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NewsFlash: Vampire Diaries and Supernatural Renewed

We can all start partying now! The CW has announced early pickups for five series, including The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Gossip Girl, 90210 and (do we care?) America's Top Model Something or Other.

Yes, we knew it would probably happen, but I for one am relieved. You never can tell what a network will do.


  1. YAY!

    Thank God. I can't imagine how Supernatural would have the time to put together so many storylines by the end of this season.

    Vampire Diaries and Supernatural are two of my favourite shows. Brilliant news we have another season of episodes, and your reviews Billie, to look forward to :D

  3. Cue Giant Sigh of Relief. Although I wavered about having a Supernatural season 6, I would have been extremely disappointed without a season 7. Season 6 has introduced way too much stuff to just end so season 7 is a must. Thanks CW!


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