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Witches of East End: Potentia Noctis

"This isn't a very good pep talk."

This episode is up there as one of my favorites of this series. Campy and over-the-top and way too much fun.

After whining incessantly for a while, Ingrid seems to have decided that she can't get her fill of messing with dangerous magic, so she makes herself a batch of special brownies and dives head first into a trip down memory lane. Between the fabulously silly hair situations, sexual deviance and family drama I really couldn't get enough. 1906 witch circles were a lot kinkier than I would've guessed and as much fun as that was, there was murder, body painting with blood and selling dangerous spells to turn a profit to solidify Archie's spot on Santa's naughty list. All around Ingrid should probably count herself lucky that he's no longer around.

We finally got an answer as to why Wendy was kicked out of the family for so long. She killed 1906 Ingrid! GASP! I guess when you're immortal time passes a little differently, but honestly, wasn't a century kind of long for an accident? Especially considering Ingrid was reborn in nine months anyway?? Joanna and Wendy seemed pretty freaked out at the thought of Ingrid finding out about the whole situation, and after she saw the whole thing unfold, Ingrid seemed upset with Wendy. Hello! Ingrid, you were shacking up with a cult leader that wanted you to kill your aunt. Justified much?

Ingrid didn't have all the fun. Freya got to use her apparently superior potion making skills to save herself, Dash, Killian and Dash's co-worker. Luckily Freya has free reign over the hospital and all of its research labs or she never would've found the lethal mass from Maura Thatcher's throat (ick! By the way). Luckier still, it gave her a chance to hang out with not only her fiance, but also his hot brother that she's been lustily dreaming about. Wins all around.

4 out of 4 blood orgies.

Spells and potions

Potentia noctis is Latin for power of the night.

Wendy forcing Freya to wash her hands, even though the only cure is a potion, was funny.

Dash was acting eerily sober for a someone that was supposed to be drunk.

This isn't the first time we heard about Archibald Browning, and I remember wondering if he would find his way back from the grave onto the show.

Ingrid and Freya always die on the same day.

Joanna was almost completely MIA from this episode? Maybe she was off with Harrison somewhere?

Penelope: "I wonder who she was and why she looks so troubled."
Ingrid: "You think she looks troubled?"
Penelope: "I do."
Hi. Athena, stop calling yourself Penelope. You weren't fooling anyone!

There you have it, folks. This is the last WoEE episode to be reviewed. Cheers!


  1. I remember really liking this one, too. And congratulations on finishing your retro reviews, Laure!

  2. Well done on finishing the series! I miss it so much already :(


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