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NewsFlash: NBC's Fall Schedule

It's the beginning of "upfront" week, in which the major networks debut their fall schedules – and set their ad rates. NBC leaked their upfront info early: we'll get many new scripted hour-long shows to join our friend Chuck (renewed for 13 episodes and set to premiere in the fall). Click for the genre-friendly version of the official press release, and let us know in the comments which shows you're looking forward to, which shows you'll skip, or whether it's just too early to say.

The Event (Monday 9-10, after Chuck):

Official description: The Event is an emotional high-octane conspiracy thriller that follows Sean Walker (Parenthood‘s Jason Ritter), an Everyman who investigates the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée, Leila (Sarah Roemer), and unwittingly begins to expose the biggest cover-up in U.S. history. Sean’s quest will send ripples through the lives of an eclectic band of strangers, including: newly elected U.S. President Martinez (Blair Underwood); Sophia (Laura Innes), who is the leader of a mysterious group of detainees; and Sean’s shadowy father-in-law (Gilmore Girls‘ Scott Patterson). Their futures are on a collision course in a global conspiracy that could ultimately change the fate of mankind. Ian Anthony Dale (Daybreak) and Emmy winner Željko Ivanek (Damages) also star in the ensemble drama.

I like the sound of a global conspiracy, although I'm confused about how the fate of mankind can be changed--that implies we know what the fate of mankind is...Do we know that? (Could someone clue me in?)

Undercovers (Wednesday 8-9):

Official description: Outwardly, Steven Bloom (Kodjoe) and his wife, Samantha (Mbatha-Raw), are a typical married couple who own a small catering company in Los Angeles and are helped by Samantha’s easily frazzled younger sister, Lizzy (Jessica Parker Kennedy). Secretly, the duo were two of the CIA’s best spies until they fell in love on the job five years ago and retired. When fellow spy and friend Nash (Carter MacIntyre) goes missing while on the trail of a Russian arms dealer, the Blooms are reinstated by boss Carlton Shaw (Gerald McRaney) to locate and rescue Nash. The pair is thrust back into the world of espionage as they follow leads that span the globe — and Steven and Samantha realize that this supercharged, undercover lifestyle provides the excitement and romance that their marriage has been missing

This is the J.J. Abrams Alias/Chuck mash-up we've heard so much about. The early time slot means this will be lighter fare than, say, Lost and Fringe. But do we need another happy spy show?

Law & Order: Los Angeles (Wednesday 10-11):

There's no official description for this one – do we really need it? In fact, the only reason this show is listed here in Genre Heaven is that I really, really want to review the pilot. L&O, in all of its incarnations, is a New York show. Can it really handle all the LA sunshine?

The Cape (mid-season replacement):

Official description: The Cape is a one-hour drama series starring David Lyons (ER) as Vince Faraday, an honest cop on a corrupt police force, who finds himself framed for a series of murders and presumed dead. He is forced into hiding, leaving behind his wife, Dana (Jennifer Ferrin, Life on Mars) and son, Trip (Ryan Wynott, FlashForward). Fueled by a desire to reunite with his family and to battle the criminal forces that have overtaken Palm City, Faraday becomes The Cape, his son’s favorite comic book superhero — and takes the law into his own hands. Rounding out the cast are James Frain (The Tudors) as billionaire Peter Fleming, The Cape’s nemesis, who moonlights as the twisted killer Chess; Keith David (Death at a Funeral) as Max Malini, the ringleader of a circus gang of bank robbers who mentors Vince Faraday and trains him to be The Cape; Summer Glau (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) as Orwell, an investigative blogger who wages war on crime and corruption in Palm City; and Dorian Missick (Six Degrees) as Marty Voyt, a former police detective and friend to Faraday.

Summer Glau? A "circus ring of bank robbers"? An average joe who becomes a superhero? What's not to love?

So, superfans? What do you think?


  1. Undercovers is a must have because all J.J. Abrams shows are must haves, even when they sound as unoriginal as this does.

    Not that excited about the rest.

  2. The cape sounds like something interesting, but as a midseason replacement it will probably just die after a couple of episodes. But i will be checking it out once it premieres. If it turns out to be similar in tone to Nolan's Batman reboot then it will be awesome. But it's on NBC so it has more chance to turn into a incomrehensible mess a la Heroes.

    On the other hand the Abrams show looks unoriginal, but the name deserves at least checking out. But again this being NBC it might be JJ's first real flop.

    May i ask why do you want to review the L&O:LA premiere? :)

    As for the Event i smell another attempt to replicate Lost's success probably with the same result as many before. Changing the fate of mankind might not be a bad thing cause from where i'm standing our spieces fate was always to achieve nothing of significance and blow ourselves to hell. :)

  3. Event does indeed look like another Lost wannabe, and The Cape like a "we can do better than Heroes" attempt. I will certainly be trying all of them (with the exception of Law & Order: LA), and I plan to review the pilot of Undercovers, hoping that it's not just a cross between Chuck and Alias with a bit of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

  4. The L&O:LA premiere? Because that's just so weird. Like moving "The Wire" to Orange County. Or "The OC" to Berlin.

  5. dam it I' was excited for Rex Is Not Your Lawyer


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