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Nikita: The Recruit

"Nikki's a force of nature. Like a one-woman Michael Bay movie only with good acting."

This was undoubtedly Nikita's weakest hour so far. I'm just really not a fan of standalone episodes in general (serialized television is where I get my fix), and this episode sidelined our core cast far too much for my liking.

I really wasn't invested in Sara's journey at all. While I appreciated the added dimension with her having a baby, I still wasn't affected by her ordeal. The same also applies to Robbie although he was a tad more interesting. It felt very much like the Nikki and Paulo episode from Lost with the writers introducing characters that we'd never seen before and expecting us to believe they were there the whole time.

Bits & Bullets:

- It's a small point but I'm consistently impressed by the fact that the show's previously voiceover changes with every episode (and with a new Maggie Q narration no less). That's quite the amazing commitment to detail.

- Another stunning attention to detail: Nikita making Alex read poetry in her flashback so she can later use her voice in their secret chat-room. A weaker show would have never explained this satisfying detail.

- Superb action with Nikki making short work of Sara and the guards and then blowing up the van with the explosive vest.

- Sara is really annoying. Really enjoyed the various scenes of Nikita knocking her on her ass.

- I wish I cared more about Robbie because his snapping and turning on Division was pretty cool.

- Loved Alex saving the day and subduing Robbie.

- Awesome ending with Amanda walking out of the shadows and the reveal of Robbie still alive. Chilling bookend to an otherwise average hour.

Nikki Notables:

Alex: It hurt. Getting close.
Nikita: I know. But if you felt nothing, you'd be one of them.

Amanda: I told you before Robbie, there are many different paths one can take in service of Division. Allow me to tell you about our Cleaner program.

- All in all, a sub-par hour that really faltered by diverging from Nikita's main story arc. It's an unfortunate blip in an otherwise stellar season.

2 out of 5 explosive vests.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.


  1. Stand alone?

    Calm down, Nadim.

    The writers are experimenting....


  2. Haha I'm sorry but after season two I got used to utter brilliance with every episode. "Experimenting" with storylines such as this one just don't do it for me!

  3. Even though I liked this episode more for the second time, it´s still the weakest episode so far and I expected more.

  4. Was glad to see I'm not the only one who thought this one was weak. Like the Lost analogy. Spot on!


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