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Eureka: Show Me the Mummy!

... in which an ancient mummy queen and the scientists studying her go missing, as Allison struggles on her first day back at work.

When I first saw the title for this episode, I was afraid we’d be forging ahead into another hilarious misadventure without any time for reflection or grief in the wake of Stark’s death, and quite frankly, I just wasn’t ready for that. But I needn’t have worried. Despite a goofy opening --- in which Fargo gets attacked by that ridiculously cheesy mummy hand --- ‘Show Me the Mummy!’ had a surprisingly high degree of emotional resonance, allowing us to grieve with Fargo and Allison and to say a final goodbye to Stark.

Salli Richardson-Whitfield really killed it in this episode. My heart was absolutely breaking for Allison as she tried to hold it together despite countless reminders of Nathan, including his beautiful gift and his brief “ghostly” visitations. The moment in the car really got to me, especially Eva’s moving attempt to provide some comfort and support. “The hard truth is, you can get past it, but you’ll never get over it, even if you have all the time in the world.”

Eva really surprised me this week. She seemed so genuine when she reached out to Allison, that it really made me question my impression of her thus far. She’s certainly working a secret agenda, but I’m starting to wonder if her motivations might not be as nefarious as they’ve seemed. When she came to enlist Zane’s help with the Cryptix puzzle, she seemed fairly emotional. Like she was barely holding it together. Was she really that upset about losing Dr. Marks and the tour exhibit, or does whatever she’s up to have something to do with her deceased husband?

I really appreciated that the writers allowed us to grieve, not just with Allison, but with Fargo as well. A lot of his fussy attention to the Nathan Stark Memorial Hallway --- A hallway? Seriously? Stark’s not worthy of a wing or an entire research lab? --- was played for laughs, but it was clear that the others recognized this was his way of coping, and that the loss of his revered boss was an especially difficult blow. It was a nice twist that his brush with the mummy’s curse wasn’t just another crappy accident to befall a Fargo, but actually allowed him to find some peace of mind regarding Stark. I was so touched by his attempt to reassure Allison that Stark was alright. “He’s OK Dr. Blake. You don’t have to worry. He’s OK.” I’m glad Allison, Henry, and Carter let him hold on to that notion, even though they knew he only saw the holographic projection from Allison’s necklace. It obviously gave him a tremendous sense of peace.

Other Thoughts

Wilding (re: Ancient Egyptians): “They were the first scientists! They should be honored for their achievements, not turned into a circus sideshow!”

And here I thought “Show Me the Mummy!” was just a fun episode title. I was amused when it was revealed as the title of Dr. Marks’s book.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Eureka really comes up with some disturbing corpses.

Sounds like Zane was in Egypt with Marks’s team. That must be why he wasn’t with Jo at Stark and Allison’s wedding.

I knew that when Henry refused to help Eva, she’d be knocking on Zane’s door next. “I’ve always been a puzzle guy.”

Carter: “Everyone OK?”
Zoe: “A little creeped out, but fine.”
Vincent: “Yeah, but my food isn’t. I’m gonna need some grief counseling.”

Well, now we know why the diamond was so important to Stark. A very sweet and romantic gesture, especially given their history. “I wanted to be sure, that no matter where you are, or where I am, I will always be with you.”

Holo Stark: “Ally, I will always love you. And I will never, ever leave you again.”
Allison (fighting tears): “Goodbye, Nathan.”

Well, that was another emotionally difficult ending. I’m glad they gave us Lexi’s music over the end credits to “soothe the soul on a wide range of frequencies.” I needed it.

Final Analysis: A somewhat weak main disaster plot, bolstered by a secondary focus on the emotional aftermath of Stark’s death.

Jess Lynde is a highly engaged television viewer. Probably a bit too engaged.

1 comment:

  1. Too often, major things happen in a series and there was no lead up or follow through. There was definitely lead up to losing Stark, and this episode was very good follow through. I thought it was terrific.


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