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NewsFlash: Torchwood trailer

I know I'm being repetitive, and it's going to suck if it turns out terribly, but I am very excited about the return of Torchwood. And we finally have a trailer! "I'm Welsh."

Enjoy. Anticipate. Subscribe to Starz.


  1. Oh Billie, you're not the only one excited.

    The trailer is fantastic. So looking forward to the new series.

  2. Gah!!! This looks awesome!! I don't have Starz and am too cheap to get it...so I'll just have to wait...BOO...and, hey, it's what's-her-face from Dollhouse!!!

  3. Looking good. I didn't realize they were going to use the miniseries format again, now I'm really excited.

  4. And there's going to be ten episodes! I can't wait. I am going to be so disappointed if Starz screws it up but i'm very hopeful.

  5. Ahem... SQUEEEEEEEE! That is all. :)

  6. Awww, no fair. Video not available in my country. Luckily it is available elsewhere and does look very promising indeed. I just re-watched Children of Earth for the first time in two-years and its got me all excited for Miracle Day. Really hope it doesn't disappoint.

    And that no one we care about gets killed off. Again.


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