This week: Renewals and cancellations -- This week in casts: Misha! Greg! Enver! -- Vulcans in the news -- This week in cats
Our favorite succubus is getting a fourth season! I know the show doesn't have a huge audience (in a relative sense) but I enjoy Lost Girl a lot, and right now, Mark Greig, Samantha M. Quinn and I are tag teaming reviews of season three.
Zero Hour has already been cancelled by ABC. Touch is doing poorly, so I'm feeling better about giving up on it so early.
And Cult is on the critical list; it's already been moved to a Friday death slot. It's a shame, too, because I was hoping for the best for The Vampire Diaries' Matt Davis and Veronica Mars' Alona Tal. But I confess that I didn't even watch the pilot. Those terrible commercials promoting the show completely turned me off.
This week in casts: Misha! Greg! Enver!
I am happy to report that my favorite angel is going to be returning to the cast of Supernatural next season. Misha Collins, who has been playing Castiel on and off since the premiere of season four, told his fans on Twitter that they could stop sending feathers to the CW's offices now.
Greg Grunberg, a personal favorite of mine from Alias, has been cast in an ABC pilot called Doubt. Sounds like a legal drama that I probably won't watch, but as always, I wish Greg Grunberg well. He told me he loved me once. (I said something nice to him about how he should be the lead in Alias at a Lost Hollywood party in 2005, and he said, "Oh, I love you!" and gave me his undivided attention.)
And speaking of personal favorites, Enver Gjokaj was my favorite actor on Joss Whedon's short-lived series Dollhouse, and he has been cast in an ABC pilot called Murder in Manhattan. Again, it sounds like a mystery that I probably won't watch, but Enver Gjokaj is such an exceptional actor that he seriously needs to become famous, and I have my fingers crossed for him.
Vulcans in the news
Last Friday, the president of the United States did the unforgivable: he confused the Jedi mind trick and the Vulcan mind meld. Personally, I think Obama has plenty of geek cred, and I choose to believe he was unintentionally showing support of the choice of J.J. Abrams to direct the new Star Wars movie.
And that wasn't the only news about the planet Vulcan this week! With the active help of William Shatner, "Vulcan" won a poll held to name the two smallest moons of Pluto. (The other winner was "Cerberus".) In response to this interesting news, Leonard Nimoy tweeted,
I hear my Vulcan people have a new home. True ?
This week in cats
I haven't had a lot of cat news to report for awhile, but this week, two items!
Our beloved Henri le chat noir has landed a gig with Friskies and has posted part one of a video on how boring cat food can be. I'm a bit disappointed that my favorite online cat has succumbed to commercialism, but I also can't blame him for cashing in while he can. Fame is fleeting, especially on the internet.
But the cat story that delighted me this week is this one: the fifteenth century equivalent of a cat walking across your keyboard. Love of cats transcends the march of time.
That's it for entertainment news this week that I happened to care about. What about you guys? What's new with you?
P.S. A label assigned in the past on this site has reminded me that Dean once referred to angels as "Shady politicians from planet Vulcan". It's the perfect label for this issue, but it probably requires explanation. Voila.
ReplyDeleteOMG, one more thing! We started posting Doux News one year ago tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteOne year ago tomorrow?! Allow me to be the first to say FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS to Doux News!!! :o)
ReplyDeleteIs it me or having gone commercial Henri's French has gotten worse? I seem to remember he had a better accent in previous vids... Sell-out! :p
Yay for Enver and Greg!!! I hope their shows do well, they both deserve it! But more same'ol same'ol? *sigh* Will have to at least check them out... I've been led to pleasant surprises by following actors I like before! :o)
Did you see how the WHite House redirected all the buzz on the Jedi mind-meld to bring it back to the issues?
Brilliant move!
Potential Spoilers below in regards to the first Abrams Star Trek movie...
ReplyDeleteLoved the Cat stuff.
I have one additional piece of Lost Girl news, apparently the show is #1 on it's mother network, the Canadian station Showcase. So we may get more than a fourth season.
Mr. Nimoy, after the horrible way your planet was mercilessly handled in the last J.J. Abrams movie, I'm glad that a new Vulcan can take it's place.
Yay for Greg Grunberg and Enver Gjokaj! Love them both. I'd watch a legal show with Weiss in it. I miss Weiss. :(
ReplyDeleteWow already one year for Doux news? Time marches on! By the way, is Doux reviews known by any industry insiders?
ReplyDeleteI am SO glad that Enver Gjokaj is going to be on my television again (even if I don't have time to watch it). I freaked out a tiny bit when I caught him as a cop in The Avengers--He was probably my favorite part of Dollhouse.
ReplyDeleteI also love Greg Grunberg from Alias, but my enthusiasm for him was dulled by my annoyance with his character on Heroes. But the actor is great and I hope both Greg and Enver's shows do really well!
I'd been hoping that Enver Gjokaj would find a place on The Americans. Every week, he could go deep undercover as something awesome.
ReplyDeleteOh, Henri! You have sold out.
Very sad news about Henri.
ReplyDeleteThat cat walking across the 14th century keyboard is hysterical. This is the original article, which has additional medieval cat and mouse mischief.
Congratulations on one year of Doux News!
ReplyDeleteThe news about Cult and Zero Hour comes as no surprise. What I am finding really interesting is that the networks are pulling shows fast if they don’t make their numbers. As a result, many of the comments I have read read, here and elsewhere, talk about the fact that people are not watching pilots, even the ones they like the sound of, until they are sure that the show will not be cancelled. Lack of viewers = lack of numbers. Joseph Heller would be pleased…
Happy "birthday" !
ReplyDeleteHenri, tu me déçois ! Même toi, tu as succombé à la tentation ! The cat being annoyed by the same food : I've seen that a few times !
And cats to protect manuscripts : another fun historical fact you don't hear everyday...
Live long and prosper everyone ! (sorry for the cliché)
Oh ! Billie
ReplyDeleteThat Greg Grunberg conversation seems to be one of the highlights of your Life...Cool !
Austin, I doubt that industry insiders are aware of Doux Reviews. Or if they are, they're keeping quiet about it. We've gotten comments now and then from the writers of the episodes we reviewed, but that's it.
ReplyDelete(In a perfect world, industry insiders would be following us *very closely* and doing everything we think they should do.:)
Enver Gjokaj! I watched Dollhouse in spite of its many flaws (Eliza Dushku is a terribly weak actress, IMHO) and Enver was a revelation. But I'm rooting for him to do lots more great work - not necessarily to become a big star.