"Sounds like paradise. I don't believe in paradise."
And yet, Seth, you're willing to ditch your wife in order to get Richie to this paradise. I do love a pair of co-dependent brothers.
The blurb there is slightly snarky, and it really isn't deserved. While not as good as the first two episodes, this was still very solid with great visuals and snakes doing things that make me cringe. The whole thing just lagged whenever we left the Gecko Brothers.
The Fullers continue to exist. Scott continues to have literally nothing to do, but Katie is at least trying to be proactive when she isn't scolding her dad for something. Her discovering that Jacob is wanted for vehicular manslaughter, though, just kind of made me shrug.
There's just no way that it's that simple. They pretty heavily hinted that Jacob has a bit of a drinking problem, but I doubt that his drinking was the reason for the car accident either. It just feels too obvious. I want more.
The only interesting thing about them was how they intersected with Freddie. It was very incidental too. They just happened to stop at the same roadside bar. It was fun, but still not enough to make those scenes anything other than super slow.
Outside of the opening scene, we didn't really have any flashbacks this time. Instead, the creepy Professor Tanner gave us a lot of information about our mythology and lore. He was creepy, right? It wasn't just me? It's not just that he tried to steal the ritual knife, but the way that he looked at Katie too. She's literally in high school! Stop leering at her!
Anyways, we got a lot of exposition, most of which centered around Richie's mysterious woman: the Mistress of the Night. She was sacrificed to the Serpent God, turned into a demigoddess, and is now the patron saint of a blood cult. It definitely puts Carlos and his actions into a different light. He obviously worships her, but he also mentioned that he can't be with her.
Is that why she keeps pleading for Richie to save her and to set her free? Is she trapped somewhere? Dr. Tanner said that the Mistress was a harbinger, which seems to imply that letting her out would be a bad thing.
There's also the Nine Lords lurking. Was that who we saw at the end? I didn't count them, but it looked like a group of nine. Are they on the same side as the Mistress? Or are they who she needs to be freed from?
I realize that I'm asking a ton of questions in this review, which feels like it shouldn't happen when we get so much lore. Despite shading in the world, it didn't really clear anything up. All we got was proper names for things now.
There was also a prophecy about brothers beating the gods at their own game. Well, if they're going to do that, then Richie is going to need to figure out how to not kill people.
Poor Monica the Bank Teller. I really, really hoped that she would survive. It felt like there was a chance there. Sure, Richie kept wavering and hallucinating, but she managed to talk him down each time. There was something incredibly innocent and child-like in how Richie laid his head on her lap.
I really liked getting a deeper look at Richie. These last two episodes, it felt like we were mostly in Seth's POV. Even when we saw things through Richie's eyes, it was still presented in a way that it othered him. It divorced him from the audience. But this time, we got to see him as someone other than a creepy serial killer.
They're getting a lot of mileage from the hole in his hand. It's such a great effect that makes me cringe whenever I see it, and that's before an eye showed up in it! Or snakes crawled out of it and down his throat! Considering how little the show lingers on murdered bodies, I was pleasantly surprised at how much it relished in that little bit of body horror. Well done.
Random Thoughts
Seth's personal plot this time was really just to get him out of the motel room, but it's always nice to see Adrianne Palicki on my screen. Even if I only ever see Jess from Supernatural when I see her. (Or maybe especially because of that!)
Really expected the guy who helped the Fullers to be a creep.
Richie's drawings were really cool. I wonder who actually did them.
More talk about faith, specifically Freddie's faith. It's being brought up far too many times for it not to be important to the larger story.
An Honest Fangirl loves video games, horror movies, and superheroes, and occasionally manages to put words together in a coherent and pleasing manner.
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