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Eureka: Invincible

... in which Carl Carlson --- pioneer in the field of cellular regeneration and extreme germophobe --- accidentally blows up his lab, then discovers he has become indestructible.

Despite a mostly fun and quirky beginning, ‘Invincible’ soon evolved into something much darker. Carl Carlson was a very engaging character, and Saul Rubinek --- always a welcome guest actor --- managed to make him amusing, pathetic, occasionally creepy, and yet still sympathetic. I liked the basic concept of a man practically unable to leave his home due to fears about what horrors may befall him suddenly becoming invincible, but I wish they had spent a bit more time exploring the effect of this newfound freedom from fear on Carl. We saw how Carl’s experience affected Carter’s decision to let go of his irrational fear about tempting fate with health insurance, but other than a few brief moments at CafĂ© Diem, we didn’t really get to see how the changes affected Carl’s basic worldview. Instead, the story quickly shifted into “Carl may be the key to understanding the Artifact” mode.

Whatever the Artifact is, the Consortium wants access to it and Stark is becoming obsessed with understanding it. “I need to know.” I wonder if it has that effect on everyone, or if it just affects Nathan that way because he’s passionate about pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge? Carl’s brief exposure to some stray Artifact radiation gave him a “bizarre life craving” and made him feel “connected to everything at the same time.” It also vastly expanded his brain function, allowing him to tap into the uncharted powers of the mind and develop regenerative healing, telekinetic, and telepathic powers. Did I mention that this was the result of brief exposure? That’s one hella powerful Artifact! What happened to Carl when he entered the Artifact chamber? Did he die, or did he become pure energy? Did he maybe merge with the Artifact? I’m beginning to feel like Nathan. “I need to know.”

Other Thoughts

I was amused by Carter’s ridiculous notion that getting health insurance was tempting fate. Especially given the town he lives in. Insurance or no insurance, something bad is likely to happen to the sheriff in Eureka. On a weekly basis.

Jo paints and Allison used to be a doctor. Who knew?

Boy, when Global Dynamics fires you, it isn’t pretty. “Every molecule of my life has been erased.” “That’s our goal. Have a good day!”

Carter is still wearing his wedding ring. It made sense as a character establishing point back in the pilot, but given his obvious interest in Allison, I’m surprised that he hasn’t taken the ring off yet. He’s not still married is he?

I haven’t really decided if I’m on Team Carter or Team Stark when it comes to Allison, but I do enjoy the developing bond between her and Carter, especially the banter. Her accidentally spending the night because of an amazingly comfortable bed was cute. I loved how they acted all awkward about it in front of Stark. Fun!

What happened to Kim, Henry’s love interest? Did she decide not to take the job at GD? Is she still weighing her options, or off getting some extensive therapy after everything Jason put her through?

Beverly chatted with a small glowing head hologram with a garbled voice. Apparently Carl was being groomed as the Consortium’s stooge, but now that he’s out, they’ve targeted Fargo.

I dislike Beverly more and more each week. She is completely violating the trust of everyone in Eureka, not to mention her professional ethics. If someone like Stark or Allison was the Consortium’s liaison, the betrayal wouldn’t be nearly so heinous. Beverly, however, pretends to be a trusted counselor, manipulating people when they are at their most vulnerable emotionally. Carl’s devastation upon learning the truth spoke volumes about the depth of her betrayal.

Stark: “Carl, please. I have to know. What is it?”
Carl: “One day you will know. Question is: will you be ready?”

They used a much more subdued version of the theme music over the end credits. Fitting.

Final Analysis: I liked this one. Saul Rubinek brought his A-game, and I found myself quite caught up in Carl Carlson’s journey.

Jess Lynde is a highly engaged television viewer. Probably a bit too engaged.

1 comment:

  1. The bet between Zoe and Vincent about which of the two women Carter will end up with made me laugh. Guess everyone is beginning to pick sides.

    One of the frustrating things about this show, and you allude to it, is how quickly the stories need to happen. This was one that could easily have been two hours and still interesting. The change in Carl was something I wanted to explore more in depth.

    Having said that, I like the way the stories of the week dovetail so nicely into what is happening in Carter's life. So far, it has worked well without seeming forced.


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