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Once Upon a Time: That Still Small Voice

“I’m not the man I want to be.”

Despite the fact that the show is settling into a less mind-slapping amazing groove than we saw at first, it seems as though it’s finally solidified its storytelling methods, and gotten a hang of exactly what it has set out to achieve. Another lovely fairy tale was tackled quite well, using clever re-imaginings and beautiful homages.

It seems that the main idea behind all of the flashbacks is to explain all of the breakdowns that are happening to each of the characters as a result of the curse starting to unravel. This episode was the first to truly make sense of that with Archie realizing his rightful stance on Henry’s imaginative view of their town. The flashback scenes were funny, emotional and at times downright creepy but they all served the greater purpose of explaining Archie’s inner desire to do right by those around him. He seems to be one of the series lesser characters, but still an important puzzle piece at the same time.

Another week, another step towards making Emma and Henry’s bond stronger. Putting Henry in such a dangerous position forced both Emma and Regina to take a look at exactly why they love that little boy so much. There was a panic and worry about Regina here that made me wonder if she actually feels something genuine for Henry; maybe he’s more than just a pawn in her war against Emma.

One of my favourite stories so far is Mary/Snow trying to fight her obvious attraction to David. She seems to be a lot more attuned with her morals than the girl we met in the ‘Snow Falls’ flashbacks, but her giving to him would have gone against a lot of what this series is about, so I’m glad she did the right thing in the end, even if I’m dying to see her reunited with Charming. Their star-crossed love seems like an appropriate effort made by the curse to destroy their happy ending.

It’s slow burning, but the series is working so well thus far, and judging by the rate at which Regina’s hold on the town is beginning to deteriorate, I’m guessing there are a lot more townsfolk waiting for their turn in the spotlight.


That part with the dolls was one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen.

Always nice to see Mayor Wilkins again.

He Said, She Said

Regina: “He’s my son.”
Emma: “He’s my son, too.”

Regina: “You will do as I say, or you–“
Archie: “Or what? You'll ruin my life? You'll do your worst? Because I will always do my best.”

3 out of 4 crickets.

Previously posted at PandaTV.

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