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Doux News: December 9, 2012

This week: New shows, premieres and cancellations (Horizon, The Killing, The Cult, Bates Motel, The Casual Vacancy) -- This week in casts, and other cool stuff (Castle, Doctor Who, Supernatural)

New shows, premieres and cancellations

The Walking Dead's fall finale last Sunday actually broke basic cable records, with 15.2 million viewers. It even blew out the non-cable competition.

And the suits have noticed. The Walking Dead producer Gale Anne Hurd is working on a new sci-fi pilot called Horizon that features aliens arriving during World War II. The pilot will air on USA, a network that currently has AMC-envy. Actually, I think a lot of networks have AMC-envy right now.

Which brings me to The Killing, which is now undead, and not in that cool zombie sort of way. Season three of The Killing will air on Netflix, and probably on AMC, this May. I'm still finding it hard to forgive them for the first season finale, so I'm not sure there's anything that will get me watching this show again. Even an against-the-odds show resurrection.

I was sad when Matt Davis left The Vampire Diaries, but there was a reason why he went. His new show The Cult will be arriving on the CW February 19. I hope it's good. And if it isn't, I hope they move him back to The Vampire Diaries.

Lost's Carlton Cuse will be executive-producing the new show Bates Motel on A&E. It's a Psycho prequel about the formative years of Norman Bates, starring Vera Farmiga as mom Norma Bates and Freddie Hightower as her son, Norman. They're holding a contest for fans to submit their ideas for the title sequence. Interesting. This is another show idea that doesn't do much for me, but we all know that it's the way they do it that matters.

J.K. Rowling's new post-Potter novel, The Casual Vacancy, is being turned into a series on the BBC. I am probably one of the only ten people in the world who are not Harry Potter fans, by the way. Has anyone read this book? Does it seem like a good possibility for a series?

This week in casts, and other cool stuff

It had to happen. Gina Torres is guest starring on Castle. It's the ultimate Firefly reunion.

Doctor Who won the TV Guide fan fave award this year. Because, as we all know, Time Lords are cool.

Finally, it's a little thing, but I love that the Supernatural title credits change every season, and that they do imaginative title credits for some of their special episodes. (My favorite is the exploding glitter for the clown episode, although the Octoberfest black and white Warner Brothers tribute was a close second.) I just found a page on the Supernatural wiki that has them all, and in motion, and I had to share it with you all.

That's it for this week. Opinions, raves, rants, questions? Post a comment!


  1. The Supernatural link is a brilliant find. Bless your heart.

  2. G Torres on Castle ???? BOOOYYAAHHHHH !!!

    A different title credits every season ??? Now that's brilliant !! And I really like the tribute of the X Files.

    Not a H Potter fan Billie ??? Oh heck. I'm NOT going to tell that you're not perfect (just awesome; live with this). Inappropriate. Matter of choice.

  3. I am not a fan of Harry Potter either and the new book is one of the few in my life that I started and then put down. I couldn't even force myself to read it, and what I hear from those who did make it through is that it is not that great a read.

    All I can say about Gina Torres on Castle is yippee!

    And, a double yippee for the Supernaturallink. Very cool!

  4. Christmas baubles up top! Christmas baubles up top! Christmas baubles up top! And so on...

  5. Just put it up. Thought I'd decorate for the holidays this year.

  6. I'm going to give BATES MOTEL a shot. I've only watched the original film and it's still as frightening as it was the first time I watched it. I don't know if A&E is as risk-taking as AMC and FX, so I don't know how well they'll go for the scare factor, the way the others have with THE WALKING DEAD and AMERICAN HORROR STORY, respectively.

    I didn't hear of THE CULT before this post. I don't think I can handle a CW teen-ish (or are they early twentysomethings?) series.

    You didn't mention the new FX series THE AMERICANS. Kevin from BROTHERS & SISTERS and my beloved Felicity are starring in it, so it's a can't miss for me. (I don't have Showtime, so I've never watched HOMELAND [though I know the gist]. I'm thinking THE AMERICANS has a few things in common with HOMELAND; but I could be mistaken. Either way, I can't wait for THE AMERICANS to launch. I love Cold War dramas.)

  7. We just got comment-spammed again, more than a dozen of them this time. (Is that what you mean, Panda?) It happens. It looks like they all got automatically moved into the spam folder, though.

  8. I read the spam comments and imagine they're saying my hair looks awesome. It never does, but I appreciate the boost.

  9. That's what I meant, yeah! Weirdest spam I've seen in a while, too...

  10. No, it was me who moved them. (Sneaking internet!)


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