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Newsflash: J.J. Abrams and Star... yes?

So the newest news about the upcoming Star Wars trilogy is that at Episode VII will be directed by none other than Star Trek director J.J. Abrams. As a fan of both franchises I find this to be exciting news... yet I'm also a little conflicted about it as well.

J.J. Abrams is a pretty good director, especially if he has a good script to work from. He can do action well, and has a distinct visual style that will work for the franchise. I'm worried that his taking on this job will blur the lines between Star Trek and Star Wars. That might sound like an unbelievably geeky reason to be worried, but that rift between the two franchises has existed for thirty-five years.  It is something the fans are passionate about.

In other words, I believe the fanboys will go insane.

That minor concern aside, this is a positive piece of news. The sooner that a director gets started, the more likely we will get a better movie.  More time, more polish goes into script and visual effects. Editing can be done properly, and there can be actual screenings where good feedback can occur.

Perhaps this news will give all of us fans A New Hope...
Samantha M. Quinn spends most of her time in front of a computer typing away at one thing or another; when she has free time, she enjoys pretty much anything science fiction or fantasy-related.


  1. Whoah

    My first reaction to this : a web hoax perhaps ????

    And since when do we mix up apples and oranges ? And after the "first" (really second) trilogy, I've lost my enthusiasm with the franchise. We'll see !

    On the other hand, everything is possible in THIS Universe...

  2. Well, well, well, I'll be darned !!


  3. Yes, please..he can do it. This will be so cool.

  4. In the blue alternate Universe, Ben Linus is playing Darth Vader, Hurley the Wookie, Sawyer is Han Solo, Princess Leia is nicely portrayed by Kate Austen (but beware of that smile), storm troopers by polar bears.

    Interestingly, in the red one, Princess Leia is played by Sydney Bristow and her father plays an unfortunate General who won't live long.

    Finally, in the green one, detective Fusco plays Wedge, the pilot who saves the day, more than once. yay.

    Unfortunately, one of Walter's tripod legs broke and we lost our connection...Never eat candy while you do such tricks.

  5. And Walternate declined the role of the Emperor. Go figure.

  6. Celticmarc: Mais qu'est-ce que t'as fumé?!?!?! (and where can we get some?) ROFL!!!

    I'm still in a daze with the whole Star Wars news, have been since the sale. I think I'll believe it when I see it!

    So my only reaction was: not a bad choice. But a lot will rest on the choice of story, the script, and the casting.

    *sigh* really nervous about this whole thing...

  7. LMAO

    Mais je suis un NON fumeur pardi !!!!

    Cris, this IS me au naturel. Get use to it. (and get ready to laugh even more !)

    Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Cool song. Puff, the magic dragon. Another cool song. Little boxes, another cool song to a cool show.


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