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NewsFlash: And the Twelfth Doctor is...

There has been speculation about who would take over the role for over a year since we first heard rumblings of Matt Smith's departure. Now the wait is over, we have a new Doctor.

Peter Capaldi is a lifelong Doctor Who fan, and has even appeared on the show in the episode The Fires of Pompeii. He also had a huge role in the third season of Torchwood as John Frobisher. Now, at the end of this year's Christmas special, he will start his tenure on board the TARDIS.

Even though David Tennant is 'my' Doctor, I've liked Matt Smith. This will be an interesting change, and one that could be very exciting. I will say I'm a bit disappointed they didn't go with a riskier choice, but I imagine Peter will do a fine job.

Thoughts, concerns, we'd love to hear what everyone thinks of this news. --- Samantha M. Quinn spends most of her time in front of a computer typing away at one thing or another; when she has free time, she enjoys pretty much anything science fiction or fantasy-related.


  1. While I'm disappointed that they didn't go with a riskier choice (as you said, J.D.), I like Peter Capaldi and loved his exceptional work in Children of Earth. So congratulations, Peter Capaldi. He just got the job of a lifetime.

  2. On balance I'm happy with him. An excellent actor. I loved him recently on The Hour. And, although I liked Matt Smith a lot, I'm glad to see a turn to an older actor and potentially a more serious aspect to the Doctor.

  3. The only thing I find disappointing about Peter Capaldi playing the Doctor is that he won't get to use his awesome powers of profanity. The man is a true master of screen swearing and that talent will surely go to waste in a family friendly show like Doctor Who.

    Other than than, a perfect choice.

  4. I'm not really familiar with his work outside of his Dr. Who/Torchwood stuff, but he seems to be well-regarded so I'm perfectly willing to give him a shot. The most important thing for me will be his chemistry with Jenna. She & Matt have been simply AMAZING together, easily one of the best teams I've ever seen on television. I'm really going to miss Matt, out of the three Doctors since the re-launch, he's easily been my favorite, and will forever be "my" Doctor. He has effortlessly blended the enthusiasm of a kid with the weariness of a 1000-year old lonely god. I'm glad they're going with an older actor this time around, not because I thought Matt was too young, but because it will help avoid too many comparisons. It was kind of like how Man Of Steel specifically did not include the John Williams music or "Kneel before Zod!"

  5. I had a dream that it was going to be Jason Isaacs for some reason, but I'm rather excited to see how Capaldi does.

    I'm just really glad that they didn't go with Sue Perkins.

  6. Oooo, Jason Isaacs would've been REALLY interesting to see as the Doctor! Why didn't I think of that before?

  7. I'm disappointed it's another white man, but if it had to be a white man, Capaldi is a great choice, I've loved him since Neverwhere and The Crow Road

  8. I'm pretty stoked about this. I was terrified they'd go younger and we'd have an infant Doctor, but common sense prevailed, and Capaldi's a great choice. Hopefully we'll get something quite different from him.


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