I had a lot of expectations going into this mid-season finale. All of my shows will be going on hiatus for a month or more now, so I really want to be blown away with twists and cliffhangers. Sadly, this wasn't the most exciting hour of Revenge.
It's been an uneven season. We've had some moments of greatness, but we've also had to suffer through a ton of boring subplots (Jack, Declan, Nolan) to get to them. Daniel finally becoming CEO is definitely a compelling development, and I look forward to him having a larger role this season. The Ashley plot was also satisfying, as I don't think anyone didn't enjoy Victoria pimping out the little harlot to gain a vote.
Still, the Jack and Declan subplot continues to grate. So the enemy siblings are finally exacting their revenge (by killing the black guy, which was pretty tedious) and now it looks like they're finally going to get more proactive in hurting our "favorite" brothers. I just really want to care more, but it's practically impossible.
Thankfully, Emily's Team Takeda now has some great backup, thanks to Nolan and Aiden. These three can certainly cause damage and it's great to have them on the same side plotting to bring down the Graysons from every level. And the ending with Emily and Victoria about to work together? The mind boggles at this wicked combination. Bring it on.
Vengeful Bits
- It's fun to see Victoria with a shotgun. More of that, please.
- Well, it look long enough for Ashley to find herself on Emily's hitlist. I always felt there was something between her and Conrad. Nasty duo.
- The look on Victoria's face when she sees the Ashley-Conrad video. Some GIF that.
- Heartbreaking to watch Emily during the christening.
- I can't get over Victoria pimping out Ashley. Hilarious.
- The Initiative in a pitch-black room watching Daniel. How evil (and far from subtle).
Devious Delights
Nolan: (about Daniel) Here comes little Simba now.
Victoria: (to the Initiative) I swear you so much as lay a hand on my son, I will kill you myself.
Ashley: I do my best to keep out of your way.
Victoria: That's debatable.
Aiden: What was that?
Emily: Leverage.
- While it wasn't boring, Revenge's mid-season finale should have been a much stronger and twistier hour.
3 out of 5 sex tapes.
Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.
You said it, Nadim. I'm still watching, but so much awesome stuff happened in season one and now it feels like everything's on hold. I'm also impatient with Jack/Declan/"Amanda" plot. The best part of the episode was Victoria and Conrad arguing; it was laugh out loud funny.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping they get in gear for the second half of the season.
I like Aidan and Ems together. Lovely.
ReplyDeleteI adore both of them doing the revenge-y thing.
Ashley? Good riddance! Whew!
Porter bros? Ho-hum....
Daniel. Let's not under estimate the new king.
Mario. OMG! A new Ashley.
Nolan. I'm very interested in the plot he's cooking. Bet he won't be able to not tell Ems for long.
Queen V. Lovely Bitch as always.
Conrad. Queen V's punch bag is starting to care... Wheh. :)
And may I ask, where is Mason in all this? Oh yeah, he's in prison writing his absolution book.
And Mama Kara is on vacay.
I'm with you, Nadim and Billie.
I would like to think that in the 2nd half of the season, the show will charge with guns blazing.
I'd like to watch Revenge eps where I forget to reach for popcorns due to thrill and excitement. :D
I was so under whelmed by this one! Even when I do like this season (Well.. I can live without Jack&Declan) I had higher expectations for the mid-season finale.
ReplyDeleteI changed my mind regarding hate been a strong word, I do hate Daniel. His mere presence pissed me off, especially what he did to Nolan and to Aiden at the end (I´m still giving him credit for been less dumb than last year). Here´s my hope to see his face when he realizes the huge problem he got in.
Conrad&Victoria were the highlights of the episode
I have a thing for crazy people and Victoria fits the description... pimping Ashley for sleeping with Conrad? Classic. Too bad it backfired
Jack and Declan? Meh..
I agree. Not the strongest episode this show has ever done, but it has made me want to see what's going to happen next. I'm really looking forward to Daniel getting what's coming to him.
ReplyDeleteLoved the scene where Nolan didn't tell Emily what he's plotting. Guess she deserves that!
Can this be the last we see of Ashley? Please make it so. Still like Marco better than Padma. Ems working with Victoria..oh yes..Sparks will fly.