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Nikita: Dark Matter

"You were wrong, by the way, about not being a hero."

I'm glad the writers decided to bring back Owen. He brings another element of intrigue into Nikita and I especially love his dynamic with our protagonist. He wants to make amends for what he's done to her and she's hesitant to let him in. Interestingly enough, there's a nice dose of offbeat humor between the two which is always welcome. It definitely stops things from getting too serious which could be detrimental to the show sometimes.

This episode also saw the introduction of Ryan Fletcher. Unfortunately, in this episode at least, the writers don't do much to differentiate him from the archetype of a do-gooder investigator. Nevertheless, Noah Bean does an adequate enough job with a relatively unexciting character.

Weirdly enough, this episode had a lot of heavy-handed dialogue which was a bizarre occurrence. Lines like "You're right, I didn't consider the consequences" are much too cliche for a show as masterful as this. Sadly, Owen got saddled with most of these horrid lines but thankfully, I don't think this flaw ever really presents itself again on the show.

This hour was also notable for introducing a compelling little nugget into our ongoing mythology: If Percy dies, the contents of the black boxes would be released. It creates quite the riveting predicament for our heroine so I enjoyed this little reveal. Furthermore, I'm glad the writers wasted no time in having Nikki destroy her first black box at the end of the episode. It creates some forward momentum and proves that Nikita isn't a show that intends to drag things out for no apparent reason.

Bits & Bullets:

- Hauntingly eerie opening with Nikki swimming with that creepy orchestral music. I liked it.

- Nikki is lethal in a swimsuit with a towel. Who would have known?

- This is the second time we hear references to "Oversight" and an organization behind Division.

- The look on Owen's face when he realizes Nikita likes to plan her attacks? Priceless.

- I think I enjoy Nikki and Owen even more than Nikki and Michael. Particularly as they stab and strangle their way through a military base. The double fight scenes were insanely top-notch (as always).

- Michael taking out Owen's escape truck with a rocket launcher was pretty darn incredible.

- The Birkhoff - Engineer scenes bored me. That is, until Percy snapped the latter's neck.

- Jaden trapping Alex was annoying, in a good way. At least she's doing something to back up her empty threats and ghetto-speak.

- Loved Nikki and Owen escaping the plane in midair. And using Ryan to do so of course.

Nikki Notables:

Nikita: This engineer. What does he look like?
Owen: He's like 40-45, weird, glasses, kind of eccentric... weird.
Nikita: I got it.

Ryan: Division? Just Division?
Nikita: Pretentious, I know.

- Not the greatest of episodes, but an exciting and enjoyable hour of Nikita nonetheless.

3 out of 5 rocket launchers.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.


  1. I didn´t like that the writers did not know what to do with the secondary characters like Jaden or Thom. They could have been so much potential. Till now I would not have missed them.

  2. So true. They were pretty useless and the casting choices for the roles didn't do the characters any favors.

  3. It was a good episode and it brought back Owen whom I love and his interaction with Nikki is amazing.
    But it was only good, not great.

    btw, the engineer was played by the guy who plays Broots in Pretender.


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