After the relative lightness of the past two weeks, tonight's episode turned the chuckles down low and cranked up the drama. It's a testament to the show's quality that even the stand alones this season have been excellent. Each instalment seems an improvement on the last. Tonight's episode saw McNair and Tom finally meet potential pack mates George and Nina. Sadly, instead of creating harmony, it brought violence, revelations and grief. The wolves totally kicked arse tonight. Could McNair really take Mitchell in a fight? I'm guessing we'll find out before the season's over. My money's on Mitchell.
I may be in the minority, but, I quite like where they're going with Mitchell and Annie's relationship. I'll be the first to admit, I don't fully understanding what's going on. If they can kiss, then Annie's body must cause some friction? If Annie can carry cups of tea, then surely she can hold things? (Both literally and euphemistically.) Am I missing something obvious here? Why can't they have sex? Mitchell seemed to suggest that Annie's kisses felt like tickles. That works. Now tickle somewhere else.
If we learned anything from tonight's episode, it's that sex by proxy doesn't work. I can't imagine why either of them thought it would. Why would Mitchell want to have sex with some inebriated, puking stranger? (That question's for you, promiscuous Saturday night revellers.) And why would Annie want to stand by and watch? I get that she can feel "sexy vibes" through physical contact. But it all felt so awkward. (Which, of course, means big laughs for us.) For Mitchell, sex isn't an expression of love. It's a weapon for acquiring blood. It turns him into a monster. So, if Mitchell's better off without it, and Annie can't experience it in any meaningful way, then why not have them both abstain? It's a storyline we don't see explored that often. Except for on Buffy. And Twilight. Hmmm. Anyway...
I was relieved that, after learning the truth about his parents, Tom stayed with McNair. Yes, McNair has his problems (i.e. he's a killer). And, granted, he can't live up to his own standards. (What parent can?) But at least he was there for Tom. He provided a roof over his head, and raised him as best he could. Sure, the tetanus mobile isn't much of a home. But at least Tom's had the benefit of McNair's unique parental guidance. He actually seems reasonably well adjusted. (If a tad naive). I loved McNair's flowers and the bees talk. It's always fun watching a grown man squirm whilst talking about sex. (If, indeed, that's what he was talking about. I got confused by the genius of his metaphors).
In fact, I found McNair's semi-antiquated morals oddly charming. He wouldn't kill Mitchell in front of Annie. Nor was he happy with Mitchell swearing in front of the girls. Such gallantry. Which kind of makes you wonder where all his vampire hate comes from. There's obviously more to his story than we're currently privy to. Is McNair the one destined to kill Mitchell? Mitchell seems to think so. But, given his hatred of vampires, why would McNair help the Old Ones? (From whom retribution is coming.) Unless, of course, he's an unwitting participant in Mitchell's murder. That would work, I guess.
In reality, McNair and Mitchell aren't too dissimilar. Both have committed atrocities because of their afflictions. Both have lied to cover up their murderous deeds. Both use their adopted families as a restraint against their natures. So, what gives McNair the moral high ground over Mitchell? In many respects, McNair seems the worst of the two. At least McNair's condition only kicks in when there's a full moon. Mitchell's stuck with his 24/7. Which makes McNair's actions during the rest of the month less instinct and more willing intent. He kills because he chooses to kill.
I was a little disappointed that Mitchell saving McNair's life didn't wipe the slate clean. Mind you, if what Richard said about the Old Ones is true, then Mitchell's going to be up to his armpits in trouble quicker than you can say "mud wrestling lesbian twins" anyway. I'm glad Mitchell's rallying against the concept of fate. (Or is at least trying to.) Annie's defied it twice now. Why can't Mitchell? And what impact will Herrick and Cara's return have on the story? Answers next week, hopefully.
Bits and Pieces:
-- Three tracking badges on your woggle? George, you were clearly never a cub. A woggle is used to keep your neckerchief in place. It's not for putting badges on.
-- I loved Annie's mud wrestling lesbian twin sex talk. Now there's a DVD extra I'd like to see.
-- Hopefully Nina's baby survived her transformation. I wonder how it'll cope as Nina comes closer to term.
-- Mitchell, please throw the scrapbook out. You already know what's in it. Keeping it will only increase the likelihood of it being found... which, of course, is what's going to happen. Wobbliest floorboard ever!
-- How did "wolf shaped bullet" appear on the roof of that toy house? Was that all supposed to be in Mitchell's mind?
George: “If I had some stockings, I'd hand them over. Not that I do wear stockings... much.”
Annie: “Will you stop being so bloody Cranford about everything?”
George: “Oh, my God! I'm going to be a dad. I'm going to have to teach them to play football. I'm going to have to learn how to play football.”
McNair: “I'm coming for you, pal. You can't outrun me. You definitely can't outfight me. You can't even outlive me.”
George: “Just because we're not normal doesn't mean we can't be... normal.”
Annie: “Which one is it?”
George: “The Chubb! The Chubb!”
Annie: “What's a Chubb?”
George: “What it sounds like! The fat one.”
Mitchell: “I've got your back, Digby.”
Also posted at The Time Meddler.
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! I wasn't sure whether I'd bother watching this season of Being Human. Season two was a little too dark for me (and sometimes a just too silly.) But season three hasn't missed a beat. Will Mitchell really die? God, I hope not. But in a show where people rarely stay dead, I'm not converned. I just hope we don't lose Aidan Turner to the movies. It wouldn't be the same without Mitchell.
ReplyDeleteMitchell would definitely win. Have you seen McNair's arms? He like a stick man.
ReplyDeleteI bloody loved this episode. Just awesome. Richard was killed, Tom was so endearingly sweet, Nina/George awesome, Annie had some amusing moments and I kinda liked Mitchell vs. McNair as well. Oh and the Herrick bit at the end worked too. Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteThis was a really good episode, they managed to balance everything.
ReplyDeleteThe cage scene was so intense, the race to get the werewolves out of the cage, and then Annie and Mitchell using it as a sanctuary. It all played so well.
One fear I have is that Mitchell is so paranoid about the 'wolf shaped bullet' that he's going to instigate a self fulfilling proffecy. Like in 'the Pack' McNair wouldn't have really been aware of Mitchell if he hadn't attacked Tom out of the fear that Tom was his assassin. I'm sure McNair would have killed Mitahell indiscriminately for being a vampire anyways, but attacking Tom brought him into the line of fire.
I like McNair and I'm hoping that he's not the 'wolf-shaped bullet' so he can appear in later episodes and even series, er I mean seasons of course. That's one thing I'd never thought I'd hear myself say, we need more of Robson Green.
I liked Annie's description toward the end of what the werewolves done once they grew tired of trying to get to Mitchell. Was that their bonds in human life playing through into their wolf form, or is this how werewolves really behave in a group when they're not forced into a tight corner?
There's just so much going on right now and I can't wait until next week for the Herrick storyline. Being Human just gets better and better.
So that's my, er, little essay about what I thought about this episode. Or at least a little insight into what I thought about the werewolves. I'll just shut up now.
Great review, Paul. And another terrific episode with an amazing climax. Don't Mitchell and Annie make a lovely couple? They're both so curly.