole Tricia Helfer/Adam Baldwin thing felt like a fantasy Battlestar/Firefly crossover.

  4. I was pleasantly surprised when Casey stood up for Sarah, especially after all the evident chemistry with Forrest. Go team!

    The scene in the vault with the gas was simply hilarious. The look Chuck shoots Forrest after she takes credit for what he discovered was another gem.


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