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NewsFlashFoward: ABC Orders Entire Season

Great news for all us nascent FlashForward fans. ABC has just announced that they have picked up FlashForward for an entire season. It even OutPerformed Survivor.

Good news? Boring news? Do you like the show? Do you think that we, too, can call ourselves Flans? (Or is that treading on sacred ground?)


  1. I don't think I'm an all out fan yet, but I do like flan. Does that count?

  2. Watching ep 1.3 right now. Think this show just won me over with that 'earth farted' line.

    Great news about the renewal

  3. It's a slow burner this show. Intriguing, yet, not absolutely captivating. At least not yet. I'm looking forwards to seeing what they do with it.


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