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Cocaine Shark

This is quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. And I've watched Thankskilling 3.

Spoiler alert: This movie has nothing to do with cocaine and barely has anything to do with sharks.

So, this movie was released in Japan first under the name Kanizame Shakurabu, or Crab Shark. It was only renamed to Cocaine Shark in order to ride the hype train. Now, Crab Shark is at least an accurate description.

This is our shark. The crab shark.
There is also a man-shark that I can't find an image of but looks like someone was just wearing a shark helmet made out of paper maché. There is also, for a brief moment, some kind of monkey-bat-spider hybrid. We're told that it escaped, but we never see it or hear from it.

Why do we have crab sharks? Honestly, I'm not really sure, which is amazing considering that 85% of this movie is cheesy noir film voice over. Our main character, Neil, is an undercover cop, but one who is an alcoholic and a drug addict. He has five commendations, but none of them were ever publicly given. There is a dark haired femme fatale named Persephone. We are told nothing about her besides the fact that her name is a pseudonym. She and Neil spend at least twenty minutes shirtless in her bed getting high from one of the most painful hallucinogenics I've ever seen.

She works for some drug lord that developed a pill called HT25. It makes you think that you're a shark. It may also turn you into a man-shark where you're a mindless killing machine.

At some point, Neil is told to shave. He goes from a full, glorious beard several inches long to completely clean shaven. I did not recognize him at all and thought that I was just watching some random person. In a scene that supposedly takes place four weeks later, the beard is back and identical to what it was before.

There is no coherency between scenes. We jump all over the timeline with zero indication of when we are. There is some doctor character that occasionally takes over the narration, but his voice is so similar to Neil's that it's difficult to tell.

At least 20% of the movie is just random stock footage meant to represent the multiple drug trips that Neil goes on. The stock footage is repeated for each drug trip. There is never anything new.

I'm trying really, really hard to find anything good to say about this movie and I can't. The acting is beyond atrocious, the camera quality is worse than what I can film on my iPhone, the plot is nonsensical, the timeline is a mess, and the special effects are...

The only silver lining I can find here is that the movie is only 70 minutes long. I don't even have any Random Thoughts this time around. I'm just...

This movie exists. On Tubi.

An Honest Fangirl loves video games, horror movies, and superheroes, and occasionally manages to put words together in a coherent and pleasing manner.


  1. Fangirl, you are amazing.

    I realized this is the second movie I pressured you to review. The first was that Tom Ellis horrible rom-com.

    I owe you. Please pick any movie, and I'll review it.

    1. To be fair, I was already considering reviewing the Tom Ellis rom-com. You just gave me the encouragement to give into the snark.

      But oh, you gave me a dangerous power. I almost feel like I have to give you something awful. Hmmm...

      Thankskilling. It's a movie about a very foul-mouthed killer turkey (it's a hand puppet) that was made for literally $3,500 in 2006. It's on Tubi. It's a lot better than this one. I actually genuinely enjoyed this movie when I saw it in college. But it's... well, you'll see ; )

      (I'm so sorry in advance)

    2. Alternatively, I’d also accept Cocaine Bear, seeing as it helped contribute to this monstrosity. ; )

    3. I've spent all day considering, and I still haven't decided. It'll be a surprise!

    4. COCAINE BEAR is not that bad. It's stupid, of course, but it has actual actors who have been good in other projects. Just the fact that the cast members know how to stand on their marks and hit their cues puts it several light years ahead of something like THANKSKILLING.

  2. The advent of Cocaine Shark on Doux Reviews makes me think that we really should have a tag for really bad movies. "Worst movies ever"? Would that be too simple?

    1. That seems like a good tag to me!

    2. The Swap. Robert De Niro. 1969. I figured, Robert De Niro! How bad can it be? Well, it can be that bad. Worst film I've ever seen. Worse than The Beastmaster. Worse, even, than Battle Beyond the Stars. I'm thinking it could be worse than Cocaine Shark, but I'm not going to watch Cocaine Shark to find out, because that might well be worse, and I'm not sure I can handle it at my age.

    3. Whereas I'm already planning to watch COCAINE SHARK this very evening. Although I'll probably be sorry.

    4. I need to know if you were sorry, Shadow. I need to know if you share in the misery. ; )


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