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Once Upon a Time: The Price

“I can protect this town.”

Given that we only got a glimpse of Present Day Emma last week, I wasn’t completely sold on this new version of the Dark One by the close of the premiere. In ‘The Price’ we got to see her in action, and I really liked what I saw. It looks like the Dark Swan saga could be a lot of fun, so long as the arc doesn’t crash and burn before it’s over.

It’s important that Dark Emma is reminiscent of Less Silvery Emma so she doesn’t become a cut and paste villain, with just a visual resemblance to the bug driving Saviour. We saw a few flashes of the old Emma shining through, most notably in her interactions with Henry.

I’m not convinced her talk with Henry wasn’t layered with some sort of ulterior motive, but I think he could be a key person in the fight to save her from the darkness. As much as I dislike him as a character, he’s still really important in bringing a lot of the other characters together, and in this instance he could be even more important.

He’s still a huge influence on Regina, though we saw this week how important Robin is to her new lease on life. I never get tired of watching Regina shut down the naysayers around Storybrooke every time she saves the day, and the fact that she could become some newer version of the saviour is a huge bonus. It may be that she fails to live up to the name in the Camelot flashbacks, but I’m holding out hope that she can pull it off later on this season.


The Camelot CGI isn’t as tacky as I was expecting. Colour me surprised.

When do we get to see glittery/crocodile Emma?

He Said, She Said

Emma: “I built this curse without the one thing you need to break it: a saviour.”

‘The Price’ was a lot more focused that the preceding season premiere, and painted a better picture of the Dark Swan arc, and the newly featured Camelot. Once works best when it puts the stronger characters front and centre, and it seems as though each of them will have a vital role to play before this arc is done.

4 out of 5 sorcerers trapped in trees

Originally posted at PandaTV.

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