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The Mandalorian: The Pirate

"Clear out, Blue Boy. The New Republic isn't welcome here."

Chapter Twenty-One

When an old acquaintance, Captain Carson Teva, shows up at the covert unannounced, Mando is given a new mission. Greef Karga and Nevarro are under attack by pirates who are bombing their city from near orbit. Despite the fact that many of the covert fought against Karga years ago when Mando left Nevarro with Grogu, he petitions the other Mandalorians for help. Unexpectedly finding support from the most unexpected place...

I was a bit worried at the beginning of this episode when it focused on Karga and then Teva. Yet as Teva kept getting shut down, it made sense that he would turn to Mando as a last resort. It was a fun series of events, taking us from Nevarro to Coruscant and finally to the covert. I really enjoyed some of the details, like Elia stepping in and bridging that weird section with her and Doctor Pershing a bit (we still need more for it to make that 45 minute section make sense).

We also got another cameo, this time Zeb Orrelios, who was a main character in Star Wars: Rebels seen here for the first time in ‘live action’ (he is entirely CGI but voice actor Steve Blum reprised his role). We haven’t seen Sabine, Ezra or Hera yet but they all seem to be confirmed for Ahsoka series so I’m curious if we’ll get a character reunion of sorts on that show. Makes me wish I had gotten into Rebels.

The actual assault on the pirates was a lot of fun, with the weird green pirate captain making all the wrong moves, as Bo-Katan and Mando sliced up all the pirate fighters and then destroyed the corsair ship. It all felt somewhat inevitable, but I think it worked thematically. Oddly enough, I was more invested in the action on the ground. Sure, the Mandalorians are basically faceless soldiers, but watching them put everything into the assault was affecting. I actually got upset when a few of them were injured.

Of course the best moments were left for Paz Vizsla and the Armorer, who both got the spotlight. Paz Vizsla’s speech was a stand out and I was genuinely surprised when he backed up Mando and Bo-Katan. He was also a distinct and impressive presence during the ground assault. However, I think the Armorer taking out that turret was the most satisfying. She also got a really interesting scene with Bo-Katan, ordering her to remove her helmet so she could walk between both worlds. I half expected her to remove her helmet too, but maybe we’ll see that later one when the Mandalorians are finally united.

I'm a bit concerned about Teva finding that imperial ship, apparently destroyed by Mandalorians. It makes me worried about the faction Bo-Katan briefly mentioned in the first episode of the season. Either way, it feels like things are finally turning around for Mando and the covert, and maybe they will successfully rebuild Mandalore. I am curious, though, because you would think they would be present in the sequel trilogy, but they weren’t mentioned once. I bet the subplot clearly setting up the First Order will factor in somehow.

I’m also really intrigued by the world building going on. We have some pretty clear indications that things are not going well with the New Republic. They are overwhelmed and making poor choices, which does make sense because a Rebellion, even one as well organized as the Rebel Fleet, is not a government. Even after electing politicians like Mon Mothma, there are too many rules, too much opportunity for things to slip through the cracks. Like the siege of Nevarro, who suffered because they prized their independence.


The area that Karga gives to the Mandalorians is called Bulloch Canyon. This references Jeremy Bulloch, who was the first actor to play Boba Fett.

The device Teva used to check on the derelict imperial ship is a replica of the scanner used by the salvage team in the opening sequence in Aliens.


Paz Vizsla: “...now we are asked to sacrifice yet again. The question we should be asking ourselves, 'Why? Why should we lay our lives down yet again?' Because we are Mandalorians. I have had disagreements with this man, but he risked his life to save my son. And Bo-Katan Kryze did not give up on my child's life even when the rest of us did. These two are asking us to take up arms in the name of a brighter future, and I for one will take up arms to fight by their side. This is the Way.”

Zeb: “Too bad. I really thought that Nevarro was gonna make it.”
Teva: “I'm gonna forward this to Coruscant. Request permission to intercede.”
Zeb: “They haven't returned a dispatch in weeks. They're swamped. You'll never get an answer in time.”
Teva: “Then I'm just gonna have to go there and talk to them myself. They can't ignore me face-to-face.”

Zeb: “I like your attitude. Good. You're gonna need it.”

Mando: “Why are you really here?”
Teva: “They're about to blow Nevarro to hell.”
Mando: “Then call in a strike. We don't even have ships.”
Teva: “Coruscant doesn't care. Karga is your friend. You won't let him die.”
Mando: “What's in it for you?”
Teva: “The New Republic has to know that the Empire is growing again.”
Mando: “And you think the Pirate King has something to do with it.”
Teva: “I can't say for sure, but something doesn't smell right. Look, it's not your fight. I just came to tell you, your friend is in danger and I thought you should know.”

Another solid entry, and it is good to see the plot starting to take shape.

3 out of 4 Shouts of victory for a battle well fought.

Samantha M. Quinn spends most of her time in front of a computer typing away at one thing or another; when she has free time, she enjoys pretty much anything science fiction or fantasy-related.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of action, lots of info in a short amount of time.
    - The Mandalorians are heroes and have a home and are really hard to tell apart when there’s a bunch of them.
    - Bo Katan is set forth as a leader for all sects of Mandalorians. Seemed a bit rushed.
    - Moff Gideon is loose and Mandalorians are either involved or framed.
    - Elia really is devious.

    Not much Grogu in this ep.

    Favorite quote
    Pirate pilot: He’s above you! (Spaceship explodes)
    Pirate pilot: He’s below you! (Spaceship explodes)
    Pirate pilot: …..

    Cool about the scanner from Aliens. I must check it out.


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