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NewsFlash: Torchwood not getting Foxed

According to my favorite news source, Fox has decided not to take on Torchwood. Since pretty much everyone was perturbed by the very idea of Fox screwing with Captain Jack Harkness, and quite possibly even (horrors) making him straight, this is sort of good news. Except for the fact that Torchwood is still in limbo. I don't want Torchwood in limbo! I want more Torchwood, and no one is giving it to me!


  1. A Fox version. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

    So great news for all fans. It would be cancelled either way.

  2. I have to admit it, Billie but I'm relieved by this one. If FOX won't give us Torchwood, then that hopefully means a fourth season of the UK version and that is the best thing all round.

  3. TV.com on the other hand writes that they are in negotiations with other US networks so it's not over.

  4. Good news everyone, Season Four is offically a go, The BBC have made a deal with Starz to co-produce a ten-part 4th series starring John Barrowman and Eve Myles and shot in the UK and US.

    For more info go here: http://www.sfx.co.uk/2010/06/07/torchwood-returns/

  5. Ausiello is also reporting this at EW. He's saying the new season should be due summer 2011.


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