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Nikita: Clean Sweep

"Such a commanding presence. It's like she's leading the new Crusades."

Another stunner. Nikita continues to soar this year as things get even crazier and more complex. It's all so exciting and thrilling as the show is finally tapping into its full badass potential on a regular basis.

This episode was another game-changer for the show as Nikita saves Madeline Pierce, who offers her a pardon so she can take down Division. I never expected this to happen so soon in the show's run, but it's an organic development for the show and one that fits into the mythology quite realistically.

Moreover, I have to say Percy was probably my favorite in this one for the first time in quite a while. I've made it clear that I don't really love the character, but he was superb last year when he revealed that he had known about our protagonists' plans. And here he was equally amazing, manipulating everybody in sight (from his transport guards to Nikita as he revealed that Michael had shockingly known about the Daniel kill-order).

And finally, the episode's ending (as in most cases with this show since the beginning) is absolutely awesome. Amanda sets a glass of red wine for herself looking all gorgeous and calls her mystery ally, whose identity is finally revealed - Ari. It's a wonderful twist that makes perfect sense in the grand scheme of things and perfectly explains Gogol's involvement in this episode's proceedings. Their devious partnership as they discuss Alex's role and Amanda's plans for Nikita ushers in a new phase for the show. And I, for one, cannot wait.

Bits & Bullets:

- Pretty sweet visual with Amanda standing inside the prison as Percy finally steps out of it.

- Loved Percy brutally escaping his transport car.

- Alex facing off with Roan was super creepy. Their chase was nail-biting, culminating in Alex's brilliant decision to hide inside the cage.

- Epic moment as Percy has all the Oversight members killed except for Madeline.

- Amanda panicking and grabbing the gas mask was an awesome moment.

- Love the phone conversation as Madeline realizes she's "lost control" of Amanda. So ominous and delightful.

- Percy has a new trifecta of evil now, with badass rock music no less. I love it.

Nikki Notables:

Amanda: (About Roan) Once I find out who he's working with, I intend to drown him in a pool of his own acid.

Percy: Michael, I see you're embracing the whole rebel-without-a-cause motif, right down to the hairstyle.

Percy: (To Sean) I can still see your pimply face on the Christmas cards.

Birkhoff: (To Alex) Holy crap, you're alive. I thought the terminator got you.

- "Clean Sweep" is a complex and layered hour that further escalates the stakes in fantastic fashion.

4 out of 5 gas masks.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.


  1. Loved the Alex-Roan chase and the face-to-face of Amanda and Percy. Nikita´s twist are so good and I´m looking forward to season 3´s twists and turns.

  2. So glad somebody FINALLY referred to Roan as The Terminator! :)

  3. This is the show at its best. Great characters, flaws and all, and twists that keep coming. And, we're back!

  4. Great episode again and these characters just draw you in. Amanda again is amazing, Melinda Clarke does a great job and here, Percy is a bit scary.


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