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NewsFlash: Winter Is Here To Stay

Ausiello of TVLine reports that Game of Thrones has already been renewed for a second season. “This is the continuation of an exciting creative partnership," says the HBO president, doing an admirable job of making The Most Exciting News Ever sound like a very dull press release. Thanks to new writer Mark for the heads up!


  1. They must have been holding off making the announcement until they saw the overnights, huh? Wow.

  2. So, so happy about this. Numfar, do the dance of joy. I don’t care if you have to direct The Avengers, dance, I say, dance!

  3. Numfar is dancing... and so am I!

    YAY!!! :o)

    Hopefully they'll keep getting renewed... if for no other reason than to force George Martin to get a move on it with the next novels in the series! :D

  4. Gods be good! This is the best news I will have until I hear about the green light of Game of Thrones season 3. Hehe I worry that Mr Martin won't be able to finish the novels before they catch up, CrazyKris! Wonder what would happen then?

  5. hehehe... well, considering A Dance With Dragons is about to come out, that gives us 5 seasons until we need to start worrying about that!

    So Martin has 5 whole years to write book 6! ;o)

    I'm more worried about seasons 7 and 8! :p


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