Thanks to Thawne's negative speed force, Nora can go back to 2019 without Barry knowing a thing. But the negative speed force doesn't bring out the best in people.
The meat of this episode is about Nora putting together a team of bad girls to rob the Navy, all while under the sway of the negative speed force. Which means it's time to meet the...
Villains of the Week! Weather Witch, the Bug-Eyed Bandit, and Ragdoll. Who creeps a few feet across the room to meet people when he could just walk. They're the perfect crew for a heist.
It's easy to forget who the Bug-Eyed Bandit is, even though a blond should really stand out on a show that likes casting brown-haired women. But it was way, way back in season one when we last saw her, and that episode also had Ray Palmer in the Atom suit and Felicity in a dynamite dress, so she might have been a little overshadowed.
A heist episode could have been fun, but, unfortunately, we, the viewers, don't know what's going on at any point in time. I think it would have been better to understand her plan (stealing the tech because it can destroy Cicada's dagger) right away. It's not like any of us really thought Nora had turned evil and, in her newfound evilness, decided to start stealing from the military just for the kicks.
So that plot was drama-less. And Team Flash's arrival was a little unrealistic. This is either rushed writing or an episode that filmed too much and had to cut the parts that made sense of the rest. Apparently everyone in the building was either Team Flash or Nora's rogues. Did anyone actually show up for the meeting who was supposed to be there?
And, once again, Nora is an incredibly talented speedster who is a terrible judge of people. Of course the rogues wanted to turn on her. They're terrible people. But Nora just doesn't know how to size someone up.
Meanwhile, Killer Frost is dealing with trauma. It's strange to think that Caitlin just goes back to work the next day every time one of her boyfriends or parents dies. The show puts her through a lot, but doesn't dwell on it. (Like I said last week, maybe this repression feeds Killer Frost's bad attitude. Who knows.) Meanwhile, Frost won't come out of her room because of the terrible things that happened in the previous episode. This is a good thing for the show to include. Partly because Frost is very emotionally young. She's almost a child who hasn't gotten to live her life. But also because we need to see how difficult trauma can be. It's easy for us to try and get over our problems instead of giving them time. If Frosty needs time to deal with life, then so do the rest of us. Don't rush the process.
Speaking of trauma induced by watching a parent die, Iris is being really chill about Thawne. Seeing Caitlin/Frost's pain would have been a great opportunity for Iris and Team Flash to realize how difficult it must be for Barry to see his friends and family buddy up with Thawne. And, honestly, I don't care how much we're supposed to forgive people, no one in their right mind should give Thawne the time of day. He's dangerous. And surely no one should let their speedster child interact with him. The disagreement they're having over him is the sort that breeds drama, and interpersonal drama is what the
Parting Thoughts:
-Red-eyed Nora is not cool. It puts her in, as she calls it, "unschway headspace." I wonder, how much of Thawne's madness comes from running around in that strange place, and how much is just him?
-I have been informed that Cisco named the satellites after Sex and the City characters.
-Barry's impression of Ralph being him is hilarious.
-Sherloque is getting some naughty texts from Irene. Those bookish girls you meet at the library always have quite the imagination.
-Barry says a server rack has a surge protector that protects up to 1,000 joules. Actually (*pushed glasses up nose*) a very important server gets more protection than that.
-Barry mentions using Ray's nanites, the tiny robots that slowed down Thawne at the end of season one. Do they still have those? Why aren't they using them all the time? And they still have face changers? Continuity is a problem here.
-Weather Witch doesn't like the "no kill" rule? I feel like that's not accurate. But then we learn that she killed Silver Ghost off screen. I guess she found her evil side. Again, continuity.
-Did the rogue team sew velcro breakaway seams into their fake navy uniforms?
-Uh, how exactly did Ragdoll fit into that matchbox? I think his powers have changed since we last saw him. Continuity.
-Nora is from the future. Does she really have a secret identity? It's not like people know her.
Final Analysis: The heist and the drama didn't work, but Frosty's frustration and pain was a much-needed call for mental health awareness. Two out of five breakaway Navy uniforms.
Adam D. Jones is an author, historian, and undefeated cat wrestler. He is also something of a bee expert himself, having recently only been stung twice while trying to swat a bee away from his sandwich.
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