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NewsFlash: Fringe Renewed

Congratulations, Fringe fans: you now have proof that there is a God, and He/She is a good God. (Also, He/She works at Fox. Who knew?) In other (less religious) words, our favorite time-bendy wonky-science serialized genre show has been renewed for an "exciting and climatic" last season of 13 episodes.

Here's what the internet is calling a "Season Five Promo." Almost zero spoilers. Really, zero spoilers plus a tiny tease.

Happy Fringe is getting the time it needs to wrap up the stories without resorting to graphic novels? Or feeling a little bruised and battered by recent jumps to the future? Let us know in the comments...


  1. Woohoo and Yahoo! I'm so happy they're going to get the chance to finish their story. Yay! Can we get Henry Ian Cusick back, then?

  2. I'll decide how I feel about this news after the season finale. (I didn't watch the promo. I'll wait until this season is over before checking out teasers for the next one!)

    Given my issues with the general lack of direction for this season --- or rather the ongoing lack of discernible direction --- I'm not entirely sure if I want another season at the moment. Although, even if this season doesn't come together in a satisfying way, I expect they'll leave us with some cliffhanger that will have me relieved we'll get to see the resolution. :)

  3. Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, Batman! This is the bestest possible news to wake up to.

  4. Now that's the best news I could ever get this early on a Friday morning!

  5. Today is a glorious day!
    Red Licorice for everyone! on the house!

  6. So there is intelligent life somewhere in a dark closet at Fox Network. I planning to drop cable TV because I am so tired of being left in limbo when shows I love to watch are canceled. I have lost count of the shows that ended in mid-air. I thought I would watch shows on Netflix, where I could choose to watch series that I know have a resolution. Now I will reconsider. But I still like the idea of not having to pay a cable bill!!

  7. This is the greatest possible outcome. I'm still enjoying the show, but it sort of feels as if there's not a whole lot more story to tell, unless they drag things out. A 13-episode wrap-up should ensure a really strong closer to what has been a ridiculously inventive series.


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