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John Carter Trailer

As I mentioned awhile back, I read a lot of Edgar Rice Burroughs when I was a kid. I've been really excited and apprehensive about the upcoming movie John Carter, based on Burroughs' Mars series, and scheduled for release in March. A trailer came out today. Check it out.

Does that look cool, or what? It looks like they're being pretty faithful to the books, as far as the look of the Barsoomians and the content of the story is concerned. Of course, you can never tell until you actually see the movie. I'm crossing my fingers.


  1. I've never read any of Burroughs' Mars series, so not a single second of this trailer made any sense to me. But I want to see this.

  2. Ditto, Mark.

    Only additions:

    - Kashmir!

    - Evangeline Lily lookalike!

    - Cool evil Abed pic!

  3. But is it Kashmir? It felt like Kashmir, and then it felt like something else.

  4. If it isn't, Disney should expect a letter from Jimmy Page's lawyer soon.

  5. Okay, never heard of any of it.
    So basically it`s braveheart with a dude that can jump really high... IN SPACE....

  6. Never read the book, but the trailer looks fantastic! Something to look forward to for the Spring cinema doldrums ;o)

  7. Hmmm ... I thought Taylor Kitsch was great as Tim Riggins on Friday Night Lights (and he did okay as Gambit in the Wolverine origin movie), but he's got some major range limitations, and I've got serious reservations about him as the lead of an action movie. This trailer didn't do much to convince me he can effectively carry the movie. I suppose we'll see ...

    Sounded like Kashmir to me.

  8. It's an orchestral cover version of Led Zep's Kashmir. See here

  9. For those of you not familiar with the books (which were written nearly a century ago, if you can believe it) John Carter is a human being, a civil war veteran who is transported to Mars. The gravity is much lower for him, and that's why the dude can jump really high.


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