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Holiday Treats: Meringue Cookies

Our latest installment in the cookie exchange is another gluten-free (or wheat-free) treat that is nonetheless quite tasty. These chocolate-chip meringue cookies are also very quick to make.

When I was little, my best friend Amy had the “perfect” mom. Not “perfect” by my standards; from a kid’s eye view, she was just like any other mom. But perfect by my mother’s standards: Amy’s mom was well-coifed, polished, soft-spoken, and I think she invented the Junior League.

So when Amy’s mom made these cookies, we had to have the recipe. This was one way my own mother could compete: with baking! These tasty treats quickly made their way into the holiday rotation, even though I always hated having to blend the eggs for so long.

As with any meringue recipe, there’s always the risk of the meringue collapsing. It happened to me the last two times I made these cookies. If you experience meringue erectile dysfunction, I recommend researching the magic that can be done with cream of tartar. There’s more information on how to achieve a well-coifed, polished, and soft-spoken meringue here.


• 2 egg whites
• 1 tsp. vanilla
• Pinch salt
• ½ cup sugar
• 1 cup mini chocolate chips


• Beat egg whites until they are firm enough to stand on their own. I recommend forcing a child to do this (one old enough not to stick fingers in the electric beater, of course). You can bribe the child with the promise of cookies.
• Add vanilla and salt to the egg whites.
• Continue beating while adding the sugar until glossy.
• Fold in the chocolate chips
• Spoon onto a foil-lined baking sheet. (If you don’t use foil, the bottom of the cookies get burned.)
• Bake at 300 degrees for 30 minutes. (Check after 25 minutes or so--these burn quickly!)

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