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Once Upon a Time: Think Lovely Thoughts

“Your father will always be your burden.”

Sometimes I get frustrated when I’m watching a show like Once and things are resolved so easily that it sucks the fun out of everything. But then this whole Neverland thing happened, and I find myself hungry for a quick finish.

There was a nice bit of build up to that final confrontation with Pan, and this big unveiling of Pan’s true identity was a good twist, but I’m so tired of these plastic trees, and the more of the same jungle hiking every week.

Something about this season feels stretched and watered down. If this had been condensed into a nice four episode arc, with all the good bits still intact (Ariel, Hook’s new attitude) I would have loved every second of it. Instead I’m pulling my hair out as characters like Henry make the silliest decisions ever, and Robbie Kay chews up the green scenery.

Okay, so he’s not as one note anymore, but learning about who he really is doesn’t change a whole lot, does it? It certainly makes more sense of all the Pan and Rumple scenes so far, and the doll suddenly holds a lot more significance. I’m surprised I didn’t see this twist coming, but it’s so bonkers that I guess nobody could have (correct me if I’m wrong!).

The flashbacks to their past as father and son filled in a lot of blanks about Rumple and things like his love for sewing. It definitely hints at family issues running deep into the family line, too. Daddy issues were definitely everywhere this week. It’s great that Rumple is making strides towards bettering his life. His struggle is definitely more obvious than Regina’s, who can’t keep her snark to herself (still love her, though).

It’s surprising that Neal, Emma and Regina couldn’t stop Henry from being a moron, but I think I get why he did it. Everywhere he looks there’s heroes saving the day. His mother is a saviour after all, that’s sure to give you an inferiority complex. But isn’t Pan so obviously evil?

Despite the negatives here, I still had some fun this week. We’re definitely getting places with this story, and considering the impending winter hiatus, I’m sure things will reach some form of a conclusion in the next few weeks; and not a moment too soon.

3 out of 5 giant hourglasses


I’m glad Rumple called Wendy out on her lies.

How long do we think Rumple will be locked in Pandora’s Box? Not long if he’s got a way to get Charming off the island.

Kid Rumple was infuriatingly annoying.

He Said, She Said

Pan: “Neither one of us was cut out to be a father, my boy.”

Originally posted at PandaTV.


  1. I didn't see the twist about Pan's identity coming either. It was actually pretty strange. Not that it doesn't make sense, but it was still a WTF? moment.

    My main problem about this Neverland story arc is mainly how Henry suddenly became an idiot. I mean, he wasn't an idiot before, right? I don't know, I seem to remember him as a smart and resourceful boy, not an idiot. Maybe it's also because Jared Gilmore is clearly into his teens now and what was cute when he was a child now seems completely ridiculous and frustrating. Anyway, the Neverland arc seems to be coming to an end and this last episode was pretty exciting, but I'll also be glad when it's done.

  2. Were John and Michael the ones that switched out Pandora's Box with the fake?

  3. I agree 100% with your review. I was about to cancel my Season Pass, this Neverland arc is way too tedious with smart people doing stupid things and story arcs that could have been told in half the time, so what could be fascinating becomes boring. That seems to be rampant in TV shows this Fall. My finger is poised over the delete Season Pass for Covert Affairs and Beauty & the Beast as well - strung out story arcs and main characters acting stupid.

  4. As soon as Rumple's father said that he wanted to go to Neverland, I got suspicious he'd be Peter. As he was climbing the tree, I said 'why have I got the feeling he is Peter Pan?'. So I wasn't quite surprised with this week plot twist (I enjoyed Ursula putting Regina back to her place a lot better in Ariel).
    I'm having issues with the jungle thing as well (and Robbie's eyebrow + smirk thing). So... Can we move back to Storybrooke?
    Something that I thought after the episode is that both Rumple and Neal seemed smarter as kids, so maybe that's what is happening to Henry he's growing up and becoming stupid (one fake sick girl and the boy is already taking out his own heart and saying he's saving everybody).
    Let's hope something happens to eyebrows...

  5. The Neverland arc should been over by now..At least it gave us Ariel and Hook turning around..
    Pan being Rumple's dad is just silly..
    Not feeling this. Great review though.

  6. Does the shadow remind anyone else of the smoke monster in Lost?

  7. Now that Marianna mentions it, it does... could it be the SAME island? Maybe the losties were there somewhere...


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