Season premières are unforgiving creatures. There's often too much to convey in too little time, and this episode had a particularly difficult brief as it had the unenviable task of introducing us to not only a new Doctor, but also a new companion, and a brand new, super-sized TARDIS. So well done to the man (or woman) whose idea it was to grant us an extra 20 minutes of air time. It helped the story no end.
I should start out by saying that I love Matt Smith. From his first interview after landing the role, to his later promotional appearances, in my eyes, he always seemed perfect for the job. Intense, gangly, long-fingered, big fringed, kind of eccentric looking—and all this before flexing one acting muscle. So I expected a lot from Matt Smith, and he didn't disappoint. He totally established himself as the Doctor in just one episode—a tribute to both Smith's acting chops, and Steven Mofatt's writing skills. Plus, I think Matt Smith brings just the right amount of zaniness to the role. I loved Tennant, but he sometimes went way too far with his enthusiastic buffoonery. Matt plays the Doctor with considerably more restraint and, for me at least, it totally worked.
I quite like the Doctor's new look, too. It's kind of history professor-esque—with the bow tie, the red braces and the tweed jacket—yet Matt's floppy fringe, his fresh face, tattered old boots and boundless enthusiasm, somehow give the ensemble that contemporary flavour. And the Doctor's new TARDIS looked both beautiful and vast (necessary, I suppose, if it's to house a swimming pool and library). Here's hoping we get to see more of it as the season progresses. Will we ever get to see the Doctor's bedroom, I wonder? More importantly, will Amy ever get to see it? That is where they're heading with this, right? A brand new Doctor, with a gorgeous, new companion—who just so happens to be a sexy kissogram, with a sultry pout and a penchant for wearing short skirts.
Of course, the Doctor Who community has been predictably vociferous in its condemnation of the show's raunchier elements. Firstly, Amy's too slutty (apparently); secondly, the Doctor should never, ever take off his shirt on-screen (despite Tennant ragging off completely in 'Journey's End'); thirdly, Amy should have looked away from the Doctor's naked form immediately, and not have been such a perv (because, as we all know, no young woman has ever enjoyed looking at a semi-naked man); fourthly, the Doctor should never be portrayed as a sexual being (despite his implied love of both Rose and Reinette throughout season two); fifthly... oh, you get the picture. People are dumb-asses.
I've been enthusiastic about Karen Gillan from the beginning, and I've not seen anything, so far, to dissuade me from that view. And I'm not the kind of viewer who automatically loves everything about Doctor Who, irrespective of whether it's good or bad. I was distinctly underwhelmed when Catherine Tate became a permanent member of the cast back in 2008 (and was, conversely, pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be half decent); Freema Agyeman, likewise, wouldn't have been my first choice as Rose's successor (nor my tenth, truth be told... though she did have a few decent episodes); and the Daleks and Cybermen have ground me into a state of weary indifference over the years, with their lame gags and pointless 'delete, delete' mantra. But I have no such qualms about Karen Gillan. Based on her previous work alone (Stacked, Rebus, etc.) she just seems born to play this role. So what if she wears a short skirt? I don't really care if the Doctor wears a short skirt, if I'm honest.
Besides, the character of Amy Pond is fascinating. It's going to be interesting to see how her relationship with the Doctor develops. He's already failed her twice—yet, despite him abandoning her, she never forgot him. She painted pictures of him, she made models of his likeness, she got her boyfriend to dress up as him (Jesus! Really?), and not even years of psychoanalysis, under four different psychiatrists, could shake her faith in her raggedy Doctor. Then suddenly, he's back on the scene asking her to trust him again—which, of course, she does immediately. In many respects Amy's a different kind of companion to Donna, Rose and Martha. She's spent much of her life alone—an orphan—her formative years a confusing mixture of reality and fantasy. Maybe that's why she's a kissogram. A need to escape... to be someone else, somewhere else.
Another thing in Amy's favour is that she's not encumbered by a big family, so we won't have to endure too much in terms of unnecessary family drama, outside of Rory, and the odd visit from Amy's aunt (assuming she's still alive). In fact, the only negative thing I have to say about Amy, or more precisely about the way she was portrayed, is that Adam Smith seemed far too enamoured with Karen Gillan's eyes. Make no mistake, she has beautiful eyes, I'm just not sure they're as expressive as the director thinks they are. Sometimes the 'eye close-up' was used to good effect—but at other times it just seemed superfluous.
Prisoner Zero and the Atraxi were a decent effort, but generally unmemorable. The Atraxi looked like a length of CGI-ed ventilation hose. In fact, most of the visual effects were decidedly mediocre—but the villains undoubtedly served their purpose. They gave the newly regenerated Doctor a foe to do battle with, and gave Amy reason to trust in him again. They also supplied some nice 'silence will fall' and 'cracks are opening in the skin of the Universe' dialogue, no doubt setting up some later plot development of world-ending proportions. Unless, of course, Mr Moffat decides to take the lesser trodden path of not threatening to blow up the Universe this season (a tactic which would have Russell T. Davies waking up at night, screaming). Time will tell on that one.
Other Thoughts.
—I like the new rural English setting (despite it being filmed in Wales). London was becoming a bore.
—Who prays to Santa? Mind you, that might be why I keep getting coal and oranges for Christmas—maybe I am praying to the wrong guy.
—Steven Moffat is now the head writer of Doctor Who (replacing Russell T. Davis), and Piers Wenger and Beth Willis are executive producers (replacing Julie Gardner).
—As well as new staff they've also revamped the theme music, the titles and the Doctor Who logo. Not sure about them yet. Maybe they'll grow on me.
—Custard and fish fingers? Nice!
—Another story by Steven Moffat which plays on our childhood fears—this time, it's things which we can only see out the corner of our eye.
—It looks as though Amy's about to get married. To Rory?
—I'm guessing this episode is called 'The Eleventh Hour' because Matt Smith's the eleventh Doctor. Unless anyone's got any better ideas.
—Nice montage of the Doctor's ten previous incarnations, as well as some nifty footage from the Doctor Who movie. I think I saw the Sea Devils in there, too.
—How many times did Matt smack himself on the forehead prior to them getting a usable take? His forehead was as red as a smacked arse.
—Interesting Doctor POV shots—with the camera zooming from person to person, allowing us to see what he sees, all in super quick time.
—The girl who plays young Amelia (Caitlin Blackwood) is actually Karen Gillan's cousin in real life, hence the resemblance.
Doctor: 'I hate yogurt. It's just stuff, with bits in.'
Doctor: 'Why did you say six months?'
Amy (shouting): 'Why did you say six minutes?'
Doctor: 'I'm the Doctor. Basically... run.'
Doctor: 'Come with me.'
Amy: 'Where?'
Doctor: 'Wherever you like.'
Doctor: 'This is when you fly. Today's the day you save the world.'
Doctor: 'Look at you. Oh, you sexy thing. Look at you.'
Also posted at The Time Meddler.
Can't wait to see it, now that it's got Paul's seal of approval! We have to wait for nearly two more weeks, but at least it won't be months this time.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing about Amy Pond is that she has very different background from all the last four. I think she is much more of a Moffet character, she reminds me of Sally Sparrow.
ReplyDeleteThat's a really good point, WhyMe. It's one thing to write for an already existing character. It's another thing entirely to shape a character from scratch. It will be interesting to see who does the better job... Steven or Russell.
ReplyDeleteHi Paul!
ReplyDeleteI think this was your best review yet. Even the parts where I disagree were relateable (is that a word?).
So far I like the new team and they are a good foundation for the next episodes.
Murray Gold's music was good and I liked the new themes, but the new version of the Doctor Who Theme does not work for me, as does the new look of the time vortex.
Anyway, I am looking forward to the next few episodes, especially Chris Chinball's 2-parter,
and your reviews.
p.s.: Billie, will you also review the new episodes?
"I'm guessing this episode is called “The Eleventh Hour” because Matt Smith's the eleventh Doctor. Unless anyone's got any better ideas."
ReplyDeleteThe episode's title refers both to the newly regenerated Doctor's incarnation, as well as trading on the term 'the eleventh hour' colloquially referring to doing something at the last possible minute, which ties in nicely to the Eleventh Doctor's saving of the planet in twenty minutes. Kind of a double entendre, but without the risqué connotations, which is surprisingly rare for Steven 'Coupling' Moffat. :)
Another great review, btw. :)
Great review, Paul!
ReplyDeleteThey're saying the Doctor should never take his shirt off onsceen? The Third Doctor had a shower scene! (In his post-regeneration episode, too.)
Hi Gavrielle,
ReplyDeleteI'd completely forgotten about Pertwee's foray into soft porn. If memory serves me correct he was wore a shower cap and did this big gratuitous washing of his arse scene whilst bending over (mostly out of shot, thankfully).
Found it! Check out this sexiness. It's just as disturbing as I remember... particularly on 0.33 seconds....
ReplyDeleteThe Doctor's arse!
Terrifying Paul! Can someone clear this up for me - is Matt the youngest doctor so far? Ahhh, he so dreamy. I think I've just started to like Dr Who!
ReplyDeleteOh man, did I love this episode. I had planned to wait and see it when it came out in the States, but I finally lost my resolve when I read that review. Smith absolutely killed in the role, and while I'm not absolutely in love with Pond yet, I think she'll grow on me; she's already feels like a stronger possible romantic foil than Rose or Martha. And honestly, I could watch the last fifteen minutes of that episode (everything from him calling the aliens back on) a hundred times and not get bored with it. The episode caught this sense of joy that I haven't felt since some of the funnier Buffy/Angel eps. SO, so great.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I liked the design of the Atraxi; I felt like the crystal ships works, and the giant eye looking at the doctor on the roof was a shot that really appealed to me for some reason.
Hello Harry. Yes, you're quite right. Matt Smith is the youngest actor to play the Doctor since Peter Davison (who was 29).
ReplyDeleteLove every single second of it right down to the Patrick Moore cameo. Wasn’t even one of Steven Moffat’s best efforts yet I still loved it regardless. Especially Miss Amelia Pond. Sorry, Sarah Jane, but I might just have a new favourite companion.
ReplyDeleteAmy Pond has to have one of the most unique intros for a companion in the series and she's brilliant.
ReplyDeleteMatt Smith works as the Doctor so well that I can't believe anyone would doubt him now. He just fits the role effortlessly.
I did a review for this episode on my own blog but I have to admit that Prisoner Zero in it's own form didn't look as good.
Can't wait to find out about the Pandorica as well.
I liked it a lot, too. Although I kept having the uncomfortable feeling that I was being unfaithful to David Tennant.
ReplyDeleteWonderful review, Paul.
Apparently I don't get BBC America with my current Comcast account. Is there any other way to watch this show?
ReplyDeleteI have finally started watching Season 5 and the 11th Doctor. I first read this particular review a while back after finishing Season 4...and when I read "red braces", I thought "ugh, does he really have red braces? Why would they do that?", and then got confused, because, well, he doesn't have braces in any of the still shots I have seen. So, now that I have finally seen this episode I have realized (as she smacks herself on the head), braces must be what you (in the UK?) call suspenders. Ha.
ReplyDeleteI am up to Ep 4, and loving it, although I haven't yet grown attached to Matt's Doctor - I do like him - just not attached yet. The Dalek episode did not thrill me, but Weeping Angels - love them. So creepy.
Haha... oh dear. Sorry Sooze. Scuppered by the language barrier yet again. If it's any consolation "Victory of the Daleks" didn't do much for me either. But it's the only real misstep in an otherwise strong season. And you've still got the best to come. "Vincent and the Doctor", "Amy's Choice", "The Pandorica Opens" and "The Big Bang" are great episodes. And yes, I'm from England :o)
ReplyDeleteI should also point out that if I'd written the Doctor was wearing "suspenders" here in the UK, it would conjure up all manner of disturbing images (or exciting ones, depending upon your proclivities) ;o)
ReplyDeleteOh, gosh, now I have to look up what "suspenders" mean over there! I am in the middle of "Amy's Choice" and had to stop watching to make dinner, yada, yada, yada, all the rest of the evening chores (yes, I have been watching most of the day while working), and probably won't get back to it for another day or two - aarrgghh!! The suspense is killing me!
ReplyDeleteI've never been a fan of the Doctor getting involved romantically with companions and so on, barring some key exceptions (like Cameca in the Aztecs), but I also don't get my hackles raised when they add a bit of raunchiness to the show and when companions engage in their own little bits of innuendo and so on. It can be funny in fact, and Amy is a solid and yes, sexy companion, so it all works. And to add to that, the short where Amy meets herself and they flirt with other was not only funny, it was alluring too, as Rory points out when he indicates he is totally ok with it!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great intro to a new Doctor. They can be hit or miss (for example; The Twin Dilemma and Time and the Rani are huge misses), and this is a hit; it's interesting, it's funny, Matt Smith felt like the Doctor almost immediately, and while the story with the prisoner and such wasn't my favorite, it does flow pretty well.
All in all, a great intro to my favorite modern Doctor.