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Glee: Pilot

Fox ran the pilot of their new fall show, Glee, a week or two ago. I just got around to watching it. And I fell in love with it in the first five minutes. It's wry and clever and funny and joyous; I must have laughed out loud ten times. I got to the end and wanted to watch it again.

Glee is about a high school Spanish teacher named Will Shuester (Matthew Morrison) who wants to recapture his glory days back when *he* was in high school by forming a new Glee Club. The principal won't give him money for costumes or music. His only sign-ups are five misfits, and he has to literally blackmail a quarterback to get a sixth. His wife (Jessalyn Gilsig) keeps nagging him to get a better-paying job; she doesn't understand that Will lives to teach.

This show is about the importance of doing what you love. And of course, it's about the drama and alienation and misery of high school, and that never gets old. Plus, there's the music. I loved the music. I even loved the background music.

The trailer is on YouTube, and the entire pilot of Glee is available on Fox.com all summer. At least try the trailer. It's worth the time. I know this is a show I'm going to be watching this fall.
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. I normally only watch scifi and genre shows but I too found this to be laugh out loud funny.

    The last time I checked the pilot episode was also available for free on iTunes.

  2. Checked out the trailer...checked out the episode...loved every minute of it! I really like feel-good crap. For some reason this show made me feel like I used to feel watching Ed. Thanks for the recommendation Billie. September suddenly feels like a long way off.


  3. It looks fun, I'll give it a go. I'm actually looking forward to V and Happy Town as well. Will you be doing a 2009-2010 TV season preview of the new sci-fi shows during the fall?

  4. Shawn, we'll probably be reviewing the premieres of nearly all of the sci-fi/fantasy-related shows. We don't actually have a plan or anything, though. :)

  5. Billie, isn't our plan World Domination?

    I, too, was convinced to watch Glee from your review. Adorable and funny, all at the same time. I hope Fox treats it well.

  6. *smacks head* Oh, yes, that's right! World domination!

  7. Well, after all these comments, I decided to give it a go, too. I thought it was pretty campy and cheesy at times, but I really enjoyed the music. Maybe I'm just a sucker for Journey. I loved Jane Lynch as the cheerleading coach! Jayma Mays was pretty fun, too. I'll be giving the show at least a few more episodes in the fall.

  8. I, for one, welcome our TV-reviewing overlords. You have my complete support in your plans for world domination, as long as your first act as our supreme rulers is resurrecting Firefly.

  9. I'm sooooooo glad you said something about Glee! I know its not fantasy or sci-fi, but it is just so charming and different. I can't get enough. The quality of the production (the filming itself as well as the broadway caliber actors like Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele) makes it hit the note, pun intendend :-)

    By the last scene with the Journey song I had a smile ear to ear. I played it for my dad who needed a pick me up as he's been suffering poor health and it worked, it lifted his spirits.

    Love your reviews all the way around though Billie, I've been reading them for years, since the early Buffy/Angel days.

    Keep it up!! Maya

  10. I'm so excited (and pleasantly surprised) that you reviewed Glee! I have been completely obsessed with the show since the premier, and actually enjoy the trailers during SYTYCD almost as much as the dance competition. I don't know if you are planning on reviewing this, esp with your review load, but if you need a guest reviewer, let me know! I'll be happily tuned in to every episode - I was a musical theatre/dance geek :-)

  11. Our plans for TV-reviewing world domination are, at this point, focused on sci-fi/fantasy/cult shows. We do post the occasional review of other stuff, especially premieres. So I guess the short version is, I have every intention of watching Glee, but I doubt that we'll ever review it regularly.

    Of course, you never can tell what the future holds.


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