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Eureka: Here Come the Suns

... in which an already heated campaign for mayor is disrupted by the sudden appearance of a second sun.

With its much larger focus on Eva’s mysterious doings in the buried underground complex, ‘Here Come the Suns’ was a lot more engaging and enjoyable than last week’s episode. I especially liked that they didn’t drag out the mystery of the second sun’s genesis for too long, but instead shifted into “finding a solution” mode while trying to suss out what Eva’s hiding.

I’m more convinced than ever that Eva’s actions have something to do with her deceased husband. She’s trying to keep a tight rein on herself, but her emotions are clearly running high. Based on the evidence of this episode, I’m starting to wonder if Eva and her husband were part of a team attempting to develop some sort of age-defying serum in an earlier version of the town, and she was forced to leave him behind when an experiment went awry. “You know, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that nobody should be left behind, no matter what the reason.” Henry’s conflicting data indicates the three bodies experienced rapidly advanced aging before dying. Maybe Eva’s purple vial contains a working version of the serum --- one that’s allowed her to spend an unnaturally long life trying to get back to this place so that she could finally lay her husband and the others to rest. Nearly all her statements in this episode made it clear that she values the people over the science (“Towns can be rebuilt; people can’t”), and that her hidden agenda is linked to some very personal business from her past that haunts her. And she will not be deterred from her path. I can’t wait to find out more.

The race for mayor was rather annoying (especially Fargo and Zoe as incredibly competitive puppet masters), but I did like how it all resolved with Henry being elected after publically calling the candidates out on their screwed up priorities. (Vincent being so happy and relieved was an especially nice touch.) It’s funny, my first thought when Henry was elected was “Yea! He’s the perfect guy for the job.” But then I remembered it wasn’t all that long ago that he was deceiving and backstabbing all his supposed friends. How quickly we all forgive and forget. I guess the audience and the town all loved original flavor Henry so much that we just want to pretend his turn to the dark side never happened. He served his time and made some repentant noises. That should be enough, right? And if Carter can get past it, who am I to gripe?

Other Thoughts

Does anyone else ever wonder why we never get any hints that Henry has lived through all this before? His mind jumped back from four years in the future to save Kim. When he succeeded, it created an alternate timeline that started to decay and rip apart the fabric of the universe. When Carter stopped him from saving her, the timeline was supposed to revert to normal, eliminating the paradox and preventing the universe from tearing apart. So wouldn’t that mean that Henry has already lived through these four years? I know that he told Jack that they weren’t likely to live many of the same events again and that things were going to change, but if things have changed so much that Henry hasn’t lived through all of it before, then why doesn’t this timeline constitute a paradox that will destroy the universe? Our current reality is basically an alternate timeline, too, right? Are we not supposed to ponder these issues? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Love that super high-tech Eureka uses good, old-fashioned paper ballots, because electronic voting machines would be too easy to tamper with.

The way they incorporate the product placement for Degree on this show cracks me up. “Over-engineered to keep you cool in the hottest situations.” Plus, Zane’s new Degree product was integral to the plot resolution!

I enjoyed seeing Dean Marshall (Sergeant Bates, Stargate: Atlantis) as a brainy science/”creepy politician” guy.

Is Salli Richardson-Whitfield pregnant? Is Allison? She looked like she was sporting a baby bump in that shiny magenta dress.

Eva: “These were good men, who gave their lives for this town, and it could have been prevented.”

Dr. Herrera: “How was I supposed to know someone would be creating a stellar fusion reaction in their clubhouse?”
Kylie: “Hello? You live in Eureka!”

Looks like I’m about to get screwed by the old “Be careful what you wish for” adage. The writers gave us some quality Jo and Zane interactions this week, but then ruined it by having Zane become edgy and uncomfortable when Jo indicated she loves him. Argh! This turn does make a certain amount of sense for rebellious Zane, but it is incredibly frustrating. It wasn’t easy for Jo to give this thing a chance, and I don’t want to see her get hurt now that she’s all in.

Henry: “What makes Eureka special, is not the ideal behind it, but you --- this community, this family that I’m very proud to be a part of. And, it’s this family that I promise to protect, no matter what.”

The end had a really long fade to black before the closing credits. I kept expecting something else to happen.

Final Analysis: A solid episode that gave us some new juicy tidbits in the Eva Thorne story.

Jess Lynde is a highly engaged television viewer. Probably a bit too engaged.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review!

    And we were hit over the head with another episode title: Here Come the Suns sounds like Here Come the Sons (a reference to Lexi's learning she's carrying twin boys).


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