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This Week in Cats: December 11, 2016

Did you know there's a website called Cats on Film?

It's an entire website about cats who are in films. There are 110 entries ranging from the cats you remember (Alien, Breakfast at Tiffany's) to the cats you only dimly recall or have never heard of, like the cat from The Shadow of the Cat, a 1961 horror film.

That's not all. The website also categorizes cat archetypes, from the catogonist to the catrifice, the cataphor to the catguffin.

Seriously, you can lose hours on this site. It's like TV Tropes for cat people. What are you still hanging around here for?

This Week in Cats is a weekly (more or less) post about all things cat-related. The nature of what “related” means in this context will be determined by Sam T. Cat and his plucky sidekick, Josie Kafka. The nature of what “cat” means is unknowable to human brains; all we can do is read, hope for enlightenment, and provide more boxes for them to play with.


  1. It's a wonderful site. But it lacks organization! I was absolutely itching to create indexes, but I controlled myself somehow.

  2. Not quite as in depth of a site.... but a good one nonetheless: www.emergencykitten.com


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